
Lao She wrote Teahouse in 1957.The play shows the audience life in China between1898 and 1945.It takes place in a teahouse in old Beijing and it tells us the story of Wang Lifa and his customers.It asks us to see the teahouse as the centre of the neighbourhood.Finally , it says goodbye to old Beijing and its people.

     The story starts in 1898 during the Qing Dynasty.It continues in 1916, and finally, it brings the audience to the end of the Anti - Japanese War in 1945.After the war, Wang loses the teahouse and he dies.

     Lao She was born in Beijing in 1899.His parents sent him to the Teacher' s School in Beijing and he learned to teach.From 1924 to 1929 he taught Chinese to the English in London.He wrote many plays, novels and short stories.He was named a “People' s Artist”                                                                                       and a “Great Master of Language”.He was one of the greatest Chinese writers of the 20 th century.

     In Lao She Teahouse today, waiters bring tea to the customers and sell them delicious                                                                               Chinese food.If you like Beijing Opera, folk music, acrobatics or magic shows, you can enjoy them in the teahouse.Lao She Teahouse gives a wonderful welcome to everyone from China and from all over the world.

1.When did Lao She write Teahouse?

      A.In 1950              B.In 1954              C.In 1957

2.Does Wang Lifa die finally in the story?

    A.Yes, he does.       B.No, he doesn't.     C.We don' t know.

3.What did Lao She teach in London?

      A.English               B.Chinese             C.Japanese

4.What can you enjoy in Lao She Teahouse today?

    A.Beijing Opera, folk music, magic shows

    B.Beijing Opera, ballet, acrobatics

    C.Jazz, acrobatics, magic shows

5.Where is Lao She Teahouse?      

    A.In London        B.In Beijing               C.In Jinan



Birds protect(保护)themselves by always listening and watching out for danger.At the smallest sign of it,they will fly away.Birds that cannot fly are often able to swim fast,or run quickly.Some birds make themselves look bigger and more dangerous by fluting(抖动)their feathers(羽毛).

Another important protection for many birds is their color.Their feathers often have colors that match(和…相称)the things around their nests(巢).Some birds change colors with the seasons.In the winter they are white to match the snow.In the summer they are brown to match the ground.

People sometimes kill birds without meaning to.When people cut down forests to build houses and factories,they destroy the homes and food of birds.If the birds have nowhere else to go and nothing to eat,they will die out.

Pollution may cause some birds to die.Birds that eat fish from polluted water get poison(毒)in their bodies.Then they cannot lay healthy eggs.New birds can’t be born.

Now people protect birds by passing the laws(法律)to control hunting(控制打猎)and pollution,by setting up some special parks where all the birds are safe from hunters,and by teaching people to care about birds rather than kill them.

How do birds protect themselves?

※by listening and watching


※by having colors that match the things around their nests


Why do some birds die out?

※People sometimes kill birds without meaning to.




※by setting up some special parks

※by teaching people to care about birds

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