
It was December and the snow was falling quietly outside. The four March sisters were sitting around the fire in the living room. They were knitting(织)socks for soldiers(士兵).There was a war and everyone had to help.

Meg was the oldest of the four sisters. She was sixteen. She was very pretty and she loved pretty clothes. Jo was fifteen. She was very tall and thin. She was different from Meg. She didn't care about dresses or hairstyles. She was a tomboy(假小子).Beth was thirteen. She was very shy and quiet and she seemed to live in a happy world of her own. The youngest, Amy, looked like a snow princess with her blue eyes. She loved beautiful things and she was a little vain(虚荣的)?She also thought that she was a very important person.

"Christmas isn't Christmas without any presents," Jo said sadly. "I hate being poor!" Meg said, looking at her old dress.

"Some girls have lots of nice things, and other girls have nothing at all," said Amy. "I don't think it's fair!"

"But we've got Father and Mother, and each other," said Beth.

The four sisters looked happy for a moment when they remembered this.

"But we haven't got Father," said Jo. Their smiles suddenly disappeared. Mr March was far away with the soldiers.

"Mother says our men are suffering(受苦)and we mustn't spend money for pleasure," Meg said."That's why we can't have presents this year."

"Well, each of us has a dollar to spend," said Jo. "What can the army do with four dollars?

Nothing! I don't expect anything from Mother but I'd like to buy a book for myself !" Jo loved reading.

"I want to spend mine on some new music," said Beth. She played the piano and she loved singing.

"I'm going to buy a box of drawing pencils. I really need them!" said Amy. She wanted to be an artist.

"Mother didn't say anything about spending our own money," cried Jo. "We work hard for it so let's buy what we want and have a little fun."

It was true. The two older sisters had jobs. Meg worked as a teacher for the King family and Jo looked after Aunt March, their father's rich, bad-tempered(坏脾气的)old aunt. Beth and Amy helped with the housework.

1.What was Jo's hobby?

A.Knitting. B.Singing. C.Drawing. D.Reading.

2.On a snowy day, the March sisters are .

A.complaining about having no money for Christmas presents

B.talking about what presents they will buy with some money

C.expecting some nice Christmas presents from their parents

D.talking about what jobs they will have to make more money

3.The passage is probably from .

A.a poem B.a guide C.a novel D.an advertisement



Most of us use alarm clocks to wake up at the right time for school or work. We look at our watches to know the right time for the bus or train. However, there is also a right time to eat, sleep, exercise, and take medicine. We can’t look at a clock for the right time for these activities. We must listen to the clock inside our bodies:the biological(生物的) clock.

Barbara Wells exercised every morning. She woke up at 6:00 a. m. She ran about two miles before she went to work. But Barbara’s 1egs and back started to hurt. She did some exercise before she ran. But her legs and back still hurt. She ran slower, but the pain didn’t stop. Barbara talked to her doctor. The doctor said, “Don’t run in the morning. Try to exercise later in the day. That is the time when your body is at the right temperature for exercise after work after. "Her legs and back didn’t hurt anymore.

Today, doctors are learning more about chronobiology(生物钟学),the study of biological clocks. They are learning about the importance of time for our bodies. For example, it is best for people to go to sleep on time every night and to eat only when they’re hungry. Also, doctors discovered that some illnesses, such as heart attacks, occur(发生) most often in the morning. This information tells them that the best time to take heart medication(药物) may be at night. When patients take heart medication at night, they may prevent a heart attack in the morning.

Many doctors believe chronobiology can help us live healthier lives. It may be the right time to listen to these doctors !

1.How far did Barbara Wells run every morning?


2.How did Barbara Wells’legs and back get well?


3.What can we learn from the passage?


The way we spend our time can be divided into three groups or jars (罐子). These would be the necessary tasks jar, the voluntary tasks jar and the happiness jar.

Every day, we spend time filling the necessary tasks jar. We fill this jar with useful things, like making money, doing housework, buying food and paying bills. We then fill another jar with voluntary tasks. These are things that we do for others, but we may not enjoy them. This jar is filled with tasks like taking children to activities and cooking family meals. Those jars are very important. If we don’t fill them each day, our family won’t run properly.

However, we often forget to fill the third jar? the happiness jar. This is the jar that we fill with activities that make us happy. Is your happiness jar sometimes empty at the end of the day? We all have days like that. Between doing all the necessary and voluntary tasks, time flies by on some days, and before we know it, it is time for bed.

That is why each day we try to fill our happiness jar. Most days, I fill mine by going to the ballroom dance (社交舞) class. Between the music, the dancing and the friendship among the students, I always leave classes happier than when I entered. Playing music is another way that I fill my happiness jar. This week, I was happy to take part in an orchestra (管弦乐队) practice at my church (教堂). A small group of us met to practice Christmas music for a church service. It was a time of fun, friendship and music making. At the end of the evening, my happiness jar was full.

Consider how your time is spent. Try to find ways to achieve a balance. At the end of the day, hopefully we’ve done all we can to make sure that our happiness jar is filled.

1.How many kinds of jars are mentioned in this passage?


2.What will happen if we don’t fill the necessary tasks jar and the voluntary tasks jar?


3.Why do we often forget to fill the third jar?


4.How does the writer fill her happiness jar?


5.Do you think it important to fill the happiness jar? Why or why not?


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