People have different ways to express love. Once, our teacher asked us to talk about it. There were all kinds of answers. Someone said we could use flowers to express love; someone said we could use languages;(1)someone said we could _____ troubles and happiness _____ each other. A girl told us a true story.
A young man and his wife were both biology scientists. They often did some research(研究) on wild plants in the forest. They had a clever girl and they loved each other.
One day, they went to the forest as usual. But when they climbed up the hill, they were afraid. A lion was watching them. They didn’t bring a gun(枪)with them. It was impossible to run away. Their faces got pale and they stood there without moving. The lion stood there, too. (2) After a few minutes it came up to them slowly, and then it ran faster and faster. It came in front of his wife. Just at that time, the man shouted in a loud voice and began to run away. The lion turned around and began to run after the man. Lions prefer to attack(攻击)the running person. It is the lion’s character. After a while, the man was killed by the lion. The woman came back safely.
The girl asked us if we knew what the man had said. All the students gave one of these two answers. One was, “Honey, sorry.” And the other was “Hurry, run”. But the girl said we were all wrong. The man shouted to his wife loudly, “Take care of Lily. Live happily.”
At last, the girl said, “At the most dangerous moment, my dad ran away alone. He used the special way to show his love.”
___________  ___________
【小题3】What did the man do when they met the lion on the hill?
【小题4】在文中找出所给句子的同义句: “Do you know what the man said?” the girl asked us.

People have different ways to express love. Once, our teacher asked us to talk about it. There were all kinds of answers. Someone said we could use flowers to express love; someone said we could use languages;(1)someone said we could _____ troubles and happiness _____ each other. A girl told us a true story.
A young man and his wife were both biology scientists. They often did some research(研究) on wild plants in the forest. They had a clever girl and they loved each other.
One day, they went to the forest as usual. But when they climbed up the hill, they were afraid. A lion was watching them. They didn’t bring a gun(枪)with them. It was impossible to run away. Their faces got pale and they stood there without moving. The lion stood there, too. (2) After a few minutes it came up to them slowly, and then it ran faster and faster. It came in front of his wife. Just at that time, the man shouted in a loud voice and began to run away. The lion turned around and began to run after the man. Lions prefer to attack(攻击)the running person. It is the lion’s character. After a while, the man was killed by the lion. The woman came back safely.
The girl asked us if we knew what the man had said. All the students gave one of these two answers. One was, “Honey, sorry.” And the other was “Hurry, run”. But the girl said we were all wrong. The man shouted to his wife loudly, “Take care of Lily. Live happily.”
At last, the girl said, “At the most dangerous moment, my dad ran away alone. He used the special way to show his love.”
___________  ___________
【小题3】What did the man do when they met the lion on the hill?
【小题4】在文中找出所给句子的同义句: “Do you know what the man said?” the girl asked us.


1.He wouldn’ t allow anything to ___ (get in the way of) him doing his job.

2. He was late because his car ___ (break down) on the road.

3. ——The sports meeting might ___(put off) because of the bad weather. ——What a pity!

4. Can you ___(come up with ) a good idea to help her with her English?

5. ____(take it easy) ! He will come back here in half an hour.

6. The dialogue is ____ (make up) of three sentences.

7. Don’t touch them because they don’t ___ (belong to) you.

8. The teacher’s chalk _____ (use up). Will you please bring some?

9. ____(at present) everyone in our class is studying English hard for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

10. The evening party began with an English song and ____ (end up) with a dance.

11. Some boys were talking and laughing ____(noise) when the teacher came in.

12. March 12th is Tree ______ (plant) Day.

13. The more we get together, the ___ (happy) we’ll be.

14. Look! The boy ____(tie) the tree to the top of the stick.

15. The ____ (die) leaves fall on the ground in autumn.

16. _____ (thank) to your help, I won the prize.

17. No man has traveled ____(far) than the moon so far.

18.Do you know ___ (who) son he is?

19. Please keep your eyes ______ (close).

20.My father told me an _____ (usual) story.

21. Michael Jordan is my favorite basketball ____ (play).

22. My wish is _____ (go) to college when I ____ (graduate) from high school.

23. _____ (say) is one thing and ____ (do) is quite another.

24. Does Mr Smith likes us ____ (speak) to him in Chinese?

25.Can rice ____ (grow) in winter?

26. Dr Bethune ____ (know) all over the world.

27. Three ____ (multiply) by two is six.

28. The world’s population is growing faster and faster, we must do _____ (some) to slow down its increasing.

29. Lily writes the most _____ (care) in our class.

30. They never knew what ___ (happen) in a hundred years.


     下面是四位同学写给《Learning English》编辑Dick的求助信。在信中,四位同学分别谈了自己在学习和生活中的问题。
     A. 请将四封信与问题进行配对,并把序号A、B、C、D填入1-4  题题后相应的横线上。
Dear Editor ,
      I am a student from a junior middle school. I am good at all subjects except English. I can’t remember words well. I am especially weak in speaking and listening. What shall I do?
Dear Editor ,
      I have a problem! I really don’t know what to say when I meet strangers . I find it hard to
talk with others because I’m afraid they might laugh at me. I am not as clever or funny as my
friends. If people start talking to me, they will realize that I am just boring. Please help me.
Dear Editor,
      I was getting on well with my best friends. But a few days ago, another friend of mine told me that she often said bad words about me. When I heard this, I was very angry. What should I do? Should I stop being her friend or stay with her as usual?
Dear Editor,
      Recently I have much difficulty in falling asleep. When I go to bed, I feel very sleepy, but I
always think a lot and can’t fall asleep. So I always feel very tired in class and sometimes my
head hurts badly. Could you give me some advice?
1.The student finds it difficult to fall asleep.    _______
2.The student doesn’t know what to say to strangers.    _______
3.The student doesn’t know how to learn English well.   _______
4.The student doesn’t know if she should still stay with her best friend.    _______
B. 假如你是编辑Dick,请针对Steven同学的问题,给他提出一条合理性的建议。(用一句话表达)

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