Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词, 首字母已给)

Do you remember when you wrote a letter last time? If the answer is “not recently”, don’t worry. You are not a 1. .

A survey of 1,000 teenagers around the world done by a French company BIC found that a third of today’s teenagers had never written a letter, half had not written a thank-you letter, and a quarter had not even written a birthday or Christmas card. In fact, 58 percent of teenagers c2. that handwriting was “too slow” and 17 percent believed it was “outdated”.

These results have caused w3.that the art of handwriting may one day die out.

“Hand-writing” is one of the most c4. art forms we have and should be given the same importance as other art form such as painting, or photography,” Jonathan Skyrme, general manager at BIC UK & Ireland, told the Daily Mail.

The New York Times once explained that a handwritten letter sends a message in a way that o5.messages can never do. “When you get an email, you can never be sure that you are the o 6. person to have received it -- or even that it was written by the person who sent it,” said the newspaper.

As US author Simon Garfield once wrote, “Emails are a poke(蜻蜓点水), but letters are a loving touch.” So imagine the powerful message you send when you actually write out your thought by hand, buy a stamp, take it to a mailbox, and wait days for your special receive it.

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