
Two and a half years ago, my son started to cry because of his bad grades at school. He was only nine years old at the time and had always been one of the ______ students in his class. So he sat there at the table, so sad.

He said that he wished that he were a strong student and were able to ______ "Gymnasium", a very good school for the strongest students, starting at the age of 12 or 13. I didn't really want to weaken (动摇) him _______telling that, "You may not be strong enough for this school." With Bob Proctor's words in my eyes "Make your kids see A grades", I said, "Yes, you ______, if you really wish to."

I was sitting in front of him and then we started. And I taught him how to become a strong pupil. And his grades began to improve ______.

After a year, he had improved to be an average student already, so we ______. He entered for a course preparing for the big exam for Gymnasium.

To my surprise, he ______ the exam! His dream came true. For me, it's a miracle (奇迹). If I had told him at that time that he was ______ weak to be able to pass this test, he would have just stayed a weak student.

I want to ______ all the parents in the world to teach the secret to your children. Build them strong wings! You will also develop strong wings ______ flying with your child! Come on!

1.A.laziest B.strongest C.weakest D.fastest

2.A.visit B.attend C.realize D.find

3.A.by B.in C.for D.on

4.A.can't B.must C.need D.can

5.A.gradually B.suddenly C.recently D.seriously

6.A.gave up B.went on C.tried out D.fell over

7.A.finished B.made C.failed D.passed

8.A.very B.so C.too D.quite

9.A.encourage B.protect C.introduce D.choose

10.A.unless B.after C.while D.though


To fight against COVID-19, many families have prepared 75% alcohol to kill the virus (酒精消毒). 75% alcohol is dangerous. Everyone should use and store alcohol correctly.

Keep the room ventilated and power off.

When using alcohol, you need to keep the windows open and stay away from heat source and open fire. If you need to clean the electrical objects, turn them off and wipe them after they're cool.

Wipe but not spray (喷)

When you use alcohol to kill the virus at home, use a piece of clean cloth with alcohol to wipe the door, the table and other things. If you spray alcohol, a bad explosion (爆炸) may happen when there a fire source.

Avoid using and storing too much alcohol.

It isn't the more, the better when using alcohol. Making the cloth wet is enough. Remember not to store too much alcohol at home. Storing alcohol in small and sealed (密封的) bottles and protecting it from light and heat are also necessary.

It's better to hide.

Find a safe place to store alcohol. Don't put it close to something hot and electrical objects. Don't put it on a tea table or other easy-to-reach places for little kids in case it is drunk by them. For older children, parents can explain the use of alcohol to them and teach them not to play with it.

1.What does the underlined word "ventilated"in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?

A.封闭的 B.通风的 C.凉爽的 D.温暖的

2.What may happen if we spray alcohol when there is a fire source?

A.A strong wind. B.A serious flood

C.A bad explosion D.A high temperature.

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.You can't clean your TV with alcohol while watching it.

B.The more alcohol you use, the better result you'll get.

C.It’s better for you to store alcohol as much as possible.

D.You must call 119 whenever there is a fire caused by alcohol.

4.Which of the following might be the best title for the text?

A.Where to buy alcohol

B.How to use and store alcohol

C.When to use alcohol

D.Why to stay away from alcohol

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