
  It has been a great year for Andriy Shevchenko(舍莆琴科). He’s ending it with a big prize! Sheva won the Golden Ball award as Europe’s best football player on Monday.This year has been beautiful for me,he said.I got a wife, I had a son, we won the league(联赛)last season and now I get the award.

  The Ukrainian(乌克兰)footballer came out on top in the eyes of Europe’s top sports reporters. Sheva beat Portugal’s(葡萄牙)Deco and Brazil’s Ronaldinho. The 28-year-old got the award for scoring 136 goals for Milan since 1999. He got 102 golds in Serie A and helped win the Italian title in 2004. He also helped the Ukraine come top of their 2006 World Cup group.

  Sheva is good at playing in many ways. He is quick, smart and hard to catch on the field. He jumps high, and can score great goals from anywhere. Milan president Silvio Berluscoini said,He’s great on the field, but he’s humble(谦虚的). He’s a great example for his teammates to follow. He’s a winner both on the field and off it.Thebeautifulyear comes down to Sheva’s hard work. He’s a man who doesn’t want to fail.When there is an obstacle in front of me, I make myself strong enough to get over it.he said. He has been trying hard since he was a child.There are thousands of obstacles, one after another, but I never give up if I’m hurt or haven’t got a goal for a long time,he said,I’m always ready to go further.


(1) 2004 was beautiful for Shevba in ________ ways.

[  ]




(2) Sheva won the Golden Ball award for ________.

[  ]

Agetting 102 goals in Serie A

Bhelping with the Italian title in 2004

Cscoring 136 goals for AC Milan since 1999

(3) What does the sentence ofHe’s a winner both on the field and off it.mean?

[  ]

AHe acts well on the field

BHe can’t win anything out of the field

CHe is a winner not only on the field but also in life

(4) What does the wordobstaclemean in the third paragraph?

[  ]




(5) What is the best title of the article?

[  ]

AProud Sheva

BLucky Sheva

CGolden Sheva



  Mr. Black has a company(公司)in New York. His workers are building a (1) over a river near a town. He's strict with the workers and tells them to work hard and get to the building site(工地) on time. And several of them (2) because they were late.

  One summer afternoon it was very (3) outside. Mr. Black came to the building site. He got off his car and found all the workers working hard in the sun. He was happy and told to buy enough (4) for them. Suddenly he saw a young man sitting under a big tree and drinking tea there. He became (5) and came up to him. The young man didn't (6) him, keeping on sitting there.

  “How much (7) you (7) in a month, young man?

  “One thousand eight hundred dollars, sir. was the answer.

  Mr. Black (8) his secretary(秘书)and said Take him to the office and pay him two thousand dollars and let him go! I'll never see him!

  Soon after the young man (9) , a foreman(工头) came and asked, Where' the young man gone?

  “Who's he? said Mr. Black.

  “I'm sorry I don't know, Mr. Black. said the fore-man, I was told he had come to bring a (10) for me.

(1)                      [  ]











(2)                      [  ]



Atook     to a hospital


Bwere     taken to a hospital


Csent     away


Dwere     sent away


(3)                      [  ]











(4)                      [  ]











(5)                      [  ]











(6)                      [  ]



Asay     hello to


Bsay     goodbye to


Claugh     at


Dsmile     upon


(7)                      [  ]



Ado,     pay


Bdo,     lend


Care,     paid


Dare,     lent


(8)                      [  ]





Bturned     to






(9)                       [  ]









Dstood     up


(10)                      [  ]










There is a small shop __1__ our school. It __2__ a lot of things. From the shop we can buy some school things, __3__ pens, pencils, rulers, erasers, pencil boxes and exercise books. We can also buy some__4__ , like apples, pears, bananas, cakes, milk and orange. The things in the shop aren't expensive. They are__5__ . The __6__ sometimes__7__ there to buy some school things, and sometimes go there to__8__ a drink. The people in the shop are __9__ . We like the school things of the shop and they are__10__ to use, too.

1. A. on                        B. to

C. near                          D. for

2. A. has                             B. sells

C. makes                            D. buys

3. A. like                             B. as

C. for                               D. with

4. A. bread and tea                       B. food and drink

C. eggs and coffee                        D. many things

5. A. new                              B. cheap

C. nice                               D. good

6. A. teachers                        B. women

C. children                           D. students

7. A. come                           B. go

C. get                               D. run

8. A. have                           B. play

C. make                             D. eat

9. A. friends                          B. nice

C. friendly                           D. many

10. A. good                           B. like

Once there was an old man. He    1_____ many kinds of hats. He had to work all day long. He walked from village to village. It was very hot in summer. There    2    no clouds in the sky. Before night    3   ,he    4    tired. He sat under a tree and    5    to sleep.

