
       When I first ate in a western restaurant, I didn't know what I was supposed to do. Everything was   l  . I was used to _ 2   with chopsticks and a spoon, but I had to eat with a knife, a fork and a spoon. And I
had, not just one set to   3   , but two or three of each. Questions   4   my mind. Was I supposed to begin
with the largest or the smallest? Was I supposed to start at the outside and work in or the inside and work
out? Was I supposed to hold the spoon in my left hand or my right hand? What I finally decide to do was
just to   5   the others.

(    )1.A. boring          
(    )2.A. feed            
(    )3.A. use            
(    )4.A. occurred in    
(    )5. A. see 
B. unfamiliar  
B. eating      
B. watch      
B. happened to
B. learn 
 C. important  
 C. have dinner
 C. look at    
 C. opened up
 C. follow
D. interesting          
D. eat lunch            
D. buy                  
D. crowded              
D. study 

       My wife and I are retired (退休的) and one of our main interests is travel. We   1   traveling on our
own to traveling with the tour group. Last month we began the first step (步) of   2   a European vacation
for this summer.
       First we got on the Internet to   3   the places we would like to go to. This is easy enough to do as
long as
(只要) you know   4   to search information on the Internet. We   5   to visit UK, France, Italy
and Germany. These are places we have never visited. We quickly found the   6   bargain prices (廉价)
of airplane tickets. We planned the number of days at each place to   7   sure that we can visit every place
not too fast.
       On the Internet it is also easy to find the airplane tickets besides hotel room prices and address. That
helps us   8   money and time. We would rather live in the little home-like hotels   9   the four-star hotels.
This kind of hotel is always cheap, convenient and safe.    10   we should do enough research on the Internet ahead of time (提前).
(     )1. A. prefer    
(     )2. A. making      
(     )3. A. choose    
(     )4. A. when      
(     )5. A. replied    
(     )6. A. least      
(     )7. A. take        
(     )8. A. save        
(     )9. A. except      
(     )10.A. But        
B. enjoy    
B. planning
B. leave    
B. whe ther
B. tried    
B. latest  
B. do      
B. spend    
B. than    
B. Or      
C. want    
C. having      
C. visit      
C. what        
C. decided    
C. worst      
C. make        
C. waste      
C. according to
C. And        
D. love                
D. going              
D. come                
D. how                
D. forgot              
D. best                
D. get                
D. use                
D. because of        
D. Though              

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