
The South China Sea Islands are made up of the East Sand Islands, West Sand Islands, Middle Sand Islands, South Sand Islands and Huangyan Island. A  1.   the islands of Nansha Islands, Huangyan Island is the only island above the China South Sea. It is r  2.   in all kinds of fishes. It is one of the most beautiful t  3.    attractions in China. Many people there still make a l  4.   by fishing from the sea. However, on April 10, 2012, the Philippine soldiers broke into this island. They threatened (威胁) our six fishermen by guns to stand in the sun for two hours w  5.   any clothes. They even a   6.  our fishermen to sign a file to announce (宣告) that Huangyan Island b 7.   to Philippine, but was refused firmly.

    “We will never give up! Huangyan Island has been part of China for c   8.   .” a Chinese government official said a  9.   .

With the help of the Chinese government, the six fishermen were s 10.    at last and they succeeded in leaving the island safely.





2. rich 


4. living










2.该岛屿中富含各种各样的鱼类。“富含”多用be rich in来表示,故答案为rich。

3.它是中国最美丽的旅游胜地之一。tourist attraction意为“旅游胜地”;故答案为tourist。

4.“谋生”应该用make a living来表示,本句是说当地人主要通过打鱼谋生,故答案为living。

5.菲律宾的士兵持枪闯入我黄岩岛威胁我国六名渔民赤身裸体地在烈日下站了两个小时;“没有穿任何衣服”用without any clothes来表示;故答案为without。

6.他们甚至要求我们的渔民签署文件承认黄岩岛属于他们被断然拒绝。“要求”直接用动词ask来表示即可;ask sb to do sth;故答案为asked。

7.“属于某人”即belong to sb,注意动词的时态用过去时,故答案为belonged。

8.几个世纪以来,黄岩岛一直是我们中国的领土;“几个世纪以来”用for centuries来表示;故答案为centuries。


10.最终中国渔民在我国政府的帮助下获救并安全地离开了那个岛屿。“得到挽救”为“they were saved”;故答案为saved。




In the 1500s, South American fishermen said that the sea became warmer every few years. They gave this special event a Spanish name 'El Nino', meaning 'the baby'. It is called 'the baby' because it arrives around Christmas.

El Nino is a huge area of warm water in the middle of cold water in the Pacific Ocean. It happens every two to seven years. It moves around the ocean and becomes bigger and smaller at different times. This warm water affects the weather. It is always raining over El Nino. El Nino contains a lot of energy. Scientists think this energy is formed when wind comes from the northern half of the world. The winds blow across warm sea water in the south. When the strong wind hits the warm water, violent weather happens. Scientists think that El Nino existed for many thousands of years.

El Nino affects every person in the world because it affects the entire world's weather. It can bring the rain that farmers need. It can bring storms that destroy homes. It can mean that fishermen cannot catch fish, and it can bring floods. There is nothing we can do about El Nino. It is an event of nature. We can help the world's weather by trying to stop the greenhouse effect and air pollution. The most important job for scientists is to learn how to predict when El Nino is going to bring dangerous weather. Then, people can try to prepare for storms, floods and droughts. New technology like satellite pictures and temperature measuring equipment can help. Still, it is very hard to say when or where El Nino will cause damage.

1.El Nino is ______.

A) a storm that hits every two years            B) a huge area of warm water

C) a wind from the south                    D) some cold water in the Pacific Ocean

2. It happens ______.

A) every year                              B) every month

C) every seven years                        D) every two to seven years

3.El Nino ______.

A) makes the weather better                   B) affects the weather

C) gives the weather energy                   D) predicts the weather

4.It is always______ over EI Nino.

A) sunny             B) cloudy             C) rainy                D) windy

5.El Nino affects ______.

A) everybody                               B) just farmers

C) only fishermen                            D) only students

6. We can help the world's weather by______.

A) finding out more about El Nino               B) being careful during the floods

C) driving cars                               D) stopping the greenhouse effect

7.______helps to predict El Nino.

A) Looking out of the window                 B) Checking the weather each day

C) Satellite pictures                          D) New boats


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