【小题1】How many famous Chinese ____________/ ?ra?t?(r) z / names do you know ?【小题2】Look! The __________________/ 'fi?me?l / giant panda will have a baby .【小题3】 Chinese ___________/ 'g?v?nm?nt / took action to help the poor areas in Northwest China .【小题4】 I like this mirror , because it’s _________________/ ?'regj?l?(r) /.【小题5】My e-mail _________________/ ?'dres / is Linda@sina.com.
1.How many famous Chinese ____________/ ?ra?t?(r) z / names do you know ?
2.Look! The __________________/ 'fi?me?l / giant panda will have a baby .
3. Chinese ___________/ 'g?v?nm?nt / took action to help the poor areas in Northwest China .
4. I like this mirror , because it’s _________________/ ?'regj?l?(r) /.
5.My e-mail _________________/ ?'dres / is Linda@sina.com.