

  Robert is eleven years old.He loves to watch TV.But for one full year, he did not watch TV at all.What was the reason? Robert's parents said they would give him $500 if he didn't watch TV for a year.

  Robert's parents thought he watched too much TV.One day his mother saw a newspaper story about a boy who didn't watch TV for a year.She showed the story to Robert.“It was a joke,” his mother said, “I didn't think he would do it.” But Robert liked the idea.He turned off the TV right away.He said, “It doesn't matter to me whether to watch TV or not.I just want the money.”

  At first, Robert's parents were very happy.Robert read the newspaper, played outside, played computer games, and played cards with his mother.But after a while, he got bored.Every evening, he asked his parents, “What are we doing tonight?” Sometimes his mother and father wished he would watch TV, just for one evening.Robert always said, “No, it would cost me money!”

  Finally the year was over.Then Robert started watching his favourite TV shows all day long again.Robert got the money from his parents.What does he plan to do with the $500? “I want to buy myself a TV set!” he said.


What is Robert's hobby?

[  ]


Playing games.


Reading newspapers.


Talking with his parents.


Watching TV.


Robert stopped watching TV because he wanted to ________.

[  ]


play computer games


play outside


get the money


read newspapers


Which is NOT true according to the passage?

[  ]


Robert's mother showed him the story in the newspaper.


Robert's mother didn't believe the story in the newspaper.


After Robert got the money, he went on watching TV again.


During the whole year, Robert watched TV for just one evening.


Robert felt ________ after he stopped watching TV.

[  ]










The best title for the passage would be ________.

[  ]


A year without TV


Don't watch TV


A big joke


A way to make money



  Buster Brown was a thief-and a good one, too, he thought.He'd never been caught by the police because he was always well prepared.He stood outside the house and read the sign on the front gate of the house.“Don't worry about the dog-be aware of the owner!”it said, Buster smiled and found his way in.

  The house looked quite normal outside, but inside it was very unusual with beautiful and wonderful things.As he began putting them into his bag, a dog came into the room.It stopped when it saw Buster.and then went over to him, licking(舔)his open hand.“Good boy,”Buster whispered.“What a great guard dog you are-trying to lick me to death.”

  Satisfied he'd made friends with the dog, Buster began to walk around the house, choosing things to put in his bag.His skilled eyes picked out only the best antiques(古董).His new friend, the dog, sat and watched.

  “Well, boy,”Buster whispered, finally.“That might do.Any more and I won't be able to carry it!”He moved the heavy bag onto his shoulders, just as the lights came on.He covered his eyes with his hand.

  “You're a very silly person,”the man in the doorway said.As the man got closer, Buster could see he was well dressed.His face seemed familiar, but Buster couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

  “You should have taken more notice of the sign outside,”the man shouted.“I knew about this attempted robbery last week and I also know you will end up behind bars for 20 years.How can you try to rob the house of a world famous fortune teller(算命者)!”


We can conclude(推断出)from the passage that the man is ________.

[  ]


a policeman


an antique dealer(古董)


the owner of the house


the world's greatest fortune teller


The underlined word“whispered”means ________.

[  ]






said in a loud voice


said in a low voice


Which of the following is the right order according to the passage?

a.Buster began to steal the antiques.

b.Buster was caught by the man.

c.The dog licked Buster's hand.

d.The man knew that Buster would rob the house.

[  ]










What does the man mean by saying“you will end tip behind bars for 20 years”?

[  ]


You will stay in prison for 20 years.


You will have to work in my bar for 20 years.


You should have stopped stealing 20 years ago.


I have been following and waiting for you for 20 years.


  You wouldn't steal a car.You would never rob(抢劫)a bank or pick someone's pocket.But you may be another kind of thief.

  If you have ever bought a disc for 15 yuan or less, then you have helped to rob artists or musicians of their intellectual properly rights(知识产权).

  Last Thursday was World Intellectual Property Day.Activities to tell people about intellectual property rights were held around the country.

  Intellectual property includes inventions, literary(文学的)and artistic works, names, and pictures.They are of little value(价值)if they are not read, seen and used.

  While the cost of copying discs is very small, authors, singers and actors have to spend a lot of money and time making a new product.That's why they have the right to make money from their work.

  So buying pirated(盗版的)music of Jay Chou and Jolin Tsai is like stealing from them, paying them no respect for their hard work.

  If Jay Chou cannot make money from his work, he may not make anything else.But those who make pirated goods are becoming rich without doing any hard work.

  The authors should ask for a fair price for their work.Earlier this year there was much talk about how much KTV clubs should pay the music companies for using their songs.

  The copyright fee(版权费)also should be fair to the users.That's good for the music's popularity and society as well.


What is the author's attitude towards protecting(保护)intellectual property rights7

[  ]


He is for it.


He is against it.


He doesn't care about it.


The article doesn't tell us.


Which of the following do intellectual property rights not cover?

[  ]




Literary and artistic works.


Names end pictures.


Pirated music.


According to the article, which of the following is true?

[  ]


Authors should ask for a high price for their work,


The copyright fee should ha fair to users.


