

  Three men came to London for a holiday.They came to a very large hotel and lived in a room on the fortieth floor.

  In the evening the three men went t  1   the cinema and came back to the hotel very late.

  “I'm sorry,”s  2   the waiter.“but our lifts don't work tonight.”

  One of the three men said to the o  3   two,“We have to walk up to the f  4   floor.Let's m  5   it easier.On our way to the room, I shall tell you a joke.And you, John, will sing u  6   some songs.Then you, Peter, will tell us an interesting story.”So they began to w  7   up to their room.Tom told a joke.John sang a song.At last they came to the thirty-ninth floor.They were tired and decided to h  8   a rest.

  “Well,”said Tom.“Peter, will you please tell us a long and interesting s  9   with a sad ending?”

  “All right.I shall tell you a sad story,”said Peter.“It's not long, but it is s  10   enough.We left our key in the first floor.What are we going to do?”

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________

6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________


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