There were some monkeys in the tree. While he    6    ,the monkeys came down from the tree and took all his hats. He    7    and shouted at them. To his surprise, the monkeys    8    at him. He    9    his hat, and they did the same thing, too. Then he had a good idea. He    10    his hat on the ground, so did the monkeys. In this way, the old man got all his hats back.

1.A.selled           B.sells              C.is selling            D.sold

2.A.be              B.was              C.been             D.were

3.A.came            B.has come           C.was coming         D.will come

4.A.get                                B.got       

C.had been got                         D.was getting

5.A.went            B.goes              C.had gone           D.would gone

6.A.sleeps           B.was sleeping        C.slept             D.has slept

7.A.had got up           B.get up             C.was getting          D.got up

8.A.would shout                         B.is shouting

C.shouted                              D.shouts

9.A.take off          B.took off           C.had took off           D.put on

10.A.threw           B.through           C.throwed           D.thrown


Read and choose the right answers to complete the passage.(阅读短文,选择正确的答案完成短文。)

SDR-4X is a new robot. It acts like a human being. It talkssingsdances and it costs  1  a car.

In Tokyoa human-shaped robot will go on sale  2  this year from Sony Corp. It remembers people’s facesdances disco steps and  3   sings. But it’s an expensive toy. It will cost as much as a luxury car.

Sony  4  to say more about its sales plans for the silver round-eyed SDR-4X to reporters last week. “This robot was designed to live with people in  5  ”said Sony only.

“The SDR-4X has sensors on the bottoms of its  6  so it can walk on carpets and other uneven surfaces. It even knows  7  get back on its feet when it falls”Sony said.

The 58-centimetre-tall SDR-4X is equipped with two   8  allowing it to see better than its predecessor. It can  9  the difference between the edge of a table and patterns on the floor. The SDR-4X will be more expensive than the Ambo which  10  for 180 000 yenUS $1 400in Japan and US $1 500 in the US. The SDR-4X can carry on simple  11  It knows about 60 000 words.),and be taught to sing by inputting music. It can also recognize faces  12  and names.

Entertainment robots have grown into a fadand toy makers are coming out with  13 imitations. Mitsubishi company   14  two entertainment robots to a museum. They can talk with childrenplay simple games and draw pictures. Yashawa Electric Corp has developed a 13.8  15 yenUS $105 000bed-shaped robot that can help patients who need to strengthen their legs.

1.A.as many as       B.as much as          C.so many as          D.so much as

2.A.before            B.later              C.ago               D.after

3.A.ever             B.every              C.even             D.never

4.A.continued         B.used              C.forgot             D.refused

5.A.families          B.houses            C.homes             D.offices

6.A.hands             B.feet               C.arms             D.legs

7.A.when to          B.how to            C.what to                D.why to

8.A.umbrellas          B.bands              C.telephones         D.cameras

9.A.talk              B.speak              C.say               D.tell

10.A.sales           B.sells              C.buys             D.borrows

11.A.diaries           B.conversations       C.competitions        D.dialogues

12. A. noises         B.bodies             C.voices             D.entrances

13.A.cheap           B.cheaper           C.dear              D.more expensive

14.A.sold            B.have sold           C.has sold            D.will sell

15.A.hundred          B.thousand           C.million             D.billion



  There was much ice on the road, and the doctor's car ____1____ a tree and turned over three times. To his surprise, ____2____ was not hurt. He got out of the car and ____3____ to the nearest house. He wanted to telephone the garage (车库) ____4____ help. The door was opened by one of his patients (病人)“ Oh, Doctor, he said, I have ____5____ telephoned you. You ____6____ have a very fast car. You have got here very ____7____ indeed. There has been a very bad ____8____ on the road, I saw ____9____ through the window. I am sure the driver will ____10____ your help.

( )1. A. knocked       B. hit                    C. ran                    D. drove

( )2. A. he             B. car                    C. it                      D. ice

( )3. A. looked          B. opened                 C. walked                 D. arrived

( )4. A. for            B. about                  C. of                     D. on

( )5. A. ever            B. always                 C. often                  D. just

( )6. A. will           B. must                   C. need                   D. can

( )7. A. slowly          B. heavily                 C. quickly                 D. carefully

( )8. A. accident        B. mistake                C. problem               D. danger