

1. 难道你不认为热烈的红可以平衡宁静的白吗?
    Don't you think that _________________________________________________________?
2. 节约用水对我们每个人来说都是有意义的。
    It is meaningful _____________________________________________________________.
3. 当你难于做决定时,红色可以帮助你。
    Red can help when you are___________________________________________________
4. 这个句子可以被划分成三个部分。
    This sentence ________________________________________ three parts.
5. 我们应该采取更多行动阻止人们砍伐树木。
    More action ought to ______________________from cutting down trees.

1. Don't you think that the powerful red can balance the calm white?
2. It is meaningful for each of us to save water.
3. Red can help when you are having difficulty making a decision.
4. This sentence can be divided into three parts.
5. More action ought to be taken to stop / prevent from cutting down trees.