
I remember the day that I was changed into a new class and I felt unwanted.

The first day that I was in my class, my table didn’t talk to me and I didn’t either. The next day in that class, the teacher let me sit next to this girl who had her pierced ears, lips and nose. She said, “You’re new to class, aren’t you? Well, my name is Ashley.” I looked at her for a second and then said, “Hi.” She knew that I was shy. She introduced me to the rest of the table loudly, who didn’t look nice, but then again I thought Ashley was wild when I saw her up close.

That whole week the other girls at my table would look at me like a hungry animal who was to kill its prey (猎物) and they whisper to one another about my looks and how I wasn’t wanted in this class.

One day I felt upset and Ashley asked, “What’s wrong?” I didn’t answer but she found out that I went through bullying (威逼), and depression. Then I told her what was up. She said, “I thought you were a rich girl with good grades and no problems, but I was wrong.” The rest of the table heard about the real me and they apologized for what they had said.

Later, Ashley introduced me to new people who had gone through the same things that I had. Thanks to Ashley, I was no longer alone in the world. And that same day I met Perla, my best friend now, who taught me not to judge others on their appearance. I really understood it from Ashley.

1.When the writer was changed into a new class, she felt she was not ________.

A.lonely B.shy C.sad D.welcome

2.What does the underlined word “table” mean in Paragraph 2?

A.A group of students who are in the same class with you.

B.A name of someone that you are so familiar with.

C.A piece of furniture on which you can put something.

D.A kind of form in which you can fill in words and numbers.

3.What was the writer’s feeling when Ashley helped her for the first time?

A.She thought she was too cool.

B.She thought she was nice and kind.

C.She thought she was rude and wild.

D.She thought she was clever and generous.

4.Why did the other girls say sorry to the writer?

A.Because Ashley forced them to do so.

B.Because the writer became a good friend of Ashley’s.

C.Because they knew how powerful the writer was.

D.Because they once treated the writer badly.

5.What did the writer learn from Ashley?

A.No pains, no gains.

B.Rome was not built in a day.

C.Never judge a book by its cover.

D.The harder you work, the luckier you get.


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