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1¡¢ËØÖʽÌÓýquality education Á½ÌìÖÜÄ©two-day-weekend
³äʵ£¬·á¸»enrich Éç»áʵ¼ùsocial practice Éç»ásociety
Now, our school stops weekend classes£®I think it's a good thing for us£®
In the weekends£¬I sometimes go to library to read or buy my favorite books to enrich my knowledge£¬sometimes play basketball with my friends to keep healthy£¬and every Sunday£¬I go to Wanjiafu Supermarket to serve people there£®I think it offers me a good chance to take part in social practice£®
And because each person must have many skills£¬it is very important for us as students to have two-day-weekends to do something good for society£®