
Carly Williams decided to become a TV reporter when she was in Grade 6. “ One day, we went out into forest and did some reporting about forest fires,” Carly said. “ Ever since then, I have loved the job and I have been trying to do it as much as I can.”
Now 15, Carly reports for the news program at her school. And she has interviewed many famous people including some famous basketball players and TV stars.
“Carly is a great student and I am sure she will achieve her dream in the future,” said one of Carly’s teachers.
Last month the happiest thing for Carly was that she got a call from Teen Kids News in New York. She sent them some films she made by herself for the school news program. Teen Kids News is on over 200 TV stations around the USA. The producer of the show said he liked Carly’s films and asked if Carly would make a film for them.
“ All I could say was, yes, yes, yes!” Carly said. “ I didn’t even think for a second.”
Carly spent five days learning something about Teen Kids News in New York. She also visited a person who was a reporter for Teen Kids News and got some advice.
Her first task was to interview an artist in New York. Carly said she worried about working with a new team because she wanted to impress the producer. Although under great pressure, she did a wonderful job.
“Carly has gotten to do some pretty amazing things,” said Carly’s mother. “For her to get that taste of it was pretty cool.”
小题1:Which thing helped Carly decide to be a TV reporter?
A.The task to interview an artist in New York.
B.Her report about forest fires when in Grade 6.
C.Her interviews with many famous people.
D.The exciting words from one of her teachers.
小题2:Last month Carly was very happy because __________.
A.she was asked to make a film for Teen Kids News
B.she did a wonderful job for the school news program
C.she sent some of wonderful films to Teen Kids News
D.she visited a reporter in New York and got some advice
小题3:Why was Carly worried when doing first task?
A.Her mother asked her not to do it. B.She wanted to interview a producer.
C.She wanted to impress the producer. D.She doesn’t want to work with a new team.


小题1:细节题。根据文章Carly Williams decided to become a TV reporter when she was in Grade 6. “ One day, we went out into forest and did some reporting about forest fires,可知,卡莉在六年级的时候,想去森林林报道火灾报道,她决定做已经电视台记者。故选B
小题2:细节题。根据文章The producer of the show said he liked Carly’s films and asked if Carly would make a film for them.可知,上个月卡莉接到了纽约《青少年儿童新闻》节目的电话,制片人希望卡莉能够为他们制作一个电影,所以她非常高兴。故选A
小题3:细节题。根据文章Carly said she worried about working with a new team because she wanted to impress the producer.可知,卡莉想给制片人留下一个好印象,所以她有些担心。故选C
Walt Disney began to make cartoon movies when he was young. But he didn’t have much money and he didn’t always have enough to eat. One day a mouse ran near his desk when he worked in his small office.
“Would you like to be my pet? ”Disney asked the mouse. He caught the mouse and kept it as a pet. A few years later, Disney decided to make a cartoon about it. “I am making a cartoon about a mouse named Mortimer,” he told his wife. “Mortimer Mouse? I think Mickey Mouse would be a better name.” She said. “You are right!”  Disney agreed and made many Mickey Mouse cartoons.
People all over the world saw Mickey and loved it. Mickey Mouse made Disney famous. Then come Donald Duck, and Goofy Dog and others. Disney began to make full length (长) cartoons. Then he made cartoon movies for television. Millions of children watched the shows every week.
In California, real boats, castles (城堡), trains, mountains, rivers, all in one beautiful park. Millions of people came to Disneyland. He died in 1966, but the world will not forget him quickly. Mickey Mouse and all his cartoons will help us to remember him.
小题1:When Disney began making cartoon movies,          .
A.he was very poorB.the mouse helped him
C.his wife knew nothing about itD.People didn’t like Cartoons at all
小题2:This passage mainly tells us       .
A.how Disney make Cartoon moviesB.how Disney built Disneyland
C.something about Disney’s childhoodD.something about Disney’s life
小题3:Which of the flowing sentences is true?
A.Disney’s wife asked him to make a cartoon about the mouse.
