
When Mr. David retired, he bought a small house in a village near the sea. He liked it and hoped to live a quiet life in it.But to his great surprise, many tourists came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the most interesting building in the village. From morning to night there were tourists outside the house. They kept looking into the rooms through the windows and many of them even went into Mr. David’s garden. This was too much for Mr. David. He decided to drive the visitors away. So he put a notice on the window. The notice said: “If you want to satisfy your curiosity(好奇心), come in and look round. Price: twenty dollars.” Mr. David was sure that the visitors would stop coming, but he was wrong. More and more visitors came and Mr. David had to spend every day showing them around his house. “I came here to retire, not to work as a guide” he said angrily. In the end, he sold the house and moved away.
1. Where did Mr. David live after he retired?
2. Why do many people want to see Mr. David’s house?
3. Can Mr. David stand the visitors?
4. What did Mr. David do to drive the visitors away?
5. How did Mr. David feel when visitors kept coming to see his house?

1.从文章的句子:he bought a small house in a village near the sea.可知答案是he lived in a small house in a village near the sea.
2. 根据文章内容many visitors came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the most interesting building in the village.可知答案。
3. 从文章的句子:This was too much for Mr. David. He decided to drive the visitors away.可知大卫先生不能忍受。
4. 根据文章内容He decided to drive the visitors away. So he put a notice (公告)on the window. The notice said, “If you want to satisfy your curiosity(好奇心),come in and look around.可知答案。
5. 从文章的句子:“I came here to retire, not to work as a guide” he said angrily.可知大卫先生生气了。
完形填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
There was once a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She 46. ________ everyone, except her boyfriend. He was always there for her. The blind girl said that if she could see the world, she would 47. ________ him.
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to the blind girl. She could see 48. ________ , including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, “Now you can see the 49. ________ , will you marry me? ” The girl was surprised when she saw that her boyfriend was blind, too. She 50. ________ to marry him. Her boyfriend 51. ________ sadly, and later wrote a letter to the girl saying, “Just take care of my eyes, dear.”
This is how human changes when situations change. Only 52. ________ people remember what life was like before and the people who were always there even in the 53. ________ situations.
Hold every person close to your heart because you might wake up one day and 54. ________ that you have lost a diamond (钻石) while you were too busy collecting stones. You learn to love, not by finding a(n) 55. ________ person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
小题6: A walked away    B. went through    C. hanged out    D. came over
A.manyB.a lot ofC.fewD.some
A.most difficultB.most beautifulC.bestD.poorest
Do you like to visit the zoo in our city? Zoo is a good place ___(16)____. There is a zoo ____(17)___a river and a small mountain. It’s very big and there are a lot of tall trees in it. We can see a lot of golden fish(金鱼) in it, they have all kinds of ____(18)_____ . Some are red, some are yellow, some are white and some are black. They are swimming in the water. And they are very _____(19)_____.
We can see a hill. About twenty ____(20)____ are playing on it. Some are asking people for ____(21)_____. The little monkeys are in their mothers’ arms. They are very interesting and children_____(22)_____ them very much. We can also see the elephants. They are very strong(强壮的). The ____(23)_____are very tall. The pandas’ house is next to the monkey hill. There are ____(24)___ pandas ---one is sitting in the trees and the other is sleeping on the grass. They look very shy and cute. What ___(25)___ animals do you like?
小题1: A has fun     B. have fun     C. have a fun      D. to have fun
A.acrossB.next toC.betweenD.near
A.otherB.the otherC.anotherD.others

I was waiting for the bus when I met the woman."You look36  Come and sit here,she  said. 37   are you going?"
"I don’ t know. I just want to catch a 38          and see what it will be like at the
"I’ m afraid you’ 11 see     39   there. Why don’t you enjoy the sights on the way?"
“How can I do that while my heart’s  40  ?” I asked sadly. “My best friend had left me.”
The woman seemed to understand my feeling. "Don’ t cry, little girl. Ive had a similar experience to you.Thirty- five     41    ago, my husband left our three children and me. I was deadly sad.I decided to kill myself and the children, so I took     42    to the sea.    43they seemed to know what would happen, so they    44   loudly. Their cry suddenly woke me 45     . How could I    46  my hope to live for one of life’ s problems? Alter that,I worked hard to raise the children.Now They all live 47      and one of lthem has his own family.
Then the woman gave me a     48  ,” We should never wait for the door to 49       before us.We should find the key to the 50  or try to find another way.”
The bus came and I got on it with a smile.
小题1:A. tired           B. excited        C. happy
小题2:A. What       B. How          C. Where
小题3:A. train       B. bus           C. boat
小题4:A. nothing     B. everything     C. something
小题5:A. smiling     B. breaking       C. dancing
小题6:A. days        B. weeks         C. years
小题7:A. her         B. them         C. him 
小题8:A. So          B. Or            C. However
小题9:A. laughed     B. cried          C. spoke
小题10:A. in           B. out           C. up
小题11:A. give away    B. give up        C. get up
小题12:A. happily      B. sadly          C. badly
小题13:A. cry          B. shout         C. smile
小题14:A. open        B. close          C. lock
小题15:A. classroom   B. office          C. door
It was early morning. Peter Corbett helped Mark Wellman out of his wheelchair and onto the ground. They stood before El Captain, a huge rock almost 1.2 kilometers high. Mark had long dreamed to climb El Captain when he was a child. At the age of twenty?one, he had fallen while climbing mountain, losing his legs. But he never lost his love for life.?
Mark knew he couldn't finish the climb alone, but his friend Peter would be there to lend a helping hand. They thought it would take seven days to reach the top. Now Peter climbed about 30 meters up and hit a piton(岩钉) into the rock. Fastening(拴紧) one end of a 50?meter rope(绳子) to the piton, he let the other end of the rope fall down. Mark caught the rope and fastened it to his belt. He next reached above his head and fastened a T-bar(丁字铁) to the rope. Mark took a deep breath, pushed the T?bar up almost as far as his arms could reach, and began the first pull?up. High above, Peter let out a cheer, “You're on your way.”?
For the first four days the two men progressed upward(向上) without accident. But on the fifth day, a very strong wind began to blow, making it hard for Mark to hold on to his rope. But Mark kept on pushing up the T-bar and pulling himself up.?
It took them one day more than they had expected. But as the two heads appeared the group of people waiting on the top went wild with joy.?
Mark Wellman showed that if you set your heart and mind on something, no wall is too high, no dream impossible.
小题1: With the help of his friend, Mark could climb up El Captain about  meters in height each day.?
A.300 B.150 C.50 D.30?
小题2:While climbing, Mark .?
A.carried the T-bar on his back and stepped upward?
B.pushed up the T-bar and pulled himself up?
C.sat in his wheelchair and pushed himself up?
D.held on to the rope drawn up by his friend?
小题3:Which is the correct order of the steps before Mark's climbing??
a. push up the T-bar
b. tie the rope to his belt?
c. hit the piton into the rock
d. fasten the T-bar to the rope?
e. tie the rope to the piton?
小题4:Which of the following is true of Mark Wellman? ?
A.He realized his dream without anyone helping him. ?
B.He was badly injured when he climbed El Captain. ?
C.He dreamed to climb up El Captain for a long time. ?
D.He climbed up the rock by using a tool for the disabled.?
小题5:What can we learn from the passage??
A.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
B.Dreams will come true in the end. ?
C.Each step is important to success.
D.Nothing can stop a strong will.?

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