
     At three a.m., Jack Mills was sitting at the controls of the mail train. The train was made up of 13 cars.
At the end of the train, 71 mailmen sat sorting the mail. Inside the second car, there were only five mailmen
and 128 bags full of five-pound notes. This train had run more than 100 years without being robbed. At three
minutes past three, Mills and his helper, David Whit by, saw a yellow warning light. They slowed the train,
and then stopped. Whit by went to the telephone beside the track. It was out of order. Then he saw a man
moving between the second and the third car. Before Whit by could give a warning, he was knocked down
by two men. Mills' cars with all the mailmen had been disconnected by the robbers. At the bridge, the bags
of money were unloaded from the train and thrown into waiting trucks. One of the robbers who obviously
knew the schedules (时刻表) of all the trains kept looking at his watch. At 3:45, he said,"That will have to be
enough." The robbers drove away with more than 2,500,000 pounds.
1. The robbery took place ______.
A. before 3:03
B. in the early morning
C. after three o'clock in the afternoon
D. after 3:45
2. The robbers ______ before the train stopped.
A. were all in the train
B. forced Mills to stop the train
C. were waiting for the train to stop
D. ordered Mills to go on driving
3. Why didn't the other mailmen help the mailmen in the second car when the robbery happened?
A. Because they were busy sorting the mail.
B. Because they didn't want to help the mailmen in the second car.
C. Because the last eleven cars were separated from the front cars.
D. Because they knew nothing about the robbery.
4. One of the robbers kept looking at his watch because ______.
A. he only wanted to know the exact time
B. he enjoyed looking at his watch
C. he didn't know when another train would come
D. they had to leave before another train came
5. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The train was out of order.
B. The telephone was put out of order by the robbers.
C. Mills and Whit by were both train drivers.
D. The robbers carried the money away by truck.
1-5      BCCDA
      At five he was collecting old newspapers to make money. And when he was 15 he signed his
schoolmates up to start a babysitting circle.
      Now 20, third-year Cambridge University student, Peter Blackburn is managing director of a
company with a £30000 plan. And he thinks it will make more than 15000 by next summer.
      He set up Peter Backborn Ltd last year to bring out a new, colour term-planner that now
students all over the UK are using.
      "I felt that most of the planners going around were pretty unimaginative, " he says "I believed
that I could do a better job and decided to have a go."
      Blackburn admits that he is putting far more effort into business than his computer studies
course at university. While fellow students are out with their friends, he keeps in touch with his
business office in Lancashire by movable phone. Before he set up the company he spent one
holiday preparing a plan that would persuade his bank to lend him money. 
      "Most students work hard for a good degree because they believe that will help them get
a job to support themselves," he says "I work hard at my company because that is what will
support me next year, after I leave college."
      Friends believe that Blcakburn will make £1 million within 5 years.
      He is not quite so sure, however, "There's a lot to be done yet," he says.
1. Choose the right order of the facts given in the passage.
    a. He spent his holiday preparing a plan.
    b. He collected newspapers.
    c. He set up his own company.
    d. He asded the bank for money.
    e. He set up a babysitting circle.
A: e,b,c,a,d
B: b,e,a,d,c
C: b,e,d,a,c
D: b,e,c,a,d
2. When he was quite young, Blackburn ____.
[     ]
A: already make a lot of money
B: already had a business brain.
C: was already managing director of a company
D: already set up his own business
3. The underlined expression in the fourth paragraph "have a go", here means ____.
[     ]
A: give up this job and have a new one
B: leave the company
C: have a try
D: develop my business quickly
4. In spite of a college student, Blackburn ____.
[     ]
A: spends more time on his business than on his studies course
B: keep in touch with his business office by movable phone
C: seldom goes out with his friends
D: often spends whole holiday preparing business plan
5. Which of the following best explain why Blackburn works hard at his company.
[     ]
A: He wants to do more business practice before he leaves college.
B: He wants to make more money before he leaves college.
C: He wants to get a good job like most students after he leaves the college.
D: He depends on the company for his living in the future.
     At this moment in different places of the world people are doing different things
     In Beijing it's early morning. People are sleeping.
     In London people are leaving work to go home. They are waiting for buses or trains. Some people
are driving their cars. Some are having afternoon tea at home or walking to the pubs (酒吧) to have a
     In Moscow it's evening and people are having supper at home or in restaurants. Some are going to
watch a ballet (芭蕾舞). Some are drinking in the pubs.
     In Los Angeles (洛杉矾) it's morning. People are working in their offices. Children are starting their
     New York is noon now. People aren't working but having lunch. They are eating hamburgers or hot
dogs and drinking coffee or Coke. Some people are seeing friends or shopping.
1. According to the passage we can see that at night some people in Moscow like to _____.
A. go to watch a ballet  
B. do shopping  
C. wait for buses  
D. go to the library
2. When children in Los Angeles are starting their lesson, people in Beijing are _____.
A. playing basketball      
B. seeing films    
C. having lessons    
D. sleeping
3. From the passage, we can see the time in New York now is _____.
A.  6:00          
B. 9:00          
C. 10:00          
D. 12:00
4. We know that London is 3 hours _____.
A. earlier than Moscow            
B. later than Moscow
C. earlier than Los Angeles          
D. later than Los Angeles
5. This passage mainly talks about _____.
A. science      
B. holiday      
C. time difference (区别)    
D. life in western countries
     At midnight(半夜)Mr. King coughed again. He got up and took some medicine. Before he lay down again, he smoked. And he couldn't go to sleep any longer. He found the medicine book and began to read it. He was afraid he had lung cancer(肺癌). He seemed to see death was waiting for him. Tears (眼泪)ran down his face. He didn’t see his wife was standing by him.
   “What’s wrong with you, dear?” asked the woman.
   “Nothing,” the old man answered and covered his face with his hands.
     The old woman opened the book and understood at once. She said, “You must stop smoking right now.”
    “I began to smoke when I was nine, you know. How can I do that?”
    “but I think health is more important.”
     Mr. King coughed again and his wife said, “Go to see a doctor tomorrow. He will be able to help you, I think.”
     The doctor told Mr. King to have an X-ray examination(X光检查)of his lungs. And then he looked at the X-ray carefully for a long time.
     “Tell me the truth, doctor. ” said Mr. King, “Do you see any shadows (阴影) in my lungs?”
     “No, I don’t see anything.”
     “Yes?” the old man said happily. “Really?”
     “Yes. Your lungs are turning black. How can I see any shadows?”
1. Mr. King got up to ______.
A.smoke again            
B.talk with his wife
C.read the medicine book.  
D.take some medicine
2. Mr. King coughed because ______.
A.he couldn’t go to sleep    
B.he was afraid to die
C.he smoked too much      
D.he was too old
3. ______, so tears ran down his face.
A.Mr. King thought he had lung cancer
B.Mr. King couldn’t understand the book
C.Mr. King was too sad to go to sleep
D.The doctors refused to help Mr. King
4. The doctor told Mr. King to have an X-ray examination because ______.
A.he was sure the man would soon die
B.he wanted the man to stop smoking right now
C.he wanted to know if there was something wrong with his lugs.
D.he was sure the man would soon be all right
5. Which of the following is true?
A.There was nothing serious with Mr. King.
B.Smoking too much caused Mr. King’s lungs to turn black.
C.The doctor found some shadows in Mr. King’s lungs.
D. Mr. King decided to stop smoking at once.

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