Things You Can Do To Help The Environment.

The biggest use of home energy is for cooling and heating. So turn up your air conditioner and turn down the heat, especially at night.

Replace regular light bulbs with fluorescent bulbs (荧光灯), which use less energy.

Cars are getting bigger, even 5 meters long. They burn more gas and increase problems with acid rain and air pollution. So try to walk, bicycle, or use public transportation. This can save more gas and reduce pollution.

Each American throws away an average (平均)of 10 kilograms of trash every day. Reduce waste before you buy by thinking it carefully: Do I need it? Is it something I can only use once? Buy products that you can use over and over again.

Showers use a lot of water. In one week, a typical American family uses as much water as a person drinks in 3 years! Buy a special “low-flow” showerhead or take shorter showers. This can cut water use in half.

1.The biggest use of home energy is for________.

A.saving more gas B.reducing pollution

C.turning lights on D.cooling and heating

2.What can you do with the conditioner and heat to help the environment?

A.Let the conditioner in a low temperature and the heat in a high temperature, especially at night.

B.Turn up the heat and turn down the conditioner in order to make the home more comfortable.

C.Don’t let the conditioner in a too low temperature or the heat in a too high temperature.

D.Never turn on the conditioner or the heat.

3.On average, how many kilograms of trash does each American throw away every week?

A.10. B.30. C.50. D.70.

4.What can we do to help cut water use?

A.Think it carefully. B.Use public transportation.

C.Take shorter showers. D.Buy a “high-flow” showerhead.

5.Where is the text most probably from?

A.A school introduction. B.A website for kids at kindergarten.

C.A science report. D.A shopping poster.

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