
Summer vacation is coming. What do you plan to do on your vacation? If you have no special plans for your vacation, you can spend your vacation ______others.

Many young people in our country want to spend their vacation working for others. And they don't do it ______money. Here are some examples:

Zhu Hui, 18

This summer I will join in Special House Programme. People in this programme build some houses and sell them to some poor families. These families don't have______ money. So these houses are very cheap and they can pay______them. They will teach me what to do. I can learn how _____houses. I think it will be very interesting.

Wang Yan, 17

I'll help children read books every day. I love children and reading. I will teach children the ways of reading. I'll work for a club _____ Reading for Life. I'll tell them ______ is very important in our lives. My dream is to be a teacher when I ______. This experience will be great for me.

Zhao Rui, 16

I will join the volunteers to help others. I will go to the old people's home. The old people often feel _____ and helpless. I can read newspapers to them and talk with them. I'll help do the cleaning, and make them fill with__________

1.A.help B.to help C.helps D.helping

2.A.with B.along C.for D.without

3.A.too many B.much too C.too much D.many too

4.A.in B.on C.for D.\

5.A.build B.building C.to build D.built

6.A.calling B.called C.be called D.to call

7.A.writing B.reading C.listening D.speaking

8.A.get up B.put on C.get on with D.grow up

9.A.alone B.boring C.bored D.lonely

10.A.happy B.unhappy C.happily D.happiness


Each October 15, over 200 million people around the world take part in Global Handwashing Day.Research shows that not enough people wash their hands with soap. Experts believe that this leads to the deaths of millions of people every year.

Myriam Sidibe says that soap is “the most beautiful invention in public health”. He knows that washing hands with soap can have a big influence on reducing flu(流感) and other diseases. It can also prevent babies from getting sick and keep children healthy.

However, washing hands with soap doesn't appear as fast as you might think. This may happen in poorer countries, but it's also because for many people, washing hands with soap is simply not part of their everyday work. This is what Global Handwashing Day tries to do.

In 2008, the first Global Handwashing Day began. Every year since then, the campaign(运动) has held many different events around the world. In 2014, Global Handwashing Day was used in the fight against Ebola(埃博拉病毒).

Today, local and national leaders continue to use the day to spread the message about the value of clean hands. The hope is that handwashing can become a necessary part of people's lives and make a big difference to the health of millions around the world.

1.What does Myriam Sidibe think of soap?

A.Small B.Useful C.Strange D.Awful

2.The Global Handwashing Day tries to ________.

A.make washing hands with soap a daily job for people B.buy enough soap for poor people

C.help fight against the diseases with soap D.create soap for people around the world

3.When did the first Global Handwashing Day begin?

A.In 2000 B.In 2008 C.In 2014 D.In 2018

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.How to make soap. B.The introduction of Myriam Sidibe.

C.Ways to keep children healthy. D.The value of washing hands with soap.

Bike sharing programs have been popular in many cities and communities across China. Some in the cycling community believe these programs have many advantages, encouraging the people who might not use a bicycle to ride bikes. Others think that the programs are filled with potential (潜在的) danger and create more problems than they solve.

Biking is great for the environment because it allows people to travel without burning fuel (燃料). People who use bike sharing programs might use them instead of their own car or taxi to travel around their area. This helps to cut down air pollution and creates a culture of eco-friendly (环保的) transportation. Biking is known to be excellent exercise for both the body and the mind. Also, it's convenient to use. Public bicycle systems offer a convenient, easy-to-use system for people.

We all know that bicycle helmets protect us from injuries (受伤) and should be worn by all cyclists (骑行者). It seems impossible for everyone who doesn't own a bicycle to wear a helmet. And during heavy traffic hours, bicycles might not be available for use. Furthermore, Bike sharing programs make bicycling easy for everyone, whether or not they are familiar (熟悉的) with cycling. Some people will have experience riding in the city, while for others it may be a first-time experience. These people put themselves and others on the road at risk.

Popular Biking Sharing Programs Across China

Advantages of bike sharing programs

1. people to ride bikes and it's great for the environment.

Being known to be excellent exercise.

Offering a 2., easy-to-use system for people.

3. of bike sharing programs

They might cause injuries for cyclists without 4. a helmet.

They might be not available for use during heavy traffic hours.

People who have a first-time experience riding bikes might put themselves and others on the road in 5..

任务 5:根据短文(C)内容完成表格,每空一词。

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