
Shows at the Palace Museum
The Palace Museum is a wonderful place to visit. There are lots of fun and interesting things to see. Come to visit the Palace Museum.
Closing Time
 Things to See
10:00 a.m.
Taihe Palace
Golden Throne
10:30 a.m.
Zhonghe Palace
Works of Art
11:00 a.m.
Baohe Palace
Works of Art
1:00 p.m.
Jingren Palace
1:40 p.m.
Yonghe Palace
2:30 p.m.
Huangji Palace
Chinese Paintings
4:00 p.m.
Fengxian Palace
Clocks and watches
Over12: ¥10.00      Under12: Free(免费)
Opening Time:
9:00a.m.~ 4:00 p.m.
10:00a.m.~ 3:00p.m. on Saturday
Not open on Sunday
Keep quiet.
Keep the museum clean.
Don’t forget(忘记) to buy some souvenirs(纪念品)for your friends and family.
Do not take any photos.
Do not touch (触摸)anything.
小题1:How many kinds of things can you see at the show ?
小题2:When can you see clocks and watches?
A.At 1:40 p.m. from Monday to Saturday
B.At 4:00 p.m. on Saturday
C.At 4:00 p.m. every day
D.At 4:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday
小题3:Mr. Wu wants to visit the show with his two students this Saturday. The two students are both 14. How much are the tickets together?
A.¥35.00B.¥28.00 C.¥15.00D.¥7.00
小题4:The Palace Museum opens ________ days a week.
A.TwoB.FiveC.Six D.Seven
小题5:Which of the following can you do at the show?
A.To talk to each other.B.To take a few nice photos.
C.To buy some souvenirs.D.To touch golden throne.


小题1:根据第一个表格Things to See 这一列描述,可知你可以看到七种事物,故选C。
小题2:根据第一个表格4:00 p.m.   Fengxian Palace Clocks and watches描述,可知选D。
小题4:根据Opening Time:及Not open on Sunday 描述,可知故宫博物馆一周开放六天,故选C。

Free Activities This Weekend
An Open-air Craft(工艺)Market
in Front of the City Hall
Sunday from8:30A.M. to 6:30 P.M.
Need to buy a present? Find bamboo toys, paper flowers, paper umbrellas, model cars and more! Food from around the world, too!
City Museum
Travel Movies
Meeting Room Sat.& Sun. at 2:30 P.M.
Do you want to travel but don’t have enough money? See movies on Japan, Italy, America, England, Russia, and Australia. There are only 80 seats, so come early.
Autumn Fashion Show
Golden Shopping Center Sunday at 3:00 P.M.
Men’s and women’s autumn clothes. See 25 handsome and pretty models show the latest fashions. All clothing will be on sale after the show for under ¥100.
Pop Concert at Yunhai Square
Saturday from 9:00 P.M. to midnight
Five groups of college students are going to play the guitar and sing pop songs. Bring your own food and drink.
Library Lecture(讲座)
City Library Hall
Saturday at 10:00 A.M.
How to find the job that you really want! Two-hour lecture. Advice on choosing and getting the right job for you. Coke and sandwiches are sold.
小题1:There are           activities that people can do indoors.
小题2:People can taste food from different countries           .
A.at Yunhai SquareB.in the City Library Hall
C.in the City MuseumD.in front of the City Hall
小题3:If someone wants to find a right job, he should           .
A.listen to the lectureB.buy presents
C.bring food and drinkD.go to the fashion show
小题4:Mr.Lee wants to take two shirts for her wife after the fashion show, he needs to pay    .
A.more than 200 yuanB.at least 300 yuan
C.less than 200 yuanD.nothing at all
小题5:If people want to get some information about some foreign countries, they can        .
A.see the moviesB.go to the pop concert
C.see the fashion showD.go to the library lecture
Every school has a notice board. Let’s see what is on the notice board of an America school.

School Policy(政策)
u Fighting, saying bad words and all other bad behavior will not be allowed.
u Do not throw rocks, snowballs or sticks on the school grounds.
u Hand in a note or telephone to school if your child will be absent for the day.
u Parents and visitors need to check in at the office when entering the school.

