Zhou Yan, a middle school student, wishes he never got a mobile phone. Last week, he went to see a doctor because his arms and fingers(手指)were injured(受伤).The doctor told him that he had “mobile phone disease(疾病)”. A growing number of teenagers are getting “mobile phone disease” because more and more teenagers are using mobile phones.

Zhou got his mobile phone five months ago. He sent messages to his friends with it all the time, even when going to bed. Zhou started to do badly in exams because he spent too much time playing with his mobile phone. His mom got very angry with him,but he didn’t stop playing with it until his arms got injured.

Yang Ling, a doctor, says that if someone uses his mobile phone too much, like Zhou Yan, he might get “mobile phone disease”. If teenagers find their arms or fingers hurt(疼痛), they should go to see a doctor as soon as possible. Yang says teenagers should try to use their mobile phones less, especially(尤其)at school.

1.Zhou Yan wishes he never got a mobile phone because ______.

A.his mother got angry with him B.it doesn’t work well

C.it made his arms and fingers hurt D.it is useless to him

2.Zhou Yan didn’t do well in exams because ______.

A.he didn’t like studying B.he argued with his mother

C.he was ill and didn’t go to school D.he spent much time on the mobile phone

3.Yang Ling thinks teenagers should ______.

A.go to see a doctor very often B.not use mobile phones any more

C.use mobile phones less and less D.use mobile phones more when they are out of school

4.The writer wants to tell us ______ in the article.

A.only a few teenagers have mobile phones

B.using mobile phones too much is bad for teenage study and health

C.mobile phones can help teenagers get out of trouble(麻烦)

D.people shouldn’t use mobile phones

Once upon a time, there lived a kind -hearted king. He liked birds and animals, and had a huge bird sanctuary(禁猎区)in his kingdom. He never ______ the animals and birds. He even did not ______ them for their meat. One day, the king looked up and ______ two birds. One bird was flying very high, very quickly. ______, the other bird just sat on the branch(树枝)and didn't move even a step. The trainer said that he had tried everything he could but still ______ to make the bird move. Soon, the king ______ that anyone who could make the other bird move and in a week would be given a bag of ______.

The news spread very quickly. A few days later, an old man reached the king' s palace and promised that he would make it ______ the other one. The king asked the trainer to take the old man to ______ the bird.

The next day, the king went to visit the old man. He was very ______ to see the other bird fly like the first one to great heights in rapid speed. The king was very happy and offered the old man a bag of gold and asked the old man ______ he had done to make the bird fly in just a ______. Without saying too much, the old man ______replied, "I just cut down the branch of the tree where the bird ______to sit"

Many of us are like this. We have ______ to fly; we know how to fly, and where to fly. Still we sit doing nothing or doing something that makes us inferior(较差的)to others.

1.A. harmed B. protected C. bought D. fed

2.A. teach B. kill C. watch D. find

3.A. heard B. saw C. felt D. smelled

4.A. Anyway B. Besides C. Moreover D. However

5.A. managed B. failed C. preferred D. forgot

6.A. asked B. discovered C. doubted D. announced

7.A. apples B. vegetables C. rice D. gold

8.A. for B. to C. like D. with

9.A. throw B. catch C. punish D. train

10.A. nervous B. proud C. surprised D. worried

11.A. what B. why C. when D. how

12.A. second B. minute C. day D. week

13.A. loudly B. suddenly C. quickly D. simply

14.A. happened B. used C. continued D. decided

15.A. arms B. feet C. feathers D. wings


We all know that smoking is bad for people's health.1.

Secondhand (二手的,间接的)smoke is the smoke that comes from a smoker's breath(呼吸), or from the end of a cigarette.2.

3.To find out, the WHO did a study recently of 194 countries. They found that, worldwide, secondhand smoke causes about 600, 000 deaths every year. That is about 1% of the world's deaths!

4.According to the study, around 165,000 children under the age of five each year from diseases caused by secondhand smoke. Most of these deaths happen in Africa and southern Asia.

Health experts are asking governments to do more to create smoke-free indoor environments. But it takes time.

At the same time, you can do something to help protect yourself and other people from secondhand smoke. You can start by asking the smokers you know, such as your parents, to take all of their smoke breaks outside.5.

A.But many children know about the danger of secondhand smoke.

B.But not many people know about the danger of secondhand smoke.

C.But how serious is the problem of secondhand smoke?

D.If someone is smoking, you'd better breathe only with your nose.

E.If someone smokes close to you, you'd better walk away.

F.If people breathe in secondhand smoke from time to time, they could get sick from it.

G.Secondhand smoke is especially bad for children because their bodies are still growing and developing.

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