
  Our English teacher was like a friend to us, and we all liked her. One day she came into the classroom and shouted,“Who did this?”She held up a piece of broken glass and asked,“Who ____16____ the window?”She seldom became angry.__17__ this time she was.

  I broke the window. I had done __18__ by throwing a baseball. I didn’t want to admit (承认) it __19__ I didn’t have enough money to pay for a big window like that.“My father will be __20__,”I thought. At first I didn’t __21__ my hand, but later something strong in my heart suddenly made me stand up.“I did it,”I said __22__ .How difficult it was for me to say that!

  My teacher __23__ a book from one of our book shelves and then began walking __24__ my desk. I was afraid that she was going to punish(惩罚) me.

  “I know you like collecting __25__ very much,”she said, looking down at my __26__ face.“Here is the book about collecting stamps that you are looking for. Now, the book is __27__ and I shall not punish you. Remember, it’s because you __28__ the truth.”

  I couldn’t believe it! My teacher wasn’t punishing me. I didn’t __29__ to pay for the broken window. And I got my favourite book!

  As time goes, the book is __30__,so is my wonderful teacher. But I will never forget the lesson the teacher gave me that day.

16. A. cleaned             B. climbed               C. broke              D. mended

17. A. and                B. but                   C. so                 D. or

18. A. them               B. one                   C. that               D. those

19. A. because             B. if                    C. when              D. though

20. A. pleased             B. excited                C. frightened          D. angry

21. A. put on              B. put up                 C. put out            D. put away

22. A. terribly             B. honestly               C. easily             D. hardly

23. A. read               B. wrote                  C. took              D. bought

24. A. towards            B. opposite                C, against            D. behind

25. A. books              B. desks                  C. stamps            D. windows

26. A. nervous            B. pretty                  C. happy             D. square

27. A. you               B. your                   C. yours              D. yourself

28. A. talked             B. spoke                  C. said                D. told

29. A. like               B. want                  C. use                 D. need

30. A. opened            B. gone                   C. left                D. closed


16. C  根据上文提到了“他举起一个打破的玻璃”,所以,肯定是问“谁打破的玻璃”。故选C。

17. B  本句句意:他很少变得生气,但是这次她生气了。表示转折关系,故选B

18. C  本句句意:我扔了个篮球打破的玻璃。that在此指打破玻璃这个事情。故选C。

19. A  句意为:我不想承认因为我没有足够的钱来支付这个窗户。故选A。

20. D  根据上句我打破了玻璃,所以,我的爸爸肯定会生气。故选D。

21. B  考查短语辨析。put on意为“穿上”;put up意为“举起”;put out意为“熄灭”;put away意为“收拾”。根据句意:刚开始,我没有举起手,可是,后来我心里强烈的东西使我站了起来。故选B。

22. B  由上文提到了“我打破的玻璃”。所以,“我”诚实地说。故选B。

23. C  本句句意为:我的老师从我的书橱上取下一本书。take …from意为“从……取得”,故选C。

24. A  walk towards意为“走向……”。句意为:开始走向我的桌子。故选A。

25. C  由后句“Here is the book about collecting stamps that you are looking for.”可推出:我知道你非常喜欢收集邮票。故选C。

26. A  由于“我”害怕自己将要受到惩罚。所以,我很紧张。故选A。

27. C  yours=your book.句意为:现在这书是你的了。故选C。

28. D  tell the truth意为“讲实话”。故选D。

29. D  句意为:我不需要赔偿打破的窗户。故选D。

30. B  该句句意为:随着时间的推移。这本书不见了,我美好的老师也消失了。”be gone意为“消失”。故选A。

Dear Jane,    
       It's Thursday, December 12th.I really have a busy day today! At 8 o'clock I have an Englishlesson. It's my favorite. Miss Green, our Englis teacher is very lovely and she is very kind to usWe all like her.  
English classes are always interesting.  Then at 9:00 I have science. It's difficultbut l want to learn it well.  
Then at 10:00 I have P.E.  It's exciting. I like it. I can play sports anI can usually have this lesson out of the classroom. I can enjoy the fresh air(新鲜空气).A11:00 I have math, and that's very boring for me. I
don't like math at all.  But I have to work hard.eat lunch at 12:00. After lunch, I have music, My music
class is relaxing. I like my music teacher, Mr. Smith. He's always happy. At 3:00,have art.  I can draw
pictures. It's fun to have thisclass.    
       Do you like all of your subjects? What's your favorite subject? Please write back soon.
1. 根据短文内容,画出英语课和数学课的上课时间。
2. What is Linda's favorite subject?
3. What subject doesn't Linda like?
4. Who is Mr. Smith?
5. 将Linda对各学科的感受连线。    
(1) English            a. boring   
(2) science            b. relaxing    
(3)P. E.                c. funny    
(4)math                d. difficult    
(5)music               e. exciting    
(6)art                    f. interesting

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