
----- Are you tired?  ----______________

A.Yes, I do .

B.Yes ,I am not .

C.Yes, I am.

D.No , I am.







Mosquitoes(蚊子)can be seen everywhere all over the world, especially in summer. And there are more than 2,500 kinds of them.

__43_likes the mosquito, but the mosquito may like you. She thinks your blood is delicious.

She? Yes, she. It’s true that the male(雄性)mosquito doesn’t bite(咬)and only the female mosquito bites because she  44 blood(血液)to lay eggs. She is always  45 things or people she wants to bite. If she likes what she finds, she will bite. But if she doesn’t like your blood, she  46 to someone else for more delicious blood. Next time a mosquito bites you, just remember you’re different from others.

If the mosquito likes you, she will land on your body  47 letting you know. She bites you 48 quickly and quietly that you may feel nothing. After she bites, you will have an itch(痒)on your body because she puts something from her mouth together with your blood. By the time the itch begins, she has  49  .

And then what happens? Well, after her delicious  50  ,it’s dark. The mosquito feels  51 .

She just wants to find a place to have a good rest. There, on a leaf or a wall, she begins to lay eggs,  52  eggs.

( ) 43.A.Everyone        B. No one       C. Someone

( ) 44.A.needs         B. need        C. want

( ) 45.A.finding         B. wants        C. looking for

( ) 46.A.will turn        B. turns to       C. turn

( ) 47.A.with          B. without       C. after

( ) 48.A.so           B. such        C. very

( ) 49.A.flies away        B. flew away      C. flown away

( ) 50.A.breakfast        B. dinner        C. lunch

( ) 51.A.tiring         B. tired         C. relaxing

( ) 52.A.3 hundreds       B. hundred of      C. hundreds of

What’s your favorite English letter ? Many of you may say Q. Why ? Because so many of you chat with your friends on QQ .
What do you like about QQ? What do you talk about ? The CCTV reporter ,Miss Wang interviews three kids . Let’s listen to what they say .
When do you chat on QQ ? What do you talk about ?
Lin Yuhan , Xi’an : On weekends . We talk about homework and chat with each other .
Tang Yuting ,Shanghai : On weekends and when I don’t have much homework .We exchange test answers and chat .
Yang Yuhang , Dalian : Our class goes online together at 4—6pm on weekends , We complain about homework ,chat and talk about computer games .
What do you put on your QQ blog (博客 )?
Lin : I put good articles. I have found online on my blog . I also write articles myself . They are about funny things that have happened in my class .
Tang : I put pictures on my blog . Not my own photos , but pictures from my favorite Japanese cartoons like Tennis Prince and Conan .
Yang: I put DV films on my blog . I shoot  ( 拍摄 )them during sports meetings and school parties .The most popular one is about a dancing teacher .It is so funny that everyone watches it .
How do you like QQ?
Lin : It’s a good place for us to make a record of our lives of both good times and sad times .
Tang : My friends and I may not have time to chat at school .But we can do it on QQ. It’s very helpful to our friendships .
Yang : If you chat with your friends on the telephone ,your parents sometimes listen in on your convercation . There is no such problem with QQ . You can relax and talk freely .
【小题1】How many kids are interviewed about QQ?
【小题2】What does Yang Yuhang talk about QQ on weekends ?
① homework       ② chat     ③ test answers  ④computer games
【小题3】What does Lin Yuhan put on her QQblog ?
A.Some pictures .B.Good articles .
C. DV films .D.Japanese cartoons .
【小题4】Which one is TRUE according to this article ?
A.Lin says QQ is very helpful to their friendships .
B.Yang says he can chat freely with many friends and relax on QQ .
C.Tang says QQ is a good space for them to make a record of their lives .
D.Tang says he chats on QQ on weekdays though he has lots of homework .
An important question about eating out is who pays for the meal. If a friend of yours asks you to have lunch with him, you might simply say something like this, “I’m afraid I’ll have to find a cheap place because I don’t have 1) _______ ________.” The other person may say, "OK., I'll meet you at McDonald's. "This means that the two agree to go Dutch, that is, each person pays for himself. He may also say, "Oh, no. I want to take you to lunch at Johnson's ", or "I want you to try the steak(牛排) there. It's great. "This means the person wants to pay for both of you. If you feel friendly towards this person, you can go with him, and you needn’t pay for the meal. You may simply say, "Thank you. That would be very nice."
American customs(习俗) about who pays for a date(约会) are much the same as those in other parts of the world.3) In the old days, American women wanted men to pay for all the meals. But, today, a woman who is a university(大学) student or is working in the business world will usually pay her own way during the date. If a man asks her to dinner, outside the normal working hours ,it means "come as my guest(客人). " So you can see it is better for you to make the question clear at the very beginning. 
1. 将1)处填上适当的词,使句意完整:______________ ______________
2. 回答问题: What does ‘to go Dutch’ mean ? __________________________________________________________.
3. 将划线的句子译成中文:__________________________________________________________
4. 找出文中与下列句子意思相近的句子
So you can see you’d better make the question clear at the start.

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