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James Blunt’s life was unexpected. The 44-year-old British singer became known to us all because of the song You’re Beautiful. Chinese fans have already got a taste of his live show, as he performed in Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing early last month.

However, you may know nothing about Blunt but music. Before taking up music as a job, Blunt once served in the British Army and got the rank of captain(上尉军衔). That’s why people call him the “captain poet”.

He served in the army known as Life Guards. What he had to do is to protect the royal (皇室) family on important days. He once joked that the most famous person he knew was Queen Elizabeth. He said: “I don’t have her personal phone number or anything, but I was with her a lot.”

Before becoming a captain, he also went to Kosovo(科索沃) to play a part in peacekeeping there. He took his guitar with him. “Wherever you are in the army, you take something to keep your life enjoyable. Some bring cards to play, some a football. I took a guitar,” Blunt told The Herald- Times.

His wartime experience drove him to write. When he was in Kosovo, he wrote the anti-war (反战) song No Bravery. Even to this day, he still speaks for the old soldiers, those who hurt (受伤) themselves during the war.

James Blunt’s music life started after he came back from war. From the terrible streets of Kosovo to the biggest live music halls in the world, Blunt has come a long way.

1.What makes James Blunt become known to us all?


2.Why did James Blunt go to Kosovo?


3.How did James Blunt keep his life enjoyable in the army?


4.Did James Blunt’s music life start before he served in the army?


5.What do you think of James Blunt?



What would the world be like if cars could drive themselves?Imagine seeing an empty car passing by on its way to pick up its owner, or a car full of passengers who are reading, listening to music or even sleeping. But none of them is worried about the road ahead.

Well, all of these could be the future of driving. There are several companies, for example, Google, working on driverless cars. So far, no Google self?driven car has got a traffic ticket, but some of them have been in accident when other cars hit them.

These cars are now still in the testing stages. If the tests are successful, these electric, self?driven cars could be available very soon. But how is it possible for a car to drive itself?Cars already have many features allowing them to take the place of drivers during certain situations. Some features include cars being able to park themselves, or slow down when they notice other cars close by. They can also control the speed if there are dangerous conditions.

Scientists believe that with the help of wireless signals, cameras and GPS, it is possible to create a safe self?driven car very soon.

The cause of deadly road accidents is usually careless drivers or dangerous conditions. The self?driven car may be able to stop this. However, some people do not like the idea. American lawyer Whit Drake, for example, doesn't believe these cars are safe. He thinks that technologies can also be mistakes.

1.The main purpose of the first paragraph is to ________.

A.get readers to pay attention to road safety

B.tell readers the danger of self?driven cars

C.ask readers to keep away from heavy traffic

D.make readers be interested in self?driven cars

2.The testing self?driven cars need ________ to run.

A.solar energy B.water

C.electricity D.coal

3.From the passage, we know that the testing self?driven cars can already ________.

A.stop any accident on the road

B.turn around when getting near other cars

C.control the speed in dangerous situations

D.park themselves with the help of the drivers

4.Which is NOT helpful to make the self?driven cars run safely according to the passage?

A.E?reading. B.Wireless signals.

C.Cameras. D.GPS.

We are often told to pay attention to what our mothers tell us. Most of us enjoy listening to our mothers speak. Scientists have found that compared to other people’s voices, our brains greatly prefer(更喜欢) the voices of our own mothers.

Scientists at Stanford University, US, recently studied this. They scanned (扫描) children’s brains while they were listening to different sounds, including their mothers’ voices. They found that 97 percent of the time, children could recognize their mothers’ voices at once.

Hearing their mothers’ voices makes children’s brains more active. We usually just use one part of our brain to deal with sounds when we hear something. But when we hear our mothers’ voices, many parts of the brain, including those in charge of (负责) reward (奖赏) and emotion (情感), start to work as well.

Why do we respond so strongly to our mothers’ voices? It starts even before we’re born. When children are still in the womb (子宫) or have just been born, they hear their mothers talking. This makes babies feel comfortable and teaches them language and social skills, even though they are still very young. The babies learn to recognize(辨别) their mothers’ voices as a rewarding (奖励性的,有益的) sound. Later, when this sound is heard again, more attention is paid to it.

Some sounds are necessary for our survival (生存) or bring us pleasure. These sounds are recognized by our brains as rewarding sounds. Most human voices are not recognized in this way, since we hear them so often. But mothers’ voices are different. They bring us a lot of comfort.

1.What is the story mainly about?

A.Why we should listen carefully to our mothers. B.Why we prefer to hear our mothers’ voices.

C.How we recognize our mothers’ voices. D.How we respond to different kinds of sounds.

2.What will happen when children hear their mothers’ voices?

A.Many parts of their brains become active. B.They will need time to recognize the voices.

C.Their language skills start to improve. D.They will remember some bedtime stories.

3.According to Paragraph 4, why do children pay more attention to their mothers’ voices?

A.Because they can recognize their voices quickly.

B.Because their voices make them more comfortable.

C.Because they can get a reward for doing so.

D.Because they can get love from their mothers.

4.“Rewarding sounds” refers to sounds that _____.

A.we can recognize B.we often hear C.we hear as babies D.make us happy

5.What do you think it is about?

A.Medicine B.Lifestyle C.Education D.Science

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