B.Mickey Mouse was the name suggested by Disney’s wife.
C.Disney caught a mouse and made a cartoon about it at once.
D.People will remember Disney because of the Disneyland.
(By CCTV correspondent Vanessa Duffy 04/28/2013 08:36)
It’s been eight days since a 7.0-magnitude strong earthquake hit China’s Lushan Ya’an Sichuan Province.How the earthquake has affected one of Sichuan Province’s special residents(居民)—pandas.How are the animals living? And do they have enough food to eat?
There are more than 80 pandas living here at the Chengdu Panda Breeding Base(繁育基地).The quake was felt strongly in Chengdu.Fortunately,all of the pandas here were out on the grounds when the earthquake hit,so they were very safe.
Several days have passed and the earthquake seems to have made no negative(不利的) impact on the pandas.These two baby pandas Chengshuang and Chengdui are playfighting with each other and climbing trees.When they climbed too high,the breeders have to rescue  them from the trees.
The quake zone is not only the home of these pandas,it’s also the source of their food.Fortunately,enough bamboo(竹子) has been stored away in five bamboo storehouses for the pandas,so there are no worries about food supplies.
Wu Kongju,Breeder,Chengdu Panda Breeding Base,said,“When the Wenchuan earthquake happened on May 12,2008,we were unprepared and had a shortage of bamboo.But we’ve been able to handle this earthquake event more smoothly.There are no problems with the food supply.”
小题1:When did the 7.0-magnitude earthquake happen in Lushan Sichuan Province?
A.On April 28,2013
B.On May 12,2008
C.On April 20,2013
D.On May 20,2013
小题2:The underlined word “ rescue” in this passage means ______ in Chinese.
小题3:How did the Panda Breeding Base deal with the food supply after the earthquake in Wenchan in 2008?
A.They built 5 bamboo storehouses to store food for pandas.
B.They were unprepared and had a shortage of bamboo.
C.They handled this earthquake more smoothly.
D.They let pandas out on the grounds.
There was a famous church in London. It was 110 meters high. The center of the church was like a bell. The ceiling of the church was painted by a famous artist. A platform (平台)was built so that the artist could put up the ladder on it and paint the ceiling. The platform was about 70 meters over the ground.
One day the artist was working hard and had nearly finished one popular corner of the ceiling. Also on the platform was his assistant, who was mixing paints. The artist stepped back so that he could see how his work was progressing. To have a better look at his painting, he stepped back again. Suddenly, his assistant shouted, picked up a small bowl of paint and started to paint the artist’s work on the top. The artist was very angry and rushed forwards to stop him.
“What do you think you are doing?” he shouted angrily. “Are you mad?” His assistant replied, “I saw you walking backwards to have a better look at your painting. But you didn’t notice that you had reached the very edge of the platform. You were in great danger. I wanted to make you move forwards. If I had not made you run forwards, you would have fallen backwards off the edge of the platform.
小题1:The story happened in ______.
小题2:Why did the artist step back again?
A.To see how his work was progressing.B.To have a better look at his painting.
C.To paint a bow in his painting.D.To pour some paint on his painting.
小题3:What did the assistant do to stop the artist falling off the platform?
A.He painted a famous painting himself.B.He ran forwards to stop him.
C.He shouted to the artist and painted his painting.D.He stopped mixing the paints.
小题4:Which picture shows the same situation as the underlined sentence in Paragraph2?
Note: a: artist b: assistant c: painting ←: the direction of the movement.

小题5:After reading the passage, what do you think the artist would probably do?
A.He would be angry with what the assistant had done.
B.He would punish the assistant for having destroyed his painting.
C.He would be thankful to be the assistant for having saved his life.
D.He wouldn’t allow the assistant to work with him any more.
John and Bobby joined the same company together just after they completed their university studies the same year. Both of them worked very hard. Several years later, however, the boss promoted(提拔) Bobby to manager but John was still a worker. John could not take it, and gave his resignation(辞职书) to the boss. He complained that the boss did not think much of those who were hard -working, but promoted only those who flattered him.
