
Is music enjoyed simply for being a nice little tune? No, there are things      1      important to learn about than whether you really like the song, for example, the story of the singer himself. Many singers had had hard      2     before they became famous. Xiao Huangqi, a pop singer and songwriter from Taiwan, is one of them.
Up till now, he has made five albums (唱片) and      3     several music awards. Among his hit songs, the most popular one is “You Are My Eyes”, a song that     4    his own true story, a blind man who loves music and the world so much.
  Xiao was born blind. At the age of four, he got some eyesight through an operation. He couldn’t be   5    because he could see the world with his own eyes. He began to practice Judo (柔道) and learned to play the saxophone (萨克斯管) and the guitar.
  But fate(命运)     6   him. He became blind again ten years later because he had used his eyes too much. It was a great blow. But Xiao is so     7    and optimistic(乐观) that he soon got out of his sadness. He began writing songs and found a colorful world within. He hears and feels the world and    8    his thoughts and feelings into music.
  “When one door closes, another door opens.”    9  opened the door for Xiao and has      10   him into a wonderful and colorful world.

A.tooB.soC.less D.far more
A.offered a job toB.paid much attention to
C.looked down onD.played a joke on


解析【小题1】根据后文的内容“to learn about than whether you really like the song”可知答案为D
【小题3】win the awards,为固定词组搭配,故选A
【小题5】本题表示没有再有事情比这个更快乐,故意要 选B
【小题6】本题考查的与某人开玩笑,为play a joke on sb,故选D。
【小题10】本题为固定词组搭配。Lead sb to ,故选B                                                                                                                                                       

Have fun on K. K. Island
A                               Blue Bridge
Blue Bridge is full of different places for city fun--- theaters, restaurants, museums, shopping centers. Also, don` t miss its famous night markets.
B                                East Hills
Summer is the best season to see the trees and flowers. Spend a quite day in the teahouses here to get away from your busy life.
C                                New Lake
August is Music Month in the small town. Come and enjoy different groups playing music you` ve never heard before!
D                                 Green Garden
Come and ride a bicycle under the sun and enjoy a country lunch with farm-fresh fruits and vegetables.
E                                East Coast Park
Looking for a one-stop family fun site? It has to be East Coast Park. It `s a perfect place to enjoy surfing and fishing or just lying in the sun.
【小题1】The Brown want to spend their weekend near the sea. They want to find a place where their two sons can play with the sand and Mr. Brown can go swimming with his wife.
【小题2】 Diana is a singer. She is going to join her friend’s band in the summer music festival.
【小题3】Stilwell loves country life. He wants to spend the weekend with his girlfriend in a place where they can go bike riding and enjoy fresh vegetables.
【小题4】Alice has well-paid but stressful job. She would like to spend her Sunday in a quiet place. She also wants to climb hills with her best friend or just drink a cup of tea and talks about something they are both interested in.
【小题5】Charles loves city life. He is looking for a place to eat and have fun with his friends on Saturday night.

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