
An eight-year-old child heard her parents talking about her little brother. All she knew was that he was very sick and they had no money. Only a very expensive operation(手术) could save him now and there was no one to lend them the money.
  When she heard her daddy say to her tearful mother, “Only a miracle(something couldn’t happen) can save him now,” the little girl went to her bedroom and pulled her money from its hiding place and counted it carefully.
  She hurried to a drugstore(药店)with the money in her hand.
  “And what do you want?” asked the salesman. “ It's for my little brother,” the girl answered. “He's really,really sick and I want to buy a miracle. ”
  "Pardon?”said the salesman.
  “My brother Andrew has something bad growing in-side his head and my daddy says only a miracle can save him. So how much does a miracle cost?”“We don't sell a miracle here,child. I'm sorry,”the salesman said with a smile.
  “Listen,if it isn't enough,I can try and get some more. Just tell me how much it costs. ”
  A well-dressed man heard it and asked, “What kind of a miracle does your brother need?”  “I don't know,” she answered with her eyes full of tears. “He's really sick and mum says he needs an operation. But my daddy can't pay for it, so I have brought all my money. ”
  “How much do you have?” asked the man. “$ 1.11, but I can try and get some more,” she answered.
  “Well, what luck,”smiled the man. “$ 1.11, the price of a miracle for little brothers. ”
  He took up the girl's hand and said, “Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents. Let's see if I have the kind of miracle you need. ”
That well-dressed man was Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a famous doctor. The operation was successful and it wasn't long before Andrew was home again.
  How much did the miracle cost?
小题1:What was the trouble in the little girl's family?
A. Her brother was seriously ill.
B. They had no money.
C. Nothing could save her brother.
D. Both A and B.
小题2:In the eye of the little girl,a miracle might be _______.
A.something interesting
B.something beautiful
C.some wonderful medicine
D.some good food
小题3:What made the miracle happen?
A.The girl's love for her brother.
B.The girl's money.
C.The medicine from the drugstore.
D.Nobody can tell.
小题4:From the passage we can infer(推断) that _______.
A.The doctor didn't ask for any pay
B.A miracle is sure to happen if you keep on
C.The little girl is lovely but not so clever
D.Andrew was in fact not so sick as they had thought


小题1:根据All she knew was that he was very sick and they had no money.描述可知选D。
小题2:这个小女孩在听到父母谈论miracle 后,就拿着自己的私房钱去药店买miracle,可知她认为这是一种药物,故选C。
When I was in my first year of middle school, my father died. And my mother was ill just after I started high school, I had to stop   1  school because my mother had no ___2___ to pay for my school bills.
We started working in people’s gardens to save up enough money  3  me to go back to school. After some time, I returned to school. Unluckily, my mother died the next year. Suddenly my world went  4 . I asked my headmaster  5  I could work for the school so I could pay my bills. He was a nice man and let me  6  in the school garden during the  7 . I had not been able to study well because of my mother’s  8 .   9  the end of my second year,   I  10  most of my exams and was told I would have to repeat (重复) the year. After  11  summer working in the school garden, I went back to lessons again. But suddenly I fell  12 .
Because of my illness, I was weak and couldn’t work at school. I was hopeless. My headmaster told me not to give up (放弃). And my teachers  and  classmates  helped me  a   13  . Now I’m feeling better and will finish my third year.
My life is still not  14  . A few students  15  my poor clothes. They also call me ‘farmer’ because I work in the school garden. But I know I have to do with such problems.
A.to go toB.going toC.living inD.visiting the
A.workB.to workC.workingD.study
A.afternoon B.holidaysC.nightD.morning
A.passedB.went through C.failedD.had
A.anotherB.otherC.the otherD.more
A.little B.fewC.lotD.lot of
A.the sameB.hardC.difficultD.easy
A.laugh atB.likeC.put onD.laugh
One morning, a student was walking with his teacher when they saw a pair of old shoes by the roadside (路边). They thought the shoes might belong  1  a poor man. In fact, the   2  of the shoes was working nearby.
The student wanted to hide (藏) the shoes and see   3  the man would do   4  he couldn’t find them. But the teacher   5  him and said, “ Let’s   6  a coin ( 硬币) in each of the shoes, and watch what he will do.”
The student did so, and then they hid nearby.
The man soon came back to get his  7 , he felt something hard in them. He found the two coins.
Surprise came to his   8 . He looked at the coins for a minute, and then  9 but nobody was there.
He then knelt down (跪下) , looked up to the sky and said   10  aloud, in which he spoke of his  11  wife and children without food.
