
    Venice (威尼斯) is in the northeast of Italy. It wasn't built on land, like Beijing or Shanghai, but on more
than 110 islands. Seawater is everywhere around the city.
    Even so, travel isn't that difficult. The waterways have always been the best way to get around. There are
117 waterways and more than 400 bridges that can lead you where you want to go. People in Venice move
from place to place by boat. They like to enjoy cool summer nights while taking boat trips. They can talk to
other people as they go along.
    Venice grew out of small islands in saltwater lakes when some Italians escaped (逃跑) from a war more
than 1,500 years ago, and built homes there.
A. escaped   B. islands  C. travel   D. waterways  E. Italy  F. boat
G. bridges  H. go along  I. summer nights  J. seawater
     Venice is a city of 1.         . People built it on more than 110 2.          . Although 3.           is around the
city, it is not difficult for people to 4.          . Because there are many 5.           and 6.          , and people can
move by 7.          . They enjoy taking boat trips on 8.           and talking to others as they 9.          . The
history of Venice is very long. More than 1,500 years ago, some Italians 10.           from a great war and they
built homes there.
1-5: E B J C D      6-10: G F I H A


  My respecting teacher

  I always thought that a man who was wise (睿智的) and good would become rich, but this year I have learned that this is not always true. I learned this from my teacher. He is both wise and good, but is not rich at all, for being a teacher, he doesn't have a good income. He may be able to get more money if he gives up teaching for business. But he is so proud of being a teacher that he takes pleasure in helping young people. He stays at school from morning till late afternoon and works very hard. He always smiles at us when we go to ask him for help. He is kinder to us than anyone whom I've ever known. I think it must be easier to learn history or maths than to learn how to become such a man. He scolds (责备) us when we do something wrong, but it teaches us to try to do better. We all wish to study with him as long as possible, but that may be impossible. Some of us may become doctors, some be come businessmen, some become engineers, some become writers, but we all want one thing very much to become men like our teacher.

(1) The writer always thought that ________.

[  ]

A. a wise and good person would never become rich

B. a wise and good person would become rich

C. a wise teacher would become rich

D. a good teacher would never become rich at all

(2) The writer's teacher is the following except that ________.

[  ]

A. he is very kind
B. he never scolds his students
C. he works very hard
D. he likes to help his students

(3) What's the meaning of this sentence“He is kinder to us than anyone whom I've ever known.”?

[  ]

A. He is the kindest person I know.

B. He is kinder than many people I know.

C. I know many people who are kinder than he.

D. Only a few people are kinder than he.

(4) From this passage, we know that the writer ________.

[  ]

A. is now working
B. is now still a student
C. is now a doctor
D. is now also a teacher

(5) Which is NOT TRUE according to (根据) this passage?

[  ]

A. The writer is proud of his teacher very much.

B. The writer may become a teacher in the future, too.

C. It's very easy to be a wise and good teacher.

D. The teacher may become rich if he gets down to business.


Emily Urich 18 years old Canada

A lot of teens aren’t responsible(有责任感的),and that’s where I’m different. Not just about school but everyday things like being able to pay my own credit card(信用卡)bills on time. 

The first time I got a cartoon book was on my third birthday. From then on , I fell in deep love with it. And can you guess how many cartoon books I’ve read? I don’t really know the exact number. But I have three full boxes of them under my bed. I also like drawing cartoons and wish to be an art teacher in a sch001. 

Joe Miller 16 year’s old America

I’m proud of doing things my own way. So whether somebody wants me to do something or whatever it is , I feel like they’re all other people’s thoughts , not really mine. But like others , I love reading , too. When I first took skiing lessons , I found it exciting. For ski racing,there’s no question I’m better shape than most guys(小伙子). I think it’s fun. I mean,it is a challenge(挑战). It’s where I picked up the idea of needing a challenge always in my life. In order to improve my skiing skills,I have read many books and magazines about it. No doubt it’s my dream to win gold medals in the Olympic Games. 

An Oi 15 years old China

I’m different because I prefer to drop out of the world to create my own world. I’d like to build a house on a mountain. And I choose to live without electricity, a telephone,or even indoor plumbing(室内卫生设备). I have many hobbies such as traveling,reading , writing and spending time with children. I love children because they are smart and creative. They always have many strange ideas. It makes me excited. I want to do something for Hope Project and become a country school teacher .

1.Who wants to be teacher?

A.Emily and Joe.

B.Joe and An Qi.

C.Emily and An Qi.

D.Only An Qi.

2. Which hobby do the three students all have?





3. According to Emily, we can infer(推断)that        . 

A.people around trust her

B.she does sports at weekends

C.she laughs at other people

D.she gets up late on Sundays

4. We know that Joe Miller        .

A.doesn’t like to follow others

B.thinks skiing is too dangerous

C.does well in drawing cartoons

D.Enjoys living somewhere quiet

5. Why does An Qi want to be a country schoolteacher?

A.Because she wants to travel.

B.Because her parents are teachers.

C.Because she loves children very much.

D.Because she comes from the countryside.



We spent a few days in Paris last week. We visit the famous city quite regularly. After all, it only takes three hours from London to Pairs. It’s always a pleasure visiting places we really like, exploring areas we’ve never been.

The only unlucky thing this time was the weather. As soon as we got there the temperature reached almost 35 degrees C (which lasted until we left). It was so hot that Matthew just couldn’t stand it — for him, it wasn’t the most enjoyable trip. I felt sorry for him because every time we go there he has to put up with (忍受) my endless shopping spree (狂欢) …

Because of the heat, we ended up just having lots of ice-cream and drinks most of the time, although we managed to pay a few visits to the new Herme shop on rue de Vaugirard at least. It’s not as busy as the shop on rue Bonaparte so you can choose whatever you like without worrying about a queue behind you! I really enjoyed his bread this time as well as the cakes. And I must say that his Croissant aux Amandes and Bostock were simply the best I’ve ever had.

1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the first paragraph?

A.It was the first time for the writer to go to Paris.

B.It was a long way from London to Paris.

C.The writer lives in London.

D.The writer only likes to go to places she has never been to.

2. The underlined word “stand” in the second paragraph means ____.





3. What can you know about Matthew from the second paragraph? 

A.He doesn’t like shopping.

B.He doesn’t like travelling.

C.He is one of the writer’s relatives.

D.He isn’t a good husband.

4. The shops on rue Bonaparte ____.

A.has no bread that the writer likes

B.is often crowded with customers

C.don’t have anything the writer likes

D.is not very busy all the time

5.What’s the best title for the passage? 

A.An unpleasant trip

B.A great city

C.A shopping centre

D.A trip to Paris


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