
He may be still young, but he may surprise you! If you ask around, many would say that Jay Chou has become the real king of the【小题1】m___ world. As a child, Jay Chou was never good at his【小题2】l___, and when he didn’t get into any college, a lot of people said that he would not have a good【小题3】f___. His mum always 【小题4】w___ about his future, but he never did. Growing up in a single-parent family, Jay 【小题5】f___ lonely. Without many friends, he had a habit of daydreaming, dreaming into his world of music. So how did Jay get into music? 【小题6】A___ the age of three, he started to learn to 【小题7】p___ the piano. His mother always 【小题8】m___ sure he practiced hard. Later, he started out as a song writer.
Jay’s songs are very moving. His【小题9】s___ “Dad, I am back”, is about a broken family. “I heard that after war(战争) there is peace(和平). Why do I always see my dad beating my mum? Since I was 【小题10】y___, you have told me to learn from you, use you as a model. So much pretense(虚伪). How do you expect me to be like you!”


解析【小题1】根据 和首字母,周杰伦是音乐世界真正的王者,填music
【小题3】考查名词:have a good future有个好的未来
【小题4】考查形容词:be worried about对…担心
【小题5】考查连系动词:feel lonely感到孤单,用过去式felt
【小题6】考查介词:at the age of在…大的时候
【小题7】考查动词:play the piano弹钢琴
【小题8】考查词组:make sure确保,用过去式made
【小题9】考查名词:“Dad, I am back”是一首歌:song


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