
【题目】There is no that the Internet plays an important role in the modern life.

A. question B. doubt C. problem



试题分析:句意:毫无疑问,互联网在现代生活中扮演一个重要的角色。A. question问题;B. doubt怀疑; C. problem问题,麻烦事。There is no doubt that…毫无疑问。结合句意,故选B


【题目】Have you ever had problems in your life and don’t know how to be happy? If so ,you will find “Being a Happy Teenager” by Australian writer Andrew Matthews useful. In his book, Matthews tells us how to have a happy life and answers the questions of teenagers.

The book says we should stop being angry. The book tells us some useful skills. For example, if you want to make your memory(记忆) better, you can put what you have learned into pictures of your mind. Many teenagers think that happiness comes from a good exam result or praise from other people. But you can still be happy when there are no such “good” things.

Success comes from a good attitude(态度). If you learn from problems, you have success in the future. Some school boys have problems such as being too tall or too short, but Matthews tells us happiness comes from thinking about things in a positive way.

If you are tall , you can get a better view(视线) at the movie. If you are short, your clothes and shoes take less room in your bedroom! This is Matthews’ most important lesson : you choose to be happy!

1Andrew Matthews is a ________ .

A. doctor B. teacher C. writer

2What does the book advise you to do if you want to have a better memory?

A. To have a good attitude.

B. To get praise from other people .

C. To put what you have learned into pictures of your mind.

3After reading the book, you will learn ________ comes from a good attitude.

A. trouble B. success C. illness

4The underlined word “positive” in the fourth paragraph means ________ .

A. 积极的 B.消极的 C.落后的

5The passage mainly tells us how to ________ .

A. have a happy life

B. learn from problems

C. read a useful book

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