
—Could I invite my friends to my birthday party?—Sorry, you ______.

A.can              B.can’t            C.could             D.couldn’t





试题分析:can能,能够。Could是can的过去式,用于一般现在时态表示委婉的请求建议等语气。couldn't 是can`t的过去式和虚拟式。在实际应用中,could`t是can`t的礼貌用法,含有不情愿的意思,加上有虚拟的含义,语气较弱。表示否定时can't比couldn't的否定意味更重。句意:我能邀请我的朋友们来参加我的生日聚会吗?——抱歉,你不能。结合语境可知选D。






  I started to love running at a young age.I loved to race with my father and my sister around the backyard.I wished I could run in the Olympics and win lots of medals.One day my mother saw   1   for a race in a newspaper.“Would you be interested in   2   this race?” She asked me, pointing to the advertisement.“Yes, of course.” I answered.I   3   the next few days practicing for my big race.My sister set up a table in the backyard so she could   4   me water and time(计时)me.

  Just before the race, my dad said to me, “Don’t use up all your energy at the beginning of the race.You need to have energy   5   you can run much faster at the end.” The race began.Following Dad’s words, I didn’t run as fast as I could.Then the other runners started passing me, which made me feel   6  , I began to feel tired, and I started slowing down and breathing(呼吸)  7  .Just at that moment I heard a voice.“Come on, Kelly! You can do it! Don’t give up, and keep running!” Out of the corner of my eye I saw dad running beside me around the outside of the track.I took a deep breath and tried my best to go on running.I didn’t win the race, I came fifth, but I felt like a   8  .I had done my best, and I hadn’t given up.Whenever I think about the race, I feel   9   that my dad didn’t leave my side.He always encourages me when I am about to give up.He runs along sides me through my life.I will remember my dad’s   10   forever, “Never give up.You can be a winner, even if you lose.”


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a story


a report


a piece of news


an advertisement


[  ]


looking for


taking care of


taking part in


putting off


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so that






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[  ]


more easily








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Monday morning is an important time at our school. All of the students go to the playground. We listen to music, and we   1  the national flag go up.
Usually, one student gives a talk on Monday mornings. One Monday last year, a boy gave the talk. He was   2  and excited! When I saw him, I wanted to have a try, too.
Can I really do it?
Last week, our teacher said our class should give the talk. My teacher   3  me, "I know you want to have a try. Next Monday, you can give the talk. Go and write something down.   4  for it, I'm sure you'll do well."
"Thank you," I answered, It was such a great   5  for me! When I got home, I was excited. I wrote two pages for the talk. I read them again and again. When I read, I asked my parents  6 . I wanted to make my teacher happy.
Monday morning came. I began to feel   7 . When did I last give a talk to   8  many people? Never! This was my first time. Could I really   9  it ? Maybe I couldn't finish the talk.
When I got to school, we all went out to playground. I  10 in front of everyone. I opened my mouth, but I couldn't say anything.
"Take it easy," I said to   11 . "Don't be nervous. You can do it."
Just then, I looked down at everyone. I saw about 1,000 eyes. They were all looking at me ! I couldn't   12  stand up.
I looked at their eyes more carefully. Their eyes were saying, "You can do it! Don't be afraid, just talk!"
I   13  a big breath. Then I began to talk. It wasn't hard. It was easy.
I don't know   14  I finished my talk. But I did it. I felt so good that day. I showed myself 15 everyone what I can do.

A.watchB.seeC.noticeD.look at
A.toldB.asked forC.said toD.showed
A.Look outB.Come onC.Take careD.Get ready
A.to listen toB.to listenC.listen toD.listen
A.standB.stoodC.was standingD.have stood
A.meB.my classC.myselfD.my parents
A.be able toB.hardlyC.everD.even

One day, many years ago, when I was working as a psychologist(心理学家) in England, David was brought into my office. His face was pale(苍白的)and he looked at his own feet.
David lost his father when he was two years old and lived with his mother and grandfather ever since. But the year before he turned 13, his grandfather died and his mother was killed in a car accident. His teacher told me that he refused to talk to others from then on.
How could I help him?
David didn't say a word. As he was leaving, I put my hand on his shoulder."Come back next week if you like. "I said.
He came and I suggested we play a game of chess. He agreed. After that we played chess every Wednesday afternoon--in complete silence. Usually, he arrived earlier than agreed.   It seemed  that he liked to be with me. But why didn't he ever look at me?
"Perhaps he simply needs someone to share his pain (痛苦)with," I thought.
Months later, when I was looking at his head, he suddenly looked up at me. "It's your turn," he said. After that day, David started talking. He finally got friends in school and he even joined a bicycle club. He wrote to me a few times. Now he had re ally started to live his life.
Maybe I gave David something. But I learned a lot from him. I learned how time makes it possible to get over what seems to be painful. David showed me how to help people like him. All they need is a shoulder to cry on, a friendly touch and an ear that listens.
【小题1】When David was brought into the writer's office, ___________.