The student was deeply moved (感动的), with tears in his eyes, “ Dear   12  ,” he said, “You have taught me   13  lesson which I’ll never  14 . I finally understand now: It’s more blessed (神圣的) to   15  than to receive.”
A.stopped B.helpedC.allowedD.agreed
A.looked aroundB.looked afterC.looked likeD.looked at
In the Caucasus region(高加索地区), nearly 50 out of every 100,000 people live to celebrate their 100th birthday, and many don’t stop at 100! By comparison, in America only 3 people in 100,000 reach 100. But these Caucasus people aren’t alone. The Pakistani Hunzas, who live high in the Himalaya Mountains, and the Vilcabambans of the Andes Mountains in Ecuador seem to share the secret of long life too.
  These peoples remain healthy in body and spirit despite the passage of time. While many older persons in industrial societies become weak and ill in their 60s and 70s, some Caucasus people aged 110-140, work in the fields beside their great-great-grandchildren. Even the idea of aging is foreign to them. When asked, “At what age does youth end?” most of these old people had no answer. Several replied, “Well, perhaps at age 80.” The very youngest estimate was age 60.
  What accounts for this ability to survive (live) to such old age, and to survive so well? First of all, hard physical work is a way of life for all of these long-lived peoples. They began their long days of physical labor as children and never seem to stop. For example, Mr. Rustam is 142 years of age. He remembers his life experience: the Crimean War of 1854; the Turkish War of 1878; the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917. His wife is 116 years old. They have been married for 90 years. Mr. Rustam has no plan of retiring from his life as a farmer. “Why? What else would I do?” he asks. Oh, he’s slowed down a bit. Now he might quit (stop working) for the day after 6 hours in the field instead of 10.
  All these people get healthful rewards from the environment in which they work. They all come from mountainous regions. They live and work at elevations(海拔)of 5,000 to 12, 000 feet(1,660 to 4,000meters) above sea level. The air has less oxygen and is pollution-free. This reduced oxygen environment makes the heart and blood vessel(血管)system stronger.
  Another factor(因素)that may lead to the good health of these people is their isolation. To a great extent, they are separated from the pressure(压力)and worries of industrial society.
  Inherited(遗传的) factors also play some role. Most of the longest-lived peoples had parents and grandparents who also reached very old age. Good family genes may, therefore, be one factor in living longer.
  Finally, although these three groups don’t eat exactly the same foods, their diets are similar. All of them eat little animal meat. Their diets are full of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, cheese and milk. They never eat more food than their bodies need.
  It is clear that isolation from urban pressure and pollution, clean mountain air, daily hard work, moderate diets, good genes, and a youthful approach to life all lead to the health and remarkable long life of all these people.
小题1: What is the main idea of this article?
A.Cause and effect of long-lived life.
B.People in the world enjoying a longer life.
C.Factors leading to the health and long life of people.
D.A description of several societies where people living a long life.
小题2: “The idea of aging is foreign to them” means that _________.
A.they don’t care much about their age
B.they have no idea of how old they are
C.they won’t say anything about their age until they are asked to
D.the idea of getting old has never come into their mind
小题3: How do you think the writer feels about these long-lived people?
A.He is much impressed with them.
B.He doesn’t care a bit about them.
C.He hopes that they will live a still longer life.
D.He doesn’t think their life is full of pressure and worries.
Mrs. Yuan is a writer. She’s  1   and often helps the poor person. It was very cold one snowy morning. On the way to her office, she saw an old man   2  on the ground. She came to him and help him to  3  and bought some porridge and bread for him. The old man ate up the food quickly and  4  her very much. Then she asked. “Where do you live, Grandpa?”
“I have no  5 , madam,” said the old man. “ I have to sleep outside  6 .”
“How old are you?” “Ninety-two.” Mrs Yuan became   7  and went on asking, “Why not live in the old people’s house?” “  8  I have a son,” said the old man. “they’ve  9  admitted(接纳) a person who has children.”
“Do you have any children?”
“Yes,” answered the old man. “I have a son.”
“Where is your son, then?”
“He has no children,   10  the old people’s house admitted him.”
“It’s unfair!” said Mrs. Yuan. She overcame several difficulties and at last helped him to live in the old people’s house.
A.stand upB.look upC.sit upD.get up
A.thankedB.hatedC.likedD.looked at
A.at noonB.at nightC.every day D.in the morning
Miracles(奇迹)will happen if you don't give up trying. Even if you have  31 for one hundred times, you may succeed when you try for the 10lst time.
