Choose the best answer ( 选择最恰当的答案)

We took a survey on “What do you use the Internet for?” The following form is part of the survey result.

Henry: I find the Internet is very good for shopping. I use it more and more for buying books and CDs, and I even bought some clothes over the Internet. The other thing I can do is to reserve holidays over the Internet. I reserved a cheap flight once, it was very easy, and it was really good.

David: I use the Internet for games. I play chess with people all round the world. Last night I had a game with someone from Japan. I also download games from the Internet, so I can have any game Internet I want.

Peter: I use the Internet for anything I need to help me with my school work. I use the online dictionaries, encyclopedias( 百 科 全 书 ) and magazines. It’s great because I can download pictures or articles and use them with my homework. It’s very easy to use and it’s free, so I like it.

Tony: Well, the main thing I use the Internet for is to email. I usually write to my customers by email, too. We probably send and receive four or five hundred emails a month. But of course, I also use email to keep in touch with friends and family. My daughter is in Australia and we send emails to each other every day.

1.________ prefers to use the internet to buy things.

A.Henry B.David C.Peter D.Tony

2.The underlined word” reserve” is the closest in meaning to ________

A.miss B.find C.wait

3.David’s hobby is to________ over the internet. books holidays games pictures

4.Peter can use the internet to________ easily.

A.Play chess some shopping school work with his daughter

5.From the passage we know that________.

A.Peter is a teacher B.Tony is a businessman

C.David is an engineer D.Henry is a bookseller

6.According to the passages which of the following is NOT true ?

A.Henry had an experience of using the Internet to buy a cheap flight.

B.David had a game with a Japanese over the internet last night.

C.Tony often emails to his customers, friends and family.

D.Peter needs to pay for what he gets from the Internet.

Choose the best answer

An urban legend is my modern story, usually fictional, but which is told as if it really happened. These legends are passed from person to person and reach a wide audience. A lot of them are inspired by a real event but the story changes as it is passed on. Although most legends are false, some turn out to be true. Here are some examples. Do you think they are true or false?


A student had not done his homework. The day before the essay was due in, he went to the university library and found an old essay written on the same subject. He simply copied it, typed it up and handed it in. A few weeks later, the teacher was handing the essays back to the class. She stopped by the student’s desk and said, “Twenty-five years ago, when I wrote this essay, it got a B, __________” She set the essay on the student’s desk, and there on the cover was a big A! The teacher continued, “If you try anything like this again, I’ll have you thrown out of school.”

Caught on film

A young couple were married. The bride’s father gave them a lavish wedding and took a large wad of cash to pay people like the band, bartender, waiters, etc. At one point, the father took off his jacket to dance. When he later retrieved it, he discovered that the money was missing. A couple of weeks later, the entire family gathered to watch the video of the wedding. At one point, the groom’s father, unbeknown to him, could be seen in the background taking the money from the bride’s father’s coat! Of course this created a scandal(丑闻) and the marriage was immediately declared invalid.

Confusing packaging

The packaging of consumer products, a convenience so familiar to Americans, can be confusing to a foreign visitor. I was lunching in the college cafeteria one afternoon with a young student from overseas. Noticing that he had torn open his tea bag and emptied his contents into his cup, I explained that the bag itself was meant to be dipped, unopened, into the water. A bit surprised, he thanked me graciously for correcting him – and then confidently dropped an unopened envelope of sugar into his tea.

1.According to the passage, urban legends are stories that ________.

1.are always based on a true story

2.are told as if they are true

3. are always false

4.are modern

5. are known by lots of people

A.1,2,4,5 B.2,4,5 C.1,3,4 D.3,5

2.The student in Unlucky was unlucky because _______.

A.he wrote the wrong essay B.the teacher gave him the wrong grade

C.he couldn’t find his copy of essay D.he copied the wrong person’s essay

3.Which of the following is the most suitable to be put into the blank in the second paragraph?

A.I wrote it by myself instead of copying B.It needed a lot of improvement.

C.You did much better than I. D.I always thought it deserved an A.

4.After watching the video in Caught on film, the bride’s family probably felt _______.

A.amused B.emotional C.embarrassed D.angry

5.Which of the pictures below shows what the student’s cup looked like in Confusing packaging?

A. B. C. D.

6.One adjective which could be used to describe all of these urban legends would be ________?

A.amusing B.impossible C.exciting D.shocking

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