The boss knew that John had worked very hard for the years. He thought a moment and said, “Thank you for what you said, but I hope you will do one more thing for our company before you leave”
John agreed. The boss asked him to go and find anyone selling watermelons in the market. John went and returned soon. He said he had found a man selling watermelons. The boss asked how much they cost every kilogram. John shook his head and went back to the seller to ask and returned to tell the boss $1.2 every kilogram.
The boss told John to wait a second, and he called Bobby to come to his office.  He asked Bobby to go and find anyone selling watermelons in the market. Bobby went and returned, saying, “Boss, only one person is selling watermelons. $1.2 every kilogram, and $10 for 10 kilograms. The seller has 340 melons. On the table there are 58 melons, and each weighs about 2 kilograms. They were brought from the South two days ago. They are of good quality.”
Hearing what Bobby said, John realized the difference between himself and Bobby. He decided to stay and learn from Bobby.
小题1:How did John feel when Bobby was promoted to manager?
小题2:The boss gave John a task because______________.
A.he wanted John to do more for his company
B.he wanted John to learn more about himself
C.he wanted to punish John for what he said
D.he wanted to prove what John said was right
小题3:We can infer from the passage that_____________.
A.Bobby was unselfishB.John was lazy
C.the seller was dishonestD.the boss was wise
小题4:What can we learn from the passage?
A.The boss should treat all his workers in a fair way.
B.The boss should not promote one who flatters him.
C.One should not only work hard but also use his head.
D.One should try to get every detail of watermelons.
For the 17 years my life was very happy. Then the first sad thing happened. My mother became very ill. Just before she died, she asked Elizabeth and me to go to her room. She said, “Victor and Elizabeth, I’m very happy because you love each other, and because one day you’ll get married. Everyone in the family loves you, Elizabeth. Will you take my place in the family, my dear? I can die happy if you look after them when I have gone.”
My mother died and we were very sad, because we loved her so much. Elizabeth was brave and helped us; her sweet smile gave us some happiness in the unhappy days after my mother’s death. The time came for me to go to university(大学). I didn’t want to leave my sad family, but we all knew that I should go. It was hard to leave, too, because the parents of my good friend Henry would not let him go to university with me. So I had gone alone.
On my first day at university I met Professor Waldman. He gave a wonderful talk to all the students. He ended his talk by saying, “Some of you will become the greatest scientists of tomorrow. You must study hard and discover everything that you can.”
After the professor’s talk, I thought very carefully. I remembered the storm when I was 15; I remembered how the lightning had destroyed the tree. From then on, I wanted to use electricity to help people, and I wanted to discover the secrets of life. I decided to work on these two things.
I started to work the next day. I worked very hard and soon Professor Waldman and I realized that I could learn to be a very good scientist.
The professor and other important scientists helped me. I was interested in my work and I did not take one day’s holiday during the next two years. After two years, I had discovered many things and I built a scientific machine that was the best in the university. My machine would help me answer the most important question of all. How does life begin? Is it possible to put life into dead things? To answer these questions about life I had to learn first about death. I had to watch bodies from the moment when they died and the warm life left them. In the hospital and in the university, I watched the dying and the dead. Day after day, month after month, I followed death, so it was a dark and terrible time.
I built a tall mast(桅杆)about 150 metres high, which is higher than the tallest building in the city, to catch lightning and send the electricity down to my machine in the lab. I believed I could use that electricity to give life to things that were dead.
Then one day, the answer came to me. Suddenly I was sure that I knew the secret of life.
小题1:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Elizabeth married shortly after Victor’s mother died.
B.Elizabeth was a brave girl who loved Victor and gave him much help.
C.Victor’s mother was very angry when she knew he loved Elizabeth.
D.Victor did not want to leave his family because his mother died not long before.
小题2:Victor did all the following during his research in the university EXCEPT that ______.
