
Technology makes our world more colorful

A. A big step in exploring the moon

B. Meet China’s super sea-crossing project

C. An eye-catching building appearing in Guizhou

D. Baidu tests driverless cars on expressway in Shanxi

E. Have you thought of who is reporting behind the screen?

F. Ready to take a ride on the dragon-shaped “ Eye of Bohai Sea”?

A man-made waterfall has been built onto the side of a 121-meter-tall office building in the city center of Guiyang. Getting the 108-meter-tall waterfall ready isn’t an easy job. It should come as no surprise that Guiyang is now home to one of the world’s largest man-made waterfalls.

About 420,000 tons of steel---enough to build 60 Eiffel Towers were used in building such a great project. It took nine years to building the world’s longest sea bridge that is 55-kilometer long connecting Hong Kong, Zhuhai with Macao.

Chang’e-4 successfully entered the lunar orbit(月球轨道)on December12,2018 and made a soft landing on the moon’s far side in January for the first time in human history. China’s lunar rover, Yutu-2, or Jade Rabbit-2, left the first ever ”footprint” on January 3rd, 2019.

Standing 142.52 meters tall---nearly 10 meters taller than London Eye, this surprising project towering above the Bailang River set the record of the world’s tallest spokeless Ferris wheel(无轴摩天轮).The wheel is designed to look like a dragon.

Face, voice, expressions and actions of the world’s first AI news reporters are taken from human reporters, “He” can read texts as naturally as a human reporter. According to Xinhua, “He” has become a member of its reporting team and can work 24 hours a day.







Today, I felt unhappy with my head full of problems, so I decided to take a walk even though I didn't know where I would go.The most ______ thing happened when I was walking along the street.

I saw an old man, over seventy years old, sitting on a chair.He was a seller of second-hand shoes.He seemed so helpless and nobody was___________ his shoes.Then, a little girl came towards him.I heard the girl say in a/an __________ voice, “Grandfather, may I clean your shoes?” That old man __________ and passed her a shoe.The girl said, “I do this __________ I want to earn some money to buy my brother a new school _____ .”

I heard this and tears came to my eyes.To my__________ , the old man said, “Oh, little girl, just stop doing this.Come with me and I will buy one___________ you.” To see what would happen, I__________ .They walked to a __________ and there the old man___________got her a uniform, which must have cost him a lot.The girl was __________ and said, “Thank you so much for doing this.May God bless you.” Then she left, leaving the old man___________.

As the old man decided to leave, I stopped him and whispered(低语) in his ear, “You are really a great hero! Thank you for your__________ !” My own sadness had disappeared.It had been __________ by the light of this moving act. I began to realize that a little act can brighten up someone's day.

1.A.boring B.unlucky C.amazing D.difficult

2.A.cleaning B.buying C.finding D.taking

3.A.polite B.angry C.high D.funny

4.A.agreed B.sold C.began D.sat

5.A.if B.unless C.though D.because

6.A.shoe B.bag C.uniform D.cap

7.A.sadness B.surprise C.happiness D.excitement

8.A.for B.to C.with D.at

9.A.left B.stayed C.guessed D.followed

10.A.restaurant B.shop C.museum D.park

11.A.really B.suddenly C.slowly D.nearly

12.A.relaxed B.sad C.tired D.excited

13.A.crying B.sitting C.smiling D.walking

14.A.money B.kindness C.support D.suggestion

15.A.taken away B.turned down C.talked about D.used up

Two brothers decided to dig a deep hole behind their house. As they were working, some older boys stopped by to watch.

“What are you doing?” asked one of the boys.

“We plan to dig a hole all the way through the earth!” one of the brothers answered excitedly.

The older boy began to laugh, telling the younger ones that digging a hole all the way through the earth was impossible. After a long silence, one of the diggers picked up a jar full of spiders, worms and insects. He showed it to the boys who were laughing at them. Then he said quietly and confidently, “ Even if we don’t dig all the way through the earth, look at what we found along the way!”

Their goal was far too difficult, but it made them dig. And that is what a goal is for---to make us move in the direction we have chosen. In other words, it sets us digging!

But not every goal will be fully achieved. Not every job will end successful. Not every hope will come to pass. Not every love will last. But you will find something wonderful that has come into your life because you try to do something. So please believe it is the joy in the journey that truly matters.


1.________ wanted to dig a hole behind the house.

A.Some older boys B.Two brothers

C.Some old men D.Some old women

2.The older boys began to _________ when they knew what the two brothers wanted to do.

A.cry B.shout C.run D.laugh

3.One of the diggers showed _________ to the older boys.

A.a box B.the earth C.a jar D.the hole

4.The writer thinks that ___________ is the most important.

A.the joy at the beginning of the journey

B.the joy during the journey

C.the joy at the end of the journey

D.the joy after the journey

5.From the passage, we can learn that ______________.

A.digging a hole all the way through the earth is impossible

B.the two brothers will reach their goal one day

C.a goal makes people move in the direction they have chosen

D.everyone can succeed as long as he has a goal

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