
—This wine tastes a little strange.       

—It is. It’s made ________ apples.

    A. of              B. from         C. by         



 I remember a day when I was a little kid. I was making a sandwich in the kitchen when I noticed the   31   on one of the wine bottles.

  “Dad, Dad!” I cried. “This wine is too old to drink.”

  “Dear, hold on.” Dad said.

  “You can’t drink this tonight! This bottle of wine was   32   10 years ago.”

  “wait, let me tell you…”

  “Would you like me to   33   it away for you?” I asked.

  “Dear, wait a second,” he said.“Some wines get better   34   time. The longer you wait to drink it, the better it will be. Although this may seem strange, it is  35  .”

  When I was young, I didn’t have any understanding of what this   36  , but now, this would have been very helpful to remember as I   37   through my teenage years.

  In our society, we forget this simple rule: The longer you wait for certain things, the better they will be. But we want the best job as   38   as possible; we want to graduate from college in as a few years as possible; we even speed through our homework just to chat with friends. When we do this, we lose something of forget   39   .

  We all want to get to the next   40   so quickly that perhaps we don’t get   41   enough to get there. This has a   42   effect on our society. When trying to go to the right college, we will do anything to get in and when we rush through our class-work, we   43   not study enough for the best, and   44   failing. We need to be ready for   45   comes, ready for the unexpected.

  Wine gets better over time, so do the things in our paths of life.

(   )31. A. name       B. address         C. date         D. number

(   )32. A. bought      B. invented        C. made        D. discovered

(   )33. A. throw       B. give           C. clear         D. put

(   )34. A. for         B. on             C. in           D. over

(   )35. A. true        B. clear           C. wrong        D. poor

(   )36. A. said        B. told            C. explained     D. meant

(   )37. A. came       B. went           C. looked        D. wasted

(   )38. A. strongly     B. easily          C. quickly       D. slowly

(   )39. A. importance   B. use            C. honor        D. care

(   )40 A. class        B. grade           C. step         D. rule

(   )41. A. careful      B. ready           C. easy         D. lucky

(   )42. A. negative     B. positive         C. good        D. special

(   )43. A. must        B. will            C. should       D. may

(   )44. A. come up     B. end up          C. move up     D. make up

(   )45. A. whenever    B. wherever        C. whatever     D. whichever


     A young man was walking through the street one day and he was very thirsty.
     Finally he went into a shop and asked the shopkeeper,"How much are these cakes you have here?"
     "Five cents each," was the answer.
     "I'll give you ten cents for three of them."
     "All right," said the shopkeeper.
     So the young man took three cakes and then began looking at some other things in the shop."How much
is this wine?" he asked.
     "Ten cents a glass."
     "Well, I'm more thirsty than hungry. Please take back the cakes and give me a glass of wine."
      So the shopkeeper gave him a glass of wine. The young man drank the wine and began to walk out of
the shop.
     "Just a minute, young man," said the shopkeeper."You didn't pay for the wine."
     "Of course not, I gave you the cakes for it."
     "But you didn't pay for the cakes."
     "I didn't eat them. I gave them back to you. I certainly don't have to pay for anything I didn't eat, do I?"
And before the shopkeeper could think of an answer to that, the young man was out of the shop.
1. The young man went into a shop because ______.
A. he was thirsty
B. he was hungry
C. he was tired
D. he wanted to ask the way
2. What's the meaning of the phras e"Just a minute" in Chinese?
A. 一分钟
B. 仅仅一分钟
C. 正好一分钟
D. 等一下
3. Which of the following did the young man get at last?
A. Two cakes.
B. Three cakes.
C. A glass of wine.
D. A cake and a glass of wine.
4. How much did the young man pay at last?
A. Five cents.
B. Ten cents.
C. Fifteen cents.
D. Nothing.
5. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The young man walked through the street to a shop.
B. The young man wanted to pay ten cents for three cakes.
C. The young man didn't want a glass of wine.
D. The shopkeeper was very clever.

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