A man lived in a tall building in the city of Moscow. He liked living there. It was usually very quiet, and he could see the park from his window. There was only one problem: the man upstairs. Every night, the man upstairs came back late. He always took off his shoes and threw them on the floor. At this time, the man downstairs was trying to sleep. But every night he heard the noise upstairs. Bang! One shoe. Bang! The other shoe. It was too bad. He found it very difficult to get to sleep and he was rather angry with the man upstairs. One day, the man downstairs went to talk to the man. He went upstairs and knocked at the door. The man opened it. With a smile the man from downstairs said: "I' m sorry to trouble you. "
"What is it?" asked the man.
"Well, every time you get back at night, you drop your shoes on the floor. It happens every night. The noise wakes me up. Would you please not do this?"
"I'm very sorry," said the man. "I won't do it again. "
The next evening the man upstairs came home from work late as usual. He was feeling very tired. He took off the first shoe and threw it on the floor. The he remembered the man down stairs.
So he took off the second shoe and put it under his bed very quietly. He had his supper, listened to the radio, read a newspaper and then went to bed. He was just falling asleep when there was a loud knock at the door. He opened it and saw the man from downstairs.
"Please!" said the man from downstairs. "Please drop the other shoe! I was waiting for the sound of the other shoe! I can't get to sleep!"
Dear friend,
Dear friend, I couldn't sleep well these days. Because the man upstaris always came back late. He took off his shoes and threw then on the floor. Every night I heard the noise upstairs. So I found it difficult to get to sleep. I had to talk to the man upstairs. I said "The noise makes me up. Would you please not do this?" He said sorry to me and told me he would not do it again. The next evening, he didn't remember me until he threw one shoe on the floor. But I was waiting for the sound of the other shoe! I really don' t know what to do. Could you give me some advice? Jack |

【小题1】对下列划线词解释不正确的一组是 ( )
A.生者得致其严 严:严肃 |
B.警劝之道 道:作用 |
C.议之不徇 徇:徇私,袒护 |
D.所谕世族之次 次:排列 |
A.则足为后法则告诉不许 |
B.惧后世之不知臣之壮也,犹不如人 |
C.有意奸而外淑圣人不凝滞于物,而能与世推移 |
D.先祖之屯蹶否塞以死死犹为厉鬼以击贼 |
A.铭志能够著称后世,它的意义与“史”相接近,但是它的内容却与“史”有所不同。 |
B.文中,作者就碑文写作提出了看法,一是撰写碑文要态度公正,二是撰写碑文要慎选作者。 |
C.文章既论述了铭志的作用,也由衷赞扬了欧阳修为他祖父所作铭志的“公与是”。 |
D.这篇文章虽是感谢信,但又不仅仅止于感谢,文章还重点述说了“史”的社会意义,也表达了对道德文章兼胜的赞许与追求。 |
先 祖 之 言 行 卓 卓 幸 遇 而 得 铭 其 公 与 是 其 传 世 行 后 无 疑 也而 世 之 学 者 每 观 传 记 所 书 古 人 之 事 至 其 所 可 感 则 往 往 衋 然不 知 涕 之 流 落 也
(1) 苟其人之恶,则与铭乎何有?(3分)
(2) 则知先生推一赐于巩而及其三世。其感与报,宜若何而图之?(4分)