
1You can't __ water up with oil.

A. mix           B. put                C. get                D. make




【解析】put up“贴上;建造”;get up“起床,从……起来”;make up“编造;打扮”与题意不符。故选A。




Showing your feeling is important. It is a mistake not to talk to anyone __1you’re feeling sad, worried or nervous. If you keep bad feelings inside, it can even make you 2 _.

But if you  3  with someone, like your mom or dad, you’ll usually begin to feel 4  than before.Now you’re not all alone with your problems or worries.  5 , it doesn’t mean your problems and worries will  6  magically(神奇地). But, at least, someone else understands what’s  7  with you and can help  8 find ways to solve your problems.

Your mom and dad want to know if you have 9 . They love you and they want to know what’s happening in your life. But if you don’t want to talk with them, what should you do? Find a trustworthy(可信任的) teacher at school or a relative. Maybe that person can help you deal with your problems. Then you’ll feel as  10 as before.

1  A.what                               B .when                            C. how 

2 A. sick                                    B. active                           C. strong

3 A. tell                                     B. speak                            C. talk

4 A. worse                                B. better                           C.well

5 A. Whatever                         B. However                      C. Whenever    

6  A. disappear                      B. appear                         C. happen

7  A. matter                            B.more                              C. wrong

8  A. them                              B. you                                C. us     

9  A. problems                        B.problem                         C. question 

10 A. happily                           B.bad                                C. happy



We are learning English, but how can we learn English well? A student can know a lot about English, but maybe we can’t speak English.

If you want to know how to swim, you must get into the river. And if you want to be a football player, you must play football.

So, you see, you can learn by using it, You should listen to your teacher in class. You should speak English to your classmates every day and also you could write something in English. Then one day you may find your English very good.
(   )1You know a lot about English, but maybe

_________ it.
       A.you can speak      B.you can study

C.you can’t speak 

(   )2You must get into the river___________.
     A.to learn how to swim  B.to play C.to jump
(   )3Do you want to be a football player? 

Please ____________.
       A.buy a football        B.play football

C.have some lessons 
(   )4You can learn by using it. For example:____
     A.listen to your teacher in class 

B.Speak English to your classmates every day

C.A and B

(   )5Which do you think is the best title for this

 article?     __________________.
A.How to swim       B.How to play football C.How can we learn English well

  Several years ago Robert knew a girl at a party. He loved her at once. But he hadn’t enough money to marry(娶)her. He went to another village and wanted to borrow five thousand dollars from Peter, one of his classmates. He said he was going to return the money in two years.

    Peter Black believed him and lent the money to him. And Robert thanked the young man very much.

    In the past four years Robert married the girl and she had a baby. They lived a happy life, but he didn’t give the money back to Peter.

    One day Peter’s mother was ill and needed an operation. He looked for Robert for a few times, but he never met him. One day Peter heard that the young man was in. He hurried there. He knocked at the door for a long time and Robert’s wife came out to meet him.

    “I’m sorry, Mr Black.” said the woman. “My husband has just gone out.”

    Peter thought for a while and said, “Yes, I met him on my way here. He told me that he had left all his money at home and let you return it to me.”

    “Don’t believe him, dear!”Robert came out in a hurry(匆忙) and called out. “I’ve never told him about it!”

(   )6Peter believe Robert because _______.

        A.they were old classmates

        B.they lived in different villages

        C.Peter was a rich man

        D.Robert once helped Peter

(   )7Robert wouldn’t meet Peter because _______.

        A.he did not want to pay back the money

        B.he had paid Peter all the money

        C.he was always very busy

        D.his wife didn’t let him do so

(   )8Robert’s wife said sorry to Peter because she wanted ______.

    A.to pay Peter the money  B.to make Peter leave

    C.to let Peter in         D.to go out to meet Peter

(   )9Robert came out in a hurry because _______.

A.he was afraid Peter would beat his wife

B.he was afraid Peter would take his wife to the police

    C.he decided to give the money back to Peter

    D.he was afraid his wife would give the money to Peter

(   )10Which of the following is true? ___________.

    A.The woman didn’t know her husband was at home.

    B.Robert had no money to pay Peter.

    C.Peter was clever enough to make Robert come out.

D.Robert thought Peter was a good friend.

  Your home is a safe place, right? Think again.
     Many serious accidents happen in people's homes. Could you please prevent these accidents? Yes. Many accidents happen because people are careless. So be careful! Here are some tips about safety.
    ·Don't stand on chairs. Many people may fall off chairs and hurt themselves.
    ·Keep the floor dry, and you won't slip (滑) or fall.
    ·Be away from matches. Even a cigarette (香烟) can easily start a fire. Don't use water to put out fires. Use salt instead.
    ·Be careful with knives! Many people cut themselves in the kitchen. Never touch the broken bottles, doors  or windows. Glass can also cause the most serious cuts.
    ·Don't keep poisons (毒药) in the kitchen.
    ·Never use electrical appliances (电器设备) in the shower. Dry the floor before you use them, or  electricity can hurt you!
    ·Keep children away from hot water and hot drinks. They can be dangerous. But adults often forget it.
    ·Look through the peephole (门镜) when you hear the knock on the door. Don't let strangers in.
     In a word, we should learn to protect ourselves and stay away from danger.

1You must be careful when there is water on the floor.                   

2 Salt can’t be used for putting out fires.                                

3It’ s not safe for people to touch switches(电器)                         

4 Water and drinks can be dangerous for both children and adults.           

5 Open the door at once when you hear someone knocking at the door.       

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