

Parents, especially those of teenagers, care about their children’s education more than anything _1.____ (别的).They would do everything for their children. Many of them spend most of their __2._ (多余的 ) time helping their children with studies. If they have no time or can’t do it themselves, they would hire family teachers or _3.__ (送) their children to after-class schools. It seems as if a better education is all that parents ___4. (期待)for children.

How can we explain the present situation? First of all, many parents have? 5. ?? (意识到)that future success ___6._(取决于) more and more on skills and education. Secondly, in a competitive(竞争的)___7.__(社会) there are both losers and ?? 8.? (胜利者) .Those who have better skills and more knowledge will enjoy more opportunities.

??? Certainly, it is ____9.___(重要的) to learn to succeed, but the first thing to learn is how to survive (生存), how to be a qualified citizen(合格的公民). If this is __10.___ (包括)in good education, the children will surely have a bright future and be healthy in body and mind.
















2.in one's spare time是固定短语,意思是在某人的空余时间。句意为:他们中的许多人将他们的大部分空余时间用来帮助孩子的学习。






8.winner是名次,意思是获胜的人,胜者,由于前面是there are所以要用复数形式,并且要注意这里的n要双写。句意为:第二,在一个竞争激烈的社会,既有失败者也有成功者。





Your teenage years should be the most exciting and enjoyable years in your life. Here is some advice ??? ??? how you can get the most during the time.

Be Happy?

You are young and full of energy. (72) There are lots of things you don’t have to worry about. You don’t need to worry about where to get your meals, where to sleep at night, or how to make money. During the time without a lot of worries, you should try your best to be happy every day.

Be Healthy?

As a teenager, you will experience many changes in your body. So during the time you should learn to take care of yourself. Keep yourself clean and eat the right kinds of food. (73) What you are doing now will help you keep healthy in the future.

Be Wise?

Keep close contact (接触) with your parents and other older people. You may have ten thousand questions as you come into this new stage of life. This is the time when you actually need your parents’ guidance (指导) and support.?

Choose Your Friends?

The friends you make will have a great ??? ??? on your teenage life. Choosing the right friends will save you a lot of trouble and sadness in the future.

Think over the above advice and try to enjoy your teenage years. As these years pass, you can prepare yourself for a good future.


1. _____________???????????????? ______________


2. ________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________


4.How many suggestions are given to teenagers in this passage?

?? ________________________________________________

5.Why should teenagers choose right friends according to the passage?

Because _________________________________________________________.


In one way of thinking, failure is part of life. In ? ? ? way, failure may be a way towards success. The “Spider-story” is often ? ? ? . Robert Bruce , leader of the Scots in the 13th century, was hiding in a cave from the English. He watched a spider ? ? ?? a web. The spider tried to reach across a rough ? ? ? in the rock. He tried six times. On the ? ? ? time he made it and went on to make his web. Bruce is said to have been encouraged by this and to have gone on to ? ? ?? the English. Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, made ? ? ?? models that failed before he found the right way to make one. Once he was asked ?? ? ? he kept on trying to make a new type of battery when he had failed so often, he replied, “Failure? I have ? ? ? failure. Now I know 50,000 ways it won't ?? ? ? “..

So what? Firstalways think about your failure. What caused ? ? ? Were conditions right? Were you in top from yourself? What can you change? So things will go ?? ? ?? next time.

Second, is the goal you're trying to reach the right one? Try to do some ?? ? ?? about what your real goals may be. Think about this question. “If I do succeed in this, where will it get me?" This may help you prevent failure in things you shouldn't be doing any way.

The third thing to keep in ? ? ? about failure is that it's a part of life. Learn to “live with yourself" even though you may have ? ? ?

1.A. other??????? B. another??????? C. first??????????? D. second

2.A. told???????? B. said?????????? C. talked?????????? D. spoken

3.A. doing??????? B.taking???????? C. making????????? D. playing

4.A. room??????? B. house????????? C. place?????????? D. soil

5.A. tenth??????? B. sixth????????? C. eighth?????????? D. seventh

6.A. save???????? B. help?????????? C. defeat?????????? D. kill

7.A. hundred????? B. hundreds?????? C. hundred of?????? D. hundreds of

8.A. why???????? B. when????????? C. what?????????? D. who

9.A. not????????? B. no??????????? C. never?????????? D. nothing

10.A . do???????? B. make????????? C. took??????????? D. work

11.A. one???????? B. it????????????? C. that??????????? D. this

12.A. high??????? B. large?????????? C. right?????????? D. bright

13.A. Thinking??? B. shopping??????? C. reading???????? D. cleaning

14.A. heart??????? B. eyes??????????? C. ears?????????? D. mind

15.A. failed.?????? B. succeeded?????? C. finished??????? D. passed


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