
An INTERESTING experiment

It takes a little skill to do this experiment, but the result is truly SURPRISING.

What do you need?

? Several rubber balloons

? Wooden skewer(木签)

? Vegetable oil

? Paper towel

Step l

Blow up a balloon, let some of the air out of it, and tie it closed.

Step 2

Rub some oil on skewer with paper towel.

Step 3

Gentle twist(搓捻)and push skewer into end of balloon opposite the knot. If balloon pops(爆 炸),go back to Step 1.

Step 4

When skewer is in balloon, slowly twist and push it out of balloon near knot.

What will happen?


The balloon does not pop, even though it has a skewer in it.

Why won’t it pop?

? Rubber is made out of long chains of molecules (分子).

? The skewer pushes these molecules aside.

? The molecules mix with the oil and they stick together tightly.

? The oil on the skewer seals the hole and air cannot get out.

1.Which is the most suitable word for “”?

A.Topic B.Result C.Step 5 D.Reason

2.What can we infer(推断)from the passage?

A.It’s easy to push a skewer into and out of a balloon when doing the experiment.

B.You’d better blow as much air as possible into a balloon to make it big enough.

C.There’s no need for you to use the oil and paper towel while doing the experiment.

D.It’s hard for the air to get out of the hole as molecules and oil stick together.


You have probably heard of tomato throwing and the polar bear swim,but have you ever heard of the sport of cheese rolling?

Cheese rolling is an event that takes place every spring at Cooper's Hill,Gloucestershire(a county in England,west of London). People say that cheese rolling is one of Great Britain's oldest customs. Some say the custom started even before the Romans lived in that country 2000 years ago.Most say cheese rolling has been going on for at least a couple of centuries as a celebration of the onset (beginning)of summer.

Each year, thousands of spectators come to Cooper's Hill to watch people chase ( run after) a three kilogram round of Double Gloucester Cheese down the hillside. There are separate races for men and women, and uphill races for boys and girls too. The winners get to keep the rounds of cheese they have tried so hard to catch. However, no one ever catches the cheese because it runs fast down the slope(斜坡)at nearly 110 kilometers per hour !

It is funny to imagine people chasing a little wheel of cheese as it rolls down a hill, but maybe it is not so funny to see it because Cooper's Hill is very Steep(陡峭的).Every year, several of the cheese chasers tumble down the hill. Often, people have their bones broken, but this has not stopped the event from taking place.

Would you chase cheese down a hill?

1.What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?

A.The place where the event is held.

B.The time when the event is held.

C.The history the event already has.

D.The reason why the event is held.

2.What does the word "spectators" mean in Paragraph 3?

A.People who report the event.

B.People who work for the event.

C.People who take part in the event.

D.People. who are watching the event.

3.Cheese rolling players are grouped according to .

A.Sex and Height. B.Age and weight.

C.Sex and age. D.Height and Weight.

4.What does the writer think of the cheese rolling event?

A.It's funny. B.It's tiring.

C.It's dangerous. D.It's crowded.

Museums, live music and malls are nice. But there are many young people who have_______time to enjoy these things. They follow the“996 ”work schedule(时间表)—starting work at9 am and finishing at9pm,six days a week.

The“996”work schedule became a heated topic online after a computer programmer_________a website called“996. ICU”.According to the website, working to a“996”schedule is_______and could cause people to end up in an ICU(重症监护室). This work schedule is_______at Chinese tech companies like Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent._______ most“996”workers do not get overtime pay.

Many tech industry workers_______this schedule.“I kept to” for nine months,Zhang, a former software worker, said. “I couldn’t sleep because of the pressure. So, I_______ .”

However, the bosses of some tech companies defended((为…辩护)“996”. Jack Ma was_______them. “If you don't work to‘996’as you are young,_______?”Ma said.“If you don’t put in more time and energy than others, how will you achieve the success you want?”

Many__________Ma's thinking. In an article in People's Daily, one writer said, “Valuing hard work does not justify(使……合理化)__________workers to work overtime.”

A lawyer named Cui Zhendong said it is____________the law to use a“996”work schedule.China’s Labour Law clearly states (声明)that workers should work no more than 8 hours a day or 44 hours a week.

1.A.much B.some C.enough D.little

2.A.set up B.set out C.set off D.set down

3.A.unimportant B.unknown C.unhealthy D.uncertain

4.A.rare B.strange C.necessary D.common

5.A.After all B.What's worse C.For example D.That's to say

6.A.accept B.enjoy C.dislike D.manage

7.A.gave away B.gave up C.gave out D.gave off

8.A.among B.between C.without D.below

9.A.how B.when C.why D.where

10.A.doubted B.wondered C.believed D.supported

11.A.paying B.inviting C.attracting D.forcing

12.A.for B.beyond C.against D.along

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