The places authors live in often inspire their works. Shen Congwen, for example, is known for writing about his home–the western part of Hunan province. 1.. A five-episode (五集的) documentary called Day-to-day Literature (《文学的日常》) reveals (呈现) how Chinese authors were influenced by their surroundings (周遭环境) and daily lives. 2.. It features (包括) five authors, including Ma Yuan, an avant-garde (先锋派) author, and Ma Jiahui, who is from Hong Kong.

Ma Yuan is shown living like a hermit (隐士) in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. After learning that he had cancer in 2008, he moved there. Ma lives like the locals. He works on a farm, raises chickens and walks in the forest every day. 3.. He also learned about many historical legends and stories. In 2018, he published a book about his experience there. 

Unlike Ma Yuan, Ma Jiahui enjoys the hustle and bustle (熙熙攘攘) of city life. Born in Wanchai, Hong Kong, Ma Jiahui takes viewers to several places he used to visit in his childhood, including a bookstore, pawnshop (当铺) and hotpot restaurant. 4.. While he reads parts of the novel that take place in these places, it's hard to know what's fiction and what's fact. 5.. "I live my life as a novel," he said.

A.Living like this showed him what local life was like

B.Mo Yan set many of his stories in Gaomi, Shandong, where he grew up

C.Perhaps the two are never separated (分开的) at all

D.It started to air on Youku on April 16

E.These places are all featured in his latest novel

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