
   Dave was very weak and often ill so his parents wanted him to learn Chinese Kungfu. But nobody liked to take him as a student because he looked very ugly.

   One day, a teacher from a Kungfu school came to his village. Dave asked him, "Would you like to teach me Chinese Kungfu? I want to be strong. "The teacher looked at him for a moment. Then, kicking away(踢开) a small stone, he said, "Go away!" The young man said good –bye to the teacher and went away.

     Three years later, the teacher came to the village again. On his way back from the village, some young men wanted to fight him. He was in danger. At the moment, Dave came and said, "Let's fight them together, Mr. Smith." He kicked a small stone away and hit(打击) a man heavily with the sound of "Go away"!

     The teacher looked at Dave carefully and said, "You saved my life. Thank you very much. But how do you know me?" Dave said happily, "You taught me to kick stones three years ago. Do you remember that?"

     "Oh, I'm sorry," the teacher said with his face red. After that, the teacher never judged (判断) a man by his looks.

1. Why did Dave's parents want him to learn Chinese Kungfu?

2. Did the teacher take him as a student first?

3. What did Dave learn from the teacher?

4. Where was the teacher when some young men wanted to fight him?

5. What can we learn from the story?

1. Because he was very weak and often ill./Because they wanted him to be strong.

2. No, he didn't.

3. Kicking stones.

4. On his way back from the village.

5. We should never judge a person by his / her looks.


     People are often killed while crossing the road. Most of these people are old people and children. Old people are often killed because they usually cannot see or hear very well. Children are often killed because they are not careful. They have to look and listen before they cross the road.

     A car, a truck or a bus cannot stop very quickly. If the traffic is going very fast, It will travel many metres before it stops. People don't always understand this. They think a car can stop within(在……之内)a few seconds (秒) . The faster a car is traveling. The longer it takes to stop.

     The only safe way to cross the road is to look both sides, right and left. Then if the road is clear, it is safe to cross. The right way to cross is to walk quickly. It is dangerous to run. If people run across the road, they may fall down.

1. ______are often killed when they cross the road.

A. Old people        B. Children          C. Young men D. Both old people and children

2. Old people are often killed when crossing the road because ______

A. they can't see or hear clearly  B. they are not careful

C. they often run               D. they like talking

3. It is ______ for a driver who drives quite fast to stop his car when he finds something wrong one meter in front of him suddenly.

A. easy          B. bad    C. possible         D. difficult

4. When we cross the road. we have to ______.

A. run                               B. look carefully and walk quickly

C. ask somebody to help us        D. look for a policeman

5. Which is wrong?

A. It is Safe to run across the road

B. Children are often killed because they aren't careful

C. Ira car goes very fast, it can’t stop quickly.

       D. Look both ways, right and left, before you cross the road.

    We usually call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival. There is a name  1  each Chinese year. We may call it the year of the  2 , the year of the monkey or the year of the dog.

    Before New Year's Day, people are 3  shopping and  4 their houses. On New Year's eve, there is a big family dinner. After dinner, all the family stay up late to 5 the New Year. On the 6 day of the New Year, people 7 their new clothes and go to visit their friends. They say "  8 " and some other greetings(问候) to each other. People 9  have a good time 10  the festival.

1. A. in            B. on               C. /                       D. for

2. A. fish          B. cat               C. tiger            D. dolphin

3. A. free          B. busy            C. happy            D. beautiful

4. A. clean         B. to clean         C. cleaning          D. cleaned

5. A. welcome      B. hold             C. fall              D. stop

6. A. first          B. second          C. third            D. fifteen

7. A. dress          B. take off          C. buy             D. put on

8. A. Goodbye      B. Best wish        C. Good luck        D. Thank you

9. A. sometimes    B. then                C. never             D. usually

10. A. in          B. to                      C. for               D. until

    All around the world,people drink tea.But tea doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone.In different countries people have different ideas about drinking tea.

    People in China like to drink tea with nothing in it,and they often have it with their friends  or by themselves.They have two kinds of tea一一一green tea and black tea.They may drink tea  at any time of the day anywhere.But they don’t often drink tea just before they go to bed,for tea  makes them awake.

    In England,people like to drink tea with milk and sugar in it,and they often have it in the  afternoon with their friends.

    In Japan,people also like drinking tea very much.It is very popular there.They drink tea  every day.They have it in a way different from that in China.Some young Japanese girls are good  at making tea.They can do it beautifully.

In the USA,people drink tea at breakfast or after meals.They usually use tea bags to make  their tea.Making tea with tea bags is faster and easier than making it with tea leaves in teapots.

1.People        like to drink tea with milk and sugar in it.

   A.in England      B.in China        C.in the USA      D.in Japan

2.Why don’t people often drink tea before they go to bed in China? Because    

   A.they are full                         B.they may not sleep well

   C.there is nothing in the tea        D.there is some milk and sugar in it.

3.In which country do people usually make tea bags?        

   A.In China.        B.In England.    C.In Japan.       D.In the USA.

4.Chinese people like to drink      

   A.tea without anything in it       B.tea with milk and sugar

   C.tea with tea bags in it              D.tea with green and black leaves

5.What does ”black tea” mean in Chinese? It means      

   A.浓茶       B.黑茶             C.红茶            D.绿茶

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