
David got a job in a police station after he left school. He worked there for 42 years and he’ll retire this year. He worked hard in the past 42 years. But he was not a lucky man. Hefailed to catch a thief. He was often sorry for it.
Last weekend, while David's wife was cooking she found there was no salt at home. Soshe asked her husband to buy some. In the shop, David saw a young man taking away awallet from a woman's bag. He walked to him quietly, but the young man noticed David andran away at once. David ran after him. At last the thief ran into a blind alley(死胡同) andDavid caught him.
“Please give me a chance, sir.” said the thief
“Who can give one to me?”said David, “I’ll soon retire and I catch athief for the first time!”
【小题1】David worked hard in the past 42 years.
【小题2】David was a lucky man, and he often caught thieves.
【小题3】 Last weekend his wife asked him to buy some sugar.
【小题4】A young man was stealing a woman's wallet in a shop
【小题5】The young man was the first thief that David caught.




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