
   Do you carry too much on the way to school or home? Don’t worry.Try e-readers (电子阅读器) and say goodbye to your heavy schoolbag.
An e-reader has the memory space to hold hundreds of books.So people want to (A)扔掉沉书包 and read with small, light e-readers.For example,Cushing Academy,a high school in Massachusetts,USA,replaced (替换) most of the 20,000 books in (B) its library last summer.Teachers and students will use e-readers instead.
Most e-readers are thin and weigh less than 500g.They can download (下载) an e-book in 60 seconds.“It’s (C) so easy.You can have a lot of books right at your fingers!” said Meghan Chensusky.
Chinese schoolchildren are also trying e-readers.At the Shanghai World Expo (世博会),an e-schoolbag is now on show.It is a special e-reader.Students can use it to download textbooks from the school servers (服务器).(D)It can also send and receive homework.Some Schools in Beijing and Shanghai have tried this e-schoolbag for a few years.“It’s excellent.I (E)don’t have to carry a heaw schoolbag anymore,”said Xiao Qi,15,Beijing.
New e-readers are not just for reading.They have Wi-Fi and multimedia (无线电视和多媒体).Parents worry that these may hurt their children’s study habits. “I think Wi-Fi is not necessary for kids,”said Zeng Wenwen,43, Beijing.
【小题3】写出文中划线部分(C)和(E)的同义词或近义词:________ ________
【小题4】将文中划线部分(D)改写为:Homework can also__________  _________and received through it.
【小题5】从文中找出两个修饰或描写e-reader的形容词:________ ________

【小题1】throw away heavy schoolbags
【小题2】Cushing Academy’s/(the)high school’s
【小题5】small,thin,light,excellent,new,special (中的任意两个)

解析【小题1】考查词组;扔掉:throw away heavy schoolbags
【小题1】上文提到:Cushing Academy,a high school it就是指代:Cushing Academy’s/(the)high school’s
【小题1】so和very很,非常;don’t have to 和needn’t不必
【小题1】把这句话It can also send and receive homework.变成被动be;sent
【小题1】文章第三段和第四段用到一些形容词:small,thin,light,excellent,new,special 可以选其中的任意两个。

     A man stabbed eight school children to death and injured five others while they were waiting at their
school's gate in Nanping City, Fujian Province, on the morning or March 23. On the evening of December 7,
2009 a stampede (蜂拥挤迫) in private Yucai Middle School in Xiangxiang City, central China's Hunan
Province, killed eight students and injured 26 others.
     1、 全社会都要注意学校安全问题,避免悲剧再次发生。
     2、 学校要进行安全教育。教育学生上下楼梯要排队,小心拥挤;在上学路上骑自行车要慢速,
     1、 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,可适当发挥,篇章结构连贯。
     2、 文章开头已为你写好。
     3、 全文应该有100个单词左右,不包括给出部分。
参考词汇:学校安全:school safety    上下楼梯:go upstairs and downstairs
      It is reported that a number of students lost their lives or were injured in the accidents which happened
in the school campuses. As a student, here I'd like to say something about this.                                          

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