
    On July 12th, 2009,  at 5 pm, a lot of fans  met  at  People's Square in   Shanghai.  They  performed
Michael Jackson's unfinished dance. For one minute, they sang and did the moon walk ( 太空步 )  to
remember Michael Jackson.
    This kind of phenomenon (现象) is called "flash mob (快闪族)". "Flash mob" is a group of people who meet in a public place to perform an activity for a short time. Sometimes all these people are friends, but
usually they are strangers (陌生人) and they find each other (彼此) on the Internet.
    "Flash mob" is very surprised and strange. One of the popular "flash mob" activities was in Manhattn,  
 New York City: Three hundred people met in a store and each of them told the shop assistant that they
would buy the same size sports shoes, and the shop assistant didn't know what to do.
1. What did a lot of fans do at People's Square in Shanghai?
2. What is "flash mob"?
3. Are people of "flash mob" usually strangers?
4. Where do people find each other in a short time?
5. What does the writer think of "flash mob"?
1. They performed Michael Jackson's unfinished dance.    
2. It is a group of people who meet in a public place to perform an activity for a short time.    
3. Yes, they are.    
4. On the Internet.    
5. It is very surprised and strange.
  A man once had a dream about the Black Forest in Germany. In his dream
he was walking in the forest when two men ran out and tried to throw him to the
ground. He ran off as fast as he could, but they followed him. He reached a place
where he saw two roads in front of him, one to the right and the other to the left.
Which road should he take? He heard the two men behind him, getting nearer,
and at the same time he heard a voice in his ear. It told him to go to the right, and
he did so. He ran on and soon came to a small hotel. He was received there
kindly and given a room, and he was saved from the two men. That was the
  Twenty years later he was really in the Black Forest as happened in the
dream long ago, and two men ran out and tried to throw him down. He ran off,
and came to a place with two roads, like in the dream. He remembered the dream
and took the road to the right. He soon reached a small hotel, was taken in, and
so was safe.  His dream of twenty years before had saved his life.
1. The Black Forest is _____ .
A. a place in Germany
B. not a real place
C. invented by the writer
D. a place in Britain
2. When he was walking in the forest _____ ran after him.
A. two dogs            
B. two tigers
C. two men            
D. two women
3. Finally he came to _____.
A. a forest
B. another road
C. another dream
D. a small hotel
4. It was _____ that saved the man's life 20 years later.
A. a voice            
B. the dream
C. someone else        
D. God
5. The story tells us that _____.
A. a dream may come true some time later
B. a dream is always a dream
C. people should not believe their dreams
D. people should always believe their dreams
     Many pupils tell us that they are busy with their study every day and don't have enough time to do what they like to do. Bnan, 13 , said, " I don't have much time for friends. I wish I could talk to them more. "
Mary feels that she never has enough time to practice her violin and play with her friends. She spends most of her time studying and doing her homework.
     Alice, 14, wants more time for skating and Rick, 15, wishes he had more time to watch TV.
     Morgan, 12, said, " I never have time just to be myself, talk with my friends and write my diary ! "
     Well, time is the same to every one of us.  We can't get more time or make time slow down. What we can do is try our best to manage it. This means that we should know about everything we have to do and
how to do it. For example, we have to study, sleep, eat and make our houses clean. We want to do things that make us feel relaxed and happy.
     Then we should try to understand how much time each activity will take in a day. After we know that, we can make a plan to help us get through the day without too much hurry.  
     I think that if all of us use our time properly, we'll feel happier.
1. What does Mary spend most of her time doing?
A. Studying and doing her homework.
B. Practicing the violin.
C. Playing on the computer.
D. Playing with her friends.
2. What would Alice do if she had more time?
A. Talk with her friends.
B. Write her diary.
C. Watch TV.
D. Go skating.
3. How many steps does the writer tell us about__________ managing time?
A. Five.
B. Four.
C. Three.
D. Two.
4. According to the pupils' words, we know that___________
A. they don't have much time to do what they like to do
B. they don't like their school work
C. they feel tired of life
D. they want their homework to be more interesting
5. What's the main idea of the passage?
A. We should try our best to do what we have to do.
B. We should learn to manage our time.
C. Time is the same to every one of us.
D. Children shouldn't have too much homework.
     Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office. One day Mr. Jones said to Mr. Brown, "We
are going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening . Would you and your wife like to
join us?"
     Mr. Brown said, "Thank you very much . That is very kind of you. We are free that evening. I think,
but I will telephone my wife and ask her. Maybe she wants to go somewhere else that evening." So Mr.
Brown went to the other room and telephoned. When he came back, he looked very sorry.
     "What is the matter?" said Mr. Jones. "Did you speak to your wife?"
     "No," answered Mr. Brown, "She wasn't there, my small son answered the telephone. I said to him,"
Is your mother there, David?' and he answered, 'No, she is not in the house,' 'Where is she then?' I asked. 'She is somewhere outside.' 'What is she doing?' 'She is looking for me.'"
1. A small party will be held ______.
A. at David's house
B. at Mr. Brown's house
C. in the office
D. at Mr. Jones' house
2. Mr. Jones asked ______to the party.
A. Mr. Brown
B. Mrs. Brown
C. Mr. and Mrs. Brown
D. all his friends
3. The telephone was ______.
A. in the same office
B. in a room next to the office
C. in the post office
D. near Mr. Jones' house
4. Mr. Brown spoke to ______on the phone .
A. Mrs. Brown
B. Mrs. Jones
C. David
D. David's friend
5. Why was Mrs. Brown looking for David? Because ______.
A. he went out of the house
B. he was answering Father's phone
C. she knew David had lost his way
D. she thought he was playing somewhere outside

     Not everyone has a chance to be a detective. But I got one when I was thirteen years old. It happened
in 1988.
     One afternoon, I was walking down the street when I saw my father's new car. I _1_ to see my father,
but to my surprise, I saw a young woman driving instead. "She has stolen my father's car," I thought. So I
quickly stopped a taxi and got in. I said to the driver, "Follow that new car _2_ ," and I told him why. The
taxi driver had a car phone, so I asked him to call the police. Soon we heard the _3_ of a police car and its
loudspeaker. The police told the woman to stop her car. Our car Came to a stop, too. I _4_ right then and
said to the woman, "It's not your car. It's my _5_" The woman smiled and said, "Oh. You're Mr. Johnson's younger son, right? I've even seen your photo in your father's office." Before I could say _6_ word, the
woman explained that she was my father's new assistant. My father had asked her to take his computer to
the shop to have it _7_. He lent her his car. After hearing her words, we called my father and he told us
what she said was _8_ The police and the taxi driver laughed. I _9_ very sorry. It was both the first and
the last time I worked as a _10_. Don't you think my story is funny?

(     )1. A. expect  
(     )2. A. after    
(     )3. A. noise  
(     )4. A. got in  
(     )5. A. father  
(     )6. A. another
(     )7. A. repair  
(     )8. A. wrong  
(     )9. A. felt  
(     )10. A. student
B. expected
B. in front  
B. voice  
B. got into
B. mother
B. other  
B. repaired
B. really
B. feel  
B. policeman
C. think    
C. at the back
C. cry      
C. got out
C. mother's
C. else    
C. repairs
C. true    
C. fell    
C. driver    
D. thought        
D. at the back of  
D. sound          
D. got away        
D. father's    
D. others          
D. repairing      
D. truly          
D. fallen          
D. detect ive      

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