A.he discovered many things and built a scientific machine
B.he learnt much about death both in the hospital and in the university
C.he worked hard and took only one day’s holiday during the next two years
D.he built a tall mast to catch lightning and send the electricity down to the lab
小题3:According to the writer, the secret of life is to _______.
A.give life to things that were dead
B.build the best machine to learn about death
C.use electricity to help others
D.become the greatest scientist of tomorrow
小题4:Which is the correct order about the life of Victor?
① Victor’s mother passed away.
② Victor got help from the professor and other scientists.
③ Victor went to university and attended the professor’s talk.
④ Victor found the answer to giving life to things that were dead.
⑤ Victor experienced a storm, seeing the lightning destroying the tree.

Anne Spencer Morrow was born in 1906 in Englewood, New Jersey. She went to Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. She wanted to become a __1_. She won two major prizes from the __2_for her writing.
Anne Morrow was a quiet, shy and small young woman when she __3__Charles Lindbergh in 1927. The 25-year- old man was tall and good-looking. Charles Lindbergh was one of ___4__ people in the world. He had just become the first person___5__ a plane alone across the Atlantic Ocean, from New York to Paris. Two years __6_, Anne and Charles Lindbergh were married. Reports about their___7__ were on the front pages of newspapers.
After her marriage to Charles Lindbergh, Anne became a pilot too. She began _8__many long airplane flights with her husband. The Lindberghs explored new ways to fly around the world. They seemed to enjoy the greatest _9__ that any young people could not have.
Then in 1932, something__10__happened.They were in great sorrow (痛苦).The Lindberghs’ _11_baby,twenty-month-old Charles, was kidnapped from their home in New Jersey. The body of the baby was discovered more than ten weeks later.
There were a huge number of reports about the case. Newspapers __12__it "the Crime of the Century”. After the trial(审判), the Lindberghs found it __13__ to live in the United States. There were threats(威胁) on the life of their second child. And there were too __14__ newspaper stories about them. So Anne and Charles Lindbergh moved to Europe in 1935. Four years later they moved __15___ to the United States.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh never fully recovered from the death of her first child. Yet, she and her husband had five more children. She continued flying. In 1934, she became the first woman to win the National Geographic Society's Hubbard Gold Medal. She was honored for her exploration, research and discovery.
A.the bestB.the most famousC.the most carefulD.the most attractive
A.to takeB.to flyC.to rideD.to walk
A.outB.awayC.backD.out of
I watched a little girl playing basketball every day from my bedroom window. One day, I asked her why she practiced so much. She said, “I want to go to college. The only way I can go is to get a scholarship(奖学金). I like basketball and I want to be the best player in college. My dad told me, “If the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count.” She never changed her mind. Whenever she was in junior high school or senior high school. One day, before she graduate from senior high school, I saw her sitting on the grass sadly. I asked her what was wrong. She told me that her coach said she was too short to be a good basketball player, so she should stop dreaming about going to college. She was heartbroken and it made me feel bad, too. Then she smiled and told me her father said to her, “If you really want to play for the scholarship of a good college, nothing but yourself can stop your dream.” The next year, she and her team went to a big game she was seen by a coach of a famous college team and was offered a scholarship to the women’s basketball team of their college. She was getting the college education that she had dreamed of. “If the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count.” It is true.
小题1:What’ s the girl’s dream!
A.to be a super basketball player
B.to get a scholarship
C.to go to college.
D.to play for NBA
小题2:How long has the little girl practiced the basketball until she was seemed by a coach of a famous college team?
A.about three yearsB.About four years
C.About five yearsD.More than six years
小题3:Did the girl’s family have a lot of money?
A.Yes, it did.B.No, it didn’t.
C.We don’t know.D.It isn’t mentioned(提及).
小题4:Why did the little girl look sad one day?
A.She failed in test.
B.She was late for training.
C.She was blamed(责备) by her coach.
D.Her coach said she was too short to be a good player.
小题5:Put the sentence “If the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count” into Chinese.

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