When I was born, my doctor told my mother that there was something wrong with my 32 .  They were too soft to be able to walk. Although the news was bad, my mother didn't become  33 . She didn't believe what the doctor said  34  she started to look for other ways.
My mother kept looking for other doctors for me, and finally she  35 . The doctor and his team in the hospital did   36 they could to help me. They also asked my parents to teach me to do some  37 to help me walk. One day when my mother came to pick me 38   .I crawled(爬) towards her. She was so surprised and happy that she couldn't believe  39  eyes. Crawling was not walking, but it was a good  40 . Day by day, I could walk by myself.
When I grew up, my mother   41  told me these stories. She said that if I thought of what she said whenever I met   42 , I could do anything successfully. I have been working hard and I have turned out to be a very   43  person. I get best   44 in school and I am a good dancer and swimmer.   45  my mother's strong resolution, I live a happy life now. What the story tells us, as my mother always says, is: Never give up.
A.According toB.Instead ofC.Thanks toD.Together with

"Can I see my baby?" the happy new mother asked. When the baby was lying in her arms and she moved the cloth to look upon his tiny face, she gasped(吃力地喘着气). The doctor turned quickly and looked out of the hospital window. The baby had been born without ears. Luckily, time proved that the baby's hearing was perfect. Though the misfortune(不幸)happened to him, he grew into a handsome boy. Yet he felt ashamed when he communicated with others.
“You should get in touch with other young people,” his mother told him, with a kindness in her heart. The boy’s father talked with the family doctor about his ears. “Could nothing be done?” the father asked. “I believe I could give him a pair of outer ears, if they could be got,” the doctor replied.
Two years went by. One day, his father said to the son, “You are going to the hospital, Son. Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need, but it’s a secret.” The operation is a big success. Later he married and entered the diplomatic(外交的)service. One day, he asked his father, “Who gave the ears? Who gave me so much? I could never do enough for him or her.”
“You could, my son,” said the father, “but the agreement was that you are not to know…not yet.”
The years kept their secret, but one of the darkest days did come. He stood with his father over his mother’s casket(棺材). Slowly, the father stretched forth(伸出) a hand
and raised the thick, reddish brown hair to reveal the mother had no outer ears.
"Mother said she was glad she never let her hair be cut," his father whispered gently, "and nobody ever thought mother less beautiful, did they?"
小题1:Why did Mother gasp when she saw her newborn baby?
A.Because her son had a tiny face.
B.Because she saw her son crying.
C.Because her son was in her arms.
D.Because her son was born imperfect.
小题2:Who gave the son the ears?
A.His mother.B.His father.C.A doctor.D.A stranger.
小题3:The underlined word “reveal” in the last but one paragraph means “________”.
A.see B.showC.findD.search
小题4:The best title for the passage would be ________.
A.Mother’s hair
B.An unforgettable memory
C.Who gave me the ears?
D.Who is my best respectable person?
小题5:The main purpose of the passage is to tell readers that ________.
A.The secret was kept until the mother died.
B.Real love lies in what is done but not known.
C.The operation on the boy was a great success.
D.The boy entered the diplomatic service when he grew up.
When asked to point out one or two things that are most important to themselves, many put friends ahead of homes, jobs, clothes and cars.
A true friendship carries a long history of experience that determines who we are and keeps us connected. It is a treasure we should prove it. Unfortunately, the better friends you are, the more probably you’ll have disagreements. And the result can be what you don’t want an end to the relationship.
The good news is that most troubled friendships can be mended. First, don’t let your pride get in your way. Most of us can forgive each other when differences are brought out in the open. Second, apologize when you’re wrong ― even if you’ve been wronged. Over the course of friendship, even the best people make mistakes. Sometimes, it may be best if the wronged person takes wrong. Third, see things from your friend’s point of view. And finally, accept that friendships changes as our needs and lifestyles change. Making friends can sometimes seem easy. The hard part is keeping the connections strong during the nature ups and downs that have an effect on all relationships. My suggestion: Consider friendship an honor and a gift, and worth the effort to treasure and nurture(培养).
小题1:The “wronged person” underlined in the text refers to a person _______.
A.who has been mistaken for anotherB.who has been blamed unfairly
C.who has treated friends badlyD.who has admitted his mistakes
小题2:According to the text a friendship can last long only if________.
A.we treat our disagreements wiselyB.we know our friends mistakes
C.we have much in commonD.we have known one another for long
小题3:What should we do if we follow the author’s second suggestion?
A.Stick to our own points of view.
B.Avoid making mistakes.
C.Make an apology first.
D.change our lifestyles.

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