
     Nobody knew why Mrs.Williams was crying so loudly in her little garden.A neighbor came over
and asked her what happened.She told him,"Someone picked many of the flowers in the garden just
now.It must be a thief!" Just then a little boy came out holding a big bunch of flowers.He told Mrs.
Williams that his mother was badly ill."I'm very sorry,Mrs.Williams.I need money to pay for the
medicine,so I picked your flowers to sell,so that I could have some money to save my mother."
When she heard this,Mrs.Williams stopped crying and said to the boy that he could come to her
garden and pick as many as he need.She wants to see his mother in good health.
1.Mrs.Williams was crying in her little garden because ________________.
2.________________ picked some flowers in the small garden.
3.The boy wanted to have some money because her mother ________________.
4.At last Mrs.Williams let the boy ________________.
1.someone picked many of the flowers in her garden
2.A little boy
3.was badly ill
4.pick as many flowers as he need
     Dragons can be friendly or fierce (凶狠), they can bring good luck or cause death, but one  thing is
sure——people  talk about  them almost everywhere in the world. For a creature that doesn't actually
exist, that's quite something.
     In Chinese culture, dragons are generous and wise, although  they can be ①unpredictable. The
dragon was closely connected  to  the royal  family: theemperor's robes (礼袍) have a symbol of a gold
dragon with five claws. ②Other members of the royal family were allowed to wear dragon symbols, too,
but with fewer claws and of a different colour. According  to popular belief,  if you were born  in  the
year of the dragon, you are intelligent, brave, and a natural leader.
     But in the west, dragons had a different reputation (名声). The very first text in English, the
Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf, tells the story of a Scandinavian hero, Beowulf, who fights and kills a
dangerous dragon but is himself killed in the fight. However, across the border in Wales, the red
dragon which appears on the Welsh flag is a positive symbol, indicating strength and a sense of national
   ③Why should  the dragon have a different character  in different parts of  the world? Some experts
believe it is due to the animals that  the myths grew out of.  In  the west,  the  idea of  the dragon
probably came  from  the snake——an animal which people hated and ④____ ____of (害怕). 
     But in China, the idea of the dragon may have come from  the alligator--a shy animal which lives in
rivers, but which  is usually only seen when  there  is plenty of water--a good sign for agriculture(农业).
So the Chinese dragon was a bringer of ⑤good fortune.
1.(A) 请写出文中画线部分①unpredictable的汉语意思:
   (B) 请从文中找出与画线部分⑤good fortune意思相近的短语:
   They ____________________________________
3.将 文 中 画 线 句 子 ③ 翻 译 成 汉 语 :
   In  the west,  the  idea of  the dragon probably came from the snake-an animal which people hated and _______ _______ of (害怕).
5.What  are  the  differences  between Chinese dragons and western dragons? (从文中找出相关描
Chinese dragons:_____________        
Western dragons:___________..
        Jenny, an ll-year-old American girl, spent the Spring Festival with her parents in China. Her   1   planned a good old-fashioned (老式的) Spring Festival celebration:a dinner of Peking duck   2   by watching Spring Festival Gala (春节联欢晚会) of CCTV.
       Jenny's father,Robert,a businessman in an Internet company,    3    his first Spring Festival in China in 1994,making dumplings at a friend's house.
       Robert noticed   4   the Chinese character (汉字) "fu"was turned upside down (颠倒) on the wall. He   5   the "mistake" to his friends. But they laughed   6   his puzzle.    
       In China, people believe that the tuming upside down of the character "fu" is the coming of good fortune    7   their same  pronunciation " fu  dao". Here, " dao"    8     “come " .
       For the past week,workers have been busy decorating the streets. "Chinese believe that the beginning of the New Year will bring     9     happiness and success," Robert said.    
       On his holiday table at home,Robert    10   the traditional Chinese wine" er guo tou" to his friends. They enjoyed the traditional Chinese culture.
(     )1. A. friends            
(     )2. A. followed          
(     )3. A. spent              
(     )4. A. what              
(     )5. A. looked around      
(     )6. A. at                
(     )7. A. instead of        
(     )8. A. means              
(     )9. A. it                
(     )10.A. managed            

B. family      
B. stood      
B. cost        
B. which      
B. pointed out
B. in          
B. rather than
B. stands      
B. him        
B. served      

C. classmates        
C. passed            
C. paid              
C. that              
C. took off          
C. on                
C. according to      
C. considers        
C. her              
C. held              

D. neighbors    
D. depended    
D. took        
D. where        
D. joined in    
D. over        
D. except for  
D. replies      
D. them        
D. invented     

     Sally was fourteen. She studied in a middle school. She liked dancing and singing and spent a lot of
 time on them. But she hated math and even decided to give it up. Her father was anxious about it.
      It was Sunday. Sally's father gave a call to his sister who taught math in another school. He hoped she 
 would come and tell his daughter how to learn math. The woman came and said, "You are a clever girl,
 Sally. I'm sure you will soon learn math well if you do your best. "
     "I'm afraid I can't. Aunt," said Sally, "Girls can't be good at math. "
     "I don't think so," said the woman. "I was good at it when I was a girl. You must do more exercises and
  try different ways to practice doing math problems until you work them out or at least understand them
 better. Here is a math problem. Please think it over and see if you can work it out. "
      "OK," said the girl, "Let me try. "
      About an hour later, Sally took the. exercise book to her aunt and said, "I've tried several times and
 worked out the problem at last. "
      "Well done!" her aunt looked at her answer and said happily, "Now you see, math is not as difficult as
  you thought. "
(     ) 1. Sally tried her best to learn math but  could not learn it well.
(     ) 2. Sally spent much more time in singing and dancing than in learning math.
(     ) 3. Her aunt didn't think that girls could  be good at math.
(     ) 4. The father asked his sister to teach his  daughter how to learn math.
(     ) 5. Sally worked out the problem at last.
     Once there was a little boy who had a bad temper (脾气). His father gave him a bag of nails and told 
 him that every time he lost his temper, he must knock a nail into the back of the fence.    
     The first day, the boy knocked 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to 
 control his anger, the number of the nails knocked gradually reduced every day. He discovered it was
 easier to hold his temper than to knock those nails into the fence.     
     Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the 
 father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day when he was able to hold his temper. 
The days passed and the boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.       
     The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, "You have done well, my son, 
 but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they
 leave a scar (伤痕) just like this one. You can put a knife into a man and draw it out. No matter how 
 many times you say I'm sorry, the wound (伤口 ) is still there. A verbal (口头的 ) wound is as bad as a
 physical one. "
(     ) 1. The boy's father gave the boy some nails to throw them away.
(     ) 2. Over the next few weeks, the number of  the nails knocked gradually increased every day.
(     ) 3. After knocking all the nails into the  fence, the boy lost his temper.
(     ) 4. The father suggested that the boy should pull out all the nails again.
(     ) 5. No matter how many times you say I'm sorry, the wound is still there.

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