Jamaria Crump, 11 years old, is good at making lemonade(柠檬汁). In fact, she has turned it into a business (生意). In her hometown in Maryland, US, she has a lemonade stand (摊位) called LemonTopia. The stand is open three days a week. She also sells lemon-flavored (柠檬味的) pies, cakes and cookies at her stand.

Crump loves cooking and baking (烘焙) Two years ago, she wanted to have a lemonade stand at her school's bake sale, Her school said that was fine, but also asked her to sell other things, like cookies and cakes.After the bake sale was over, she started selling her goods at other school activities.

Later, she decided to start her own business and took her one year to make her own lemonade recipe.She also made new flavors of lemonade, such as apple and cotton candy (棉花糖).

For now, Crump is just making and selling lemonade, But she is dreaming big— she wants to be a pastry chef (糕点厨师) in Paris someday.

1.Jamaria Crump's business is for________.

A.making lemonade B.planting lemon trees

C.selling candy D.making chocolate

2.What do we know about Lemon Topia?

A.It only sells lemonade. B.It is famous in Maryland.

C.It is open five days a week. D.It also sells pies and cakes.

3.What does the underlined word “goods” mean in Chinese?

A.创意 B.商品 C.手工 D.杂志

4.Paragraphs 2 and 3mainty talk about________.

A.how Crump made her own lemonade B.how Crump learned to make lemonade

C.how Crump started her business D.what Crump's school did for her business

5.What do we know about Jamaria Crump from the story?

A.She got much money by selling lemonade. B.She likes to drink lemonade.

C.She is good at running a business D.She likes cooking and baking.

Many people have weight(体重) problems. These problems are bad for their health. One of the biggest reasons is that we sit around too much. So, the best way to lose weight is to move your body.

Turn off the TV. It’s the first thing you need to do. Once a week, turn off the TV and play some sports with your family. You can do something more interesting than sitting in front of the TV, such as playing games and taking a walk.

Walk more. Look for small ways to walk more. When you get the mail, take a walk around the house. Take the dog for a walk each day or ride your bike for 10 minutes before getting ready for work.

Do some housework. Watering the flowers, cleaning the windows, washing clothes and so on. These kinds of activities may not be vigorous(有力的) exercise, but they can keep you moving.

1.What is the biggest reason for weight problems according to the passage?

A.The hard work. B.Watching TV for too long.

C.Too much sleep. D.Sitting too much.

2.What is the first thing you should do to lose weight?

A.Turn off the TV. B.Do some housework.

C.Do something you like. D.Take a walk.

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The writer talks about three ways to help move our body.

B.Walking a dog is a good way to exercise.

C.Some small ways can also help us walk more.

D.Playing games is the best way to move our body.

4.The underlined word“they”refers to“_______”.

A.small ways B.vigorous activities

C.games D.activities in the house

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A.How to live a healthy life. B.How to do something interesting.

C.How to lose weight. D.How to spend your free time.

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