A.he said hello to the writer
B.he seemed happy
C.he looked at his own feet
D.he smiled at the writer
【小题2】David's father died when he was  ________ years old.
【小题3】To help David, the writer __________every Wednesday afternoon.
A.played chess with himB.told stories to him
C.wrote letters to himD.played soccer with him
【小题4】What club did David join?
A.A chess club. B.An art club.C.An English club.D.A bicycle club.
【小题5】Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.David finally got friends in school.
B.After his father died, David refused to talk to others.
C.David didn't say anything to the Writer at first.
D.At last the writer learned a lot from David.

Perhaps the only test score that I remember is the 55 when I was in high school.

The test was the final for a course. I remember waiting anxiously as my teacher Mr. Right passed out our papers one by one. It was a rather difficult test. I heard my classmates groaning(发牢骚), and I could tell by the groans that the scores weren’t looking good.

Mr. Right put my paper on my desk. There in big red numbers, circled to draw attention, was my score, 55!

I lowered my head, and covered the score up quickly. A 55 is not something that you wanted your classmates to see.

“The scores were not very good, none of you passed,” Mr. Right said. “The highest score in the class was a 55.”

A 55. That’s me!

Suddenly my sad look didn’t look so bad. I had the highest score. I felt a lot better.

I walked home alone that day with the low but high score. My father knew that I had a big test that day and asked me as soon as I got home, “How did you do in your test?”

“I made a 55,” I said.

A frown (皱眉) now stood on my father’s face. I knew I had to explain immediately. “But Dad, I had the highest score in the class,” I proudly stated. I thought that explanation would make a difference.

“You failed!” my father replied.

“But it’s the highest!” I insisted.

“I don’t care what scores others had, but you failed. What matters is what you do!” my father firmly said.

For years, my father was always that way. It didn’t matter what others did, it only mattered what I did and that I did it excellently.

We often don’t understand the wisdom (智慧) of good parents until we ourselves stand in the parents’ shoes. My father’s words have carried me throughout life.

1.In class, to hide my score from my classmates, I ___________ .

A. lowered my head                                B. covered my score up   

C. walked home alone                             D. explained immediately

2. A frown stood on my father’s face because he thought ____. .

A. I did a bad job in the test.                 B. I gave a good excuse.

C. I became the worst student.             D.I stood in his shoes

3. We can infer from the passage that _____..

A. the father was strict with his child.

B. the writer was always poor in tests.

C. Mr. Right was worried about the writer.

D. the writer was always happy with his scores.

4.Which is the best title of the passage?

A. The Final Test       B. That’s Me!     C. My Strict Teacher      D. Scores, Important?


根据短文内容,判断句子正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F” 。
     Last Friday after I got my pay, I went shopping on my way home. In the crowded supermarket, I lost
my purse and my money was gone with it. I felt very angry and sad. We were not rich and the money was
important for us. How could I tell my wife about it?
     I felt really sorry for losing the money. When I got home, I cleaned the house and prepared a nice meal.
I hoped what I did could comfort (安慰) my wife. When she came back, she was surprised to see the clean
house and the nice meal. Then I began to tell my story when we were at table, but my wife didn't respond
(反映) as if she had not heard my words. Maybe she was trying hard to hide her anger, I thought.
    "I've lost my pay." I said to her again.
    "I see." She didn't seem to be angry with me. For a moment, she said nothing but enjoyed the meal with
    "I've lost my money," I could not help asking, "why don't you blame (责备) me?" 
    "Oh, my dear," she raised her eyes, looked at me and said, "I'm thinking about how to comfort you. It's
the thief who is to be blamed!"
(     )1. I got my pay last Monday.                          
(     )2. In the supermarket I lost my purse and money.      
(     )3. I cleaned the house because I liked doing it.      
(     )4. My wife was surprised to see what I did.           
(     )5. When my wife heard my  story, she became very angry.

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