Authors, singers and actors have no right to make money from their work,


Buying pirated music by Jay Chou is very good.


What is the best title for the article?

[  ]


Rob a Bank


Copyright Fees


Say No to pirated Music


World Intellectual Property Day



  John began to be nervous (紧张) and he tried to remember what the radio had said earlier about a robbery (抢劫). Even though he had stopped smoking three months before, John felt like having a cigarette (香烟). He asked the man for one. But he was so nervous that he couldn't stop shaking (颤抖) to light it. At the next small town John stopped the car and said,“I just can't seem to stay awake (清醒). I think I'll try and find a hotel (旅馆) and spend the night here.”He apologized (道歉) nervously to the man for not being able to drive him to Woodsville.

  The young man slowly reached into his pocket.“This is it!”thought John.“I'm a dead man.”At that very moment he thought of shouting for help, but instead of a gun or a knife, the man pulled out some money and handed it to John.“Oh, no. I don't want your money. Just get out, OK?”

  The young man looked puzzled (迷惑不解的) , but insisted on (坚持) giving John the money-$500. “My father is John Baresford, the oil millionaire (百万富翁), you see,”he said.“Thank you for taking me this far.”

  John waited until the young man had gone away, then he drove out of town. He was looking forward (盼望) to getting home.

1.John felt afraid and ________.

[  ]

A.he called for help

B.he felt like smoking

C.he begged the robber not to rob his money

D.he kept talking to the young man

2.John stopped the car at the next small town, because ________.

[  ]

A.he couldn't keep awake, and wanted to find a hotel and spend the night here

B.his home was at the small town

C.his car was broken at that moment

D.he wanted to leave the young man there

3.“This is it”maybe means ________.

[  ]

A.it's time for me to shout for help

B.it just serves me right

C.this is the end of my life

D.he's now taking out a gun or a knife to kill me

4.At last John found ________.

[  ]

A.the young man was the one wanted by the police

B.he was the son of a poor oil owner

C.he lived the small town

D.he was not a robber

5.From the story we know ________.

[  ]

A.John never smoked before

B.John was clever and brave (勇敢)

C.John didn't get any money from the young man

D.John wanted to get home as soon as possible


  Tom was very clever,but he hated hard work. He said,"You work hard, but you can't get much money. I want easy work and I want to be rich." So he became a thief, but he did not do the stealing himself: he got others to do it. They were not so clever as he was and they all listened to him. So he prepared everything and told them what to do.

  One day they were looking for rich families to rob and Tom sent one of his men to a large beautiful house just outside the town.

  It was evening, and when the man looked through one of the windows, he saw a young man and a girl playing a duet on a piano.

  When he went back to Tom, he reported,"That family can't have much money.You see, two people were playing on the same piano there."


1. Tom became a thief because ______.  

[  ]

A. he was clever           

B. he hated hard work

C. he wanted to get a lot of money 

D.Both B and C

2. Tom told his men to ______.      

[  ]

A. listen carefully   B. steal for him

C. get easy work    D. get others to steal

3. One day Tom sent one of his men to ______.

[  ]

A. steal from a large house   B. look through one of the windows

C. see who was playing the piano D.find if the family was rich

4. The word "duet" means a piece of music that ______.

[  ]

A. a young man and a girl play    B. a woman plays

C. a man plays            D. two people play

5. Tom was probably very ______ when he heard the report.

[  ]

A. happy  B. excited  C. angry  D. interested


  Sal and Kyp were thieves.Each day, they looked for places to rob.One afternoon, they walked by a clothes store.They couldn't believe it.In the window, there was a big pile of money.Next to the money was a sign.It said,“Big Discounts!”

  “What a great chance,”Kyp said.“We'll steal the money tonight.”“But boss——”Sal said as he looked closely in the window.“Quiet, we have to make a plan,”Kyp said.“Let's go.”

  At Kyp's house, the thieves planned their crime.Late that night, they returned to the store.

  “Are you ready?”Kyp asked Sal.“Yes, boss, but-”“Quiet,”Kyp said.“Let's get started.Now!”

  Then, Sal broke the window with a metal pipe.Kyp quickly put the money in a bag.The two thieves ran away.Back at Kyp's house, they took the money out of the bag.

  “Hey,”Kyp said,“this money looks strange.”

  “I tried to tell you before,”Sal said.“You didn't wear your glasses today, right?”

  “So what?”

  “So you didn't see the money clearly.Like I was trying to say, the money is fake!”


  “Of course.No store would put real money in their window.”

  “Why not?”Kyp asked.

  “Because somebody might try to steal it.”Sal said.


What can we tell about the thieves' relationship?

[  ]


They are equal partners.


Sal is the boss.


They're brothers.


Kyp is the leader.


What did the thieves do in the afternoon?

[  ]


They robbed the store.


They made a plan.


They went shopping.


They looked for other stores to rob.


How many times did Sal try to warn Kyp?

[  ]










The thieves got the money by ________.

[  ]


breaking the window


opening the window


going through the front door


using a gun


Kyp made a big mistake because he didn't ________.

[  ]


wear his glasses


know how to count


trust Sal


take off his glasses

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