
【题目】There are many shops on _____side of the road, and some restaurants on _____ side.

A. one; another B. one; the other

C. other; another D. one; other



试题分析:句意:在道路的一边有许多商店,并且在另一边有一些饭馆。根据one......the other...表示一个……另一个……。根据可知选B


【题目】Longquan Road is a busy road through the town. Every day, more than 5 thousand cars run on it and thousands of people cross it. When these people cross the zebra crossing near a bookshop, some traffic accidents (事故) may happen and sometimes the traffic goes slowly because too many people are crossing the zebra crossing.

The government of this city is going to build a footbridge to replace (代替) the zebra crossing. It will cost(花费) over 500,000 yuan. Most drivers think it is a good idea because cars can go faster than before without the zebra crossing. Many parents also like this plan because they think crossing the footbridge will be safer (更安全的) than crossing the zebra crossing for their kids. However, some old people don’t like the idea. They say it will take more time to cross the road, and climbing up the steps of the footbridge makes them tired. Shop owners near the zebra crossing also think it is a bad idea. They think there will not be so many people coming to their shops as before.

Building a footbridge

The location (位置) of the footbridge

Near a 【1】 ________

The2________ of the footbridge

More than five hundred3________ yuan

What do different people think of it?


They think it is a good plan because they can drive5________.


They think it will be7________ for their kids to cross the foot-bridge than to cross the zebra crossing.

8________ people

They think climbing steps will make them9________.

Shop owners

They think they will make【10________ money.

【题目】Baltimore, Maryland

September, 16th, 2014

Dear Editor,

Can’t your newspaper do something about the habit if hitchhiking(搭乘)?

On a recent car trip Icounted at least 50 people standing beside the road, asking for rides. Many of them were young girls.

Don’t they understand how dangerous it is to get into a car driven by a stranger? What do they know about the driver’s character or ability to drive? Nothing.

Many of the young hitchhikers probably come from good families. Don’t their parents teach them anything about the world? I always teach my children not to talk to strangers. I never allow them to accept rides from people they didn’t know.

Isn’t there enough crime (犯罪) today without asking for trouble by hitchhiking?

A Worried Grandfather

【1】The word hitchhiking” means ____________ in Paragraph One?

A. to stand by the roadside, waiting for a bus

B. to drive in a dangerous way

C. to go on a long journey by getting rides on other people’s car

D. to ask a strangers the way in the car

【2】The Worried Grandfather _______________________.

A. doesn’t like young girls to ask for a ride

B. thinks it dangerous for a young girl to get into a stranger’s car

C. doesn’t like the way some young drivers drive cars

D. never allows his children to get into other people’s car

【3】According to the Worried Grandfather, people who often hitchhike ________.

A. have never received good education

B. don’t know good manners

C. will probably get into trouble

D. all come from very good families

【4】The aim of the Worried Grandfather writing the letter to the editor is _______.

A. to tell the newspaper to warn its readers of the danger of hitchhiking

B. to tell the family not allow their young children to talk to strangers

C. to tell young girls never to go on a long journey alone

D.to tell young people to listen to their parents

【5】The Worried Grandfather might be a person ____________________.

A. who always thinks of others

B. who has been kidnapped (绑架) by hitchhikers

C. who has seen much of the world and is very careful

D. who dislikes to hitchhike

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