After-school Program
The after-school program will continue for the year 2012. The program will be open from 3.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. every day.
u 3.30-4.30  Homework & Reading
u 4.30-6.00  Activities
If you have any questions, feel free to call the school at 524-9752.


Report Card
Report card about your school life and work will be given to your parents. Look at the marking key for your school work.

Goes beyond grade level standards
Meets grade level standards
Does not meet grade level standards,
making progress
Does not meet grade level standards, not making progress
Class Announcement
u Testing Dates:
The math testing is June 12-13
The science test is June 15
u Parents meeting:
The next parents meeting is on Friday, June 22 at 7.00 p.m. in the meeting hall.
u Homework:
Please check the Homework Board at the school homepage to find your homework.

小题1:According to School Policy, visitors have to ______ when entering the school.
A.hand in a noteB.call at 524-9752
C.check in at the officeD.telephone the school
小题2:From ______, students can get information on the parents meeting.
A.School PolicyB.Report Card
C.After-school ProgramD.Class Announcement
小题3:Suppose Tony doesn’t do well at school but makes progress, he will get ______ on the Report Card.
A.1B.2 C.3D.4
You may never be in an emergency situation. But if it happens, you should know how to get help. The telephone book in the United States has emergency numbers on the inside front cover. Look at the following table from the Boston telephone book. Notice that the numbers for the police and the fire department (部门) are the same. And it is an easy number to remember. If you are too unhappy or excited to remember any numbers at all, you can simply dial (拨打) “0” for an operator (接线员) in any emergency.
FIRE                       POLICE                  DOCTOR
BOSTON      911          BOSTON      911         BOSTON      482-5252
CAMBRIDGE  876-5800     CAMBRIDGE  846-1212    CAMBRIDGE   856-3585
SOMERVILLE  023-1500     SOMERVILLE  645-1212   SOMERVILLE  025-4774
Other Places _________       Other Places _________      Other Places ________ 
Write in your number here     Write in your number here     Write in your number here
★ COAST GUARD  223-6978
小题1:If you see a fire in Cambridge, you should dial _________.
小题2:If you dial “0”, ________ will answer your call.
A.the police B.the doctorC.the operatorD.the fire department
小题3:This passage is most probably taken from _________.
A.a sports magazineB.an emergency leaflet
C.a TV guideD.a telephone book

School Report
Term :Autumn  Name: Tom White
Age:16       From: Class2,Grde7
He is good at speaking English, but there are always a few mistakes in his homework. I believe he can do it better.
I don’t think Tom White is very interested in Chinese. He can’t put up his hand in class as much as possible. I think he should read more Chinese and try not to be shy.
He is interested in figures, but he is always careless and he can’t always pay attention to the result. If he wants to make great progress, he must be more careful.
He likes doing experiments very much and he has lots of good ideas in his work.
Good work. He likes telling history stories.
Getting better. He should have interest in it.
Excellent, he is a good player in the school basketball team.
Very good. He is interested in singing new songs well.
Just so so.
General: Tom White is a clever boy. He spends more time in playing basketball and singing. Sometimes he can’t hand in his homework on time. But in English, Science, History, P.E., and Music, he has excellent performance. We believe Tom White will put more effort into Chinese and Math.
Allan Green
小题1:Which is not true according to the school report?
A.Tom White is sixteen years old.
B.He draws pictures very well.
C.He likes history very much.
D.He is good at playing basketball.
小题2:How does Tom White do in English study?
A.Better than Chinese study.
B.Best of all the subjects.
C.No mistakes in his homework.
D.Worst of all.
小题3:In Science, Tom White is good at      .
B.singing songs
C.playing basketball
D.doing experiments
小题4:The music teacher       his singing.
A.is worried about
B.feels sorry about
C.is pleased with
D.isn’t interested in
小题5:What does the Geography teacher say?
B.Better than other subject.
C.He has much interest.

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