The epidemic (疫情) is scary. But it’s not all bad. In fact, we can learn some rules from it.

Learn to be responsible 学会担当.

When facing the epidemic, everyone has to be ready(做好准备). People have different responsibilities (责任). Doctors fight on the frontline to treat patients. Police officers stay in position to keep us safe on the roads. Delivery men (快递员) deliver daily things to us. What are your responsibilities? You can follow the latest news(最新消息) and exercise to keep your body healthy and keep the virus (病毒) away.

Learn to respect 学会敬畏.

Feeling afraid is not a bad thing. You can learn to look at everything with respect(敬畏). When you respect laws(法律), you are careful about what you do. When you respect others, you are kind to them. When you respect nature(自然), you try to protect it. Don’t just be afraid. Try to do what you believe in and do it with a respectful mind.

Learn to tell right from wrong 学会甄别.

If you want to learn about something, you can easily find a lot of information about it online.

But is all of it right? Don’t get lost (迷失) in a sea of information. Think critically (批判性地). You can also ask your parents or teachers and listen to what they say.

Learn to be calm 学会从容.

You may feel worried(焦虑). These feelings are everywhere. When there are unexpected (意外的) changes(变化), people might feel like this. But there are always unexpected changes in our lives. Try to accept them calmly. This can help you face those changes and find ways to deal with (应对) them.

Learn to be alone 学会独处.

The epidemic makes us to stay at home. You may feel bored and miss your friends. But being alone isn’t a bad thing. You have time to do things that you didn’t have time to do before. Also, you can learn to be independent (独立的).

1.How many rules does the writer tell us in his passage?

A.4. B.5. C.6.

2.When the epidemic is coming, you’d better________.

A.fight on the frontline to treat patients

B.keep everybody safe on the roads some sports to be in good health

3.Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A.We need to look at everything around us with respect.

B.Everything you find on the Internet (网络) is right.

C.To be worried can’t help us, but to be calm can.

4.The writer tells us________.

A.our teachers and parents can help us tell right from wrong

B.there are always expected changes in our lives

C.we can’t do anything at home with our friends

5.From the passage, we learn that________. to fight with bad men and epidemic

B.the epidemic is very scary to talk about

C.what we should do during the epidemic

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