


1£®What does the man want to do?

A£®Have some tea£®

B£®Have a walk£®

C£®Go home

2£®How much does it cost to stay the Great Farm for a week?




3£®When is the exam going to be?

A£®Next week£®

B£®This Thursday£®

C£®Last Tuesday£®

4£®What does the woman mean?

A£®She doesn¡¯t know the man or his brother£®

B£®She¡¯s not sure if the man has a brother£®

C£®She¡¯s not sure if the man knows her brother£®

5£®How does the man like the coffee?

A£®Not strong enough£®

B£®Too sweet£®

C£®Not weak£®

6£®What does the woman mean?

A£®She doesn¡¯t have any homework£®

B£®Both of them have lots of homework£®

C£®Neither of them has any homework£®




7£®What will the man do?

A£®He will go to China for study£®

B£®He will meet a friend at the airport£®

C£®He will take the boss to the airport£®

8£®What does the man ask the woman to do?

A£®To wait for his calls£®

B£®To make some calls£®

C£®To call for the boss£®

9£®What does the man have to do before he gets help?

A£®He has to ask the boss to say yes£®

B£®He has to pay the woman£®

C£®He has to finish all his work£®


10£®What is the woman worried about?

A£®The man doesn¡¯t have good luck£®

B£®She hasn¡¯t got enough money£®

C£®The man is not able to pay her back£®

11£®Why is the man not going back home?

A£®He is going to have a nice job£®

B£®He doesn¡¯t like farm work£®

C£®He is not yet rich enough£®

12£®Which of the following is right?

A£®The woman decided to lend the man fifty dollars£®

B£®The man failed to borrow the money£®

C£®The man¡¯s father is looking for a job every day£®


13£®Where are the two people talking?

A£®In the office£®

B£®In a school£®

C£®At the woman¡¯s home£®

14£®What can we know about the woman?

A£®She wants to go back to school£®

B£®She wants others to know about her plan£®

C£®She will he head of the newspaper£®

15£®Why does the man want to know something more?

A£®He wants to make sure whether to help the woman£®

B£®The woman is good at telling stories£®

C£®He doesn¡¯t want to help the woman at all£®


16£®Why did the owner go to one part of his factory?

A£®He wanted to spend a hundred dollars£®

B£®He had something important to tell the head of the part£®

C£®He want to know whether things went well there£®

17£®Where was the young man?

A£®In the office£®

B£®At the milk car£®

C£®Behind the head of the part£®

18£®What happened to the young man when he received ¡ç100?

A£®He didn¡¯t say a word£®

B£®He was not pleased£®

C£®He lost his job in the end£®

19£®Why did the owner ask the young man to leave?

A£®He got too much pay£®

B£®He didn¡¯t seem to work hard£®

C£®He was not friendly to the head of the part£®

20£®Which of the following is right?

A£®The young man¡¯s job is to get milk from the factory£®

B£®The young man was a lazy worker of the factory£®

C£®The owner made a mistake about the young man£®


Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
