Plastic straws(塑料吸管), which are widely used in our daily life, are made from oil. Because they're too small, they are thrown everywhere and almost never recycled. So every year we have a large number of plastic straws _______.

Milo Cress, a boy of _______, started a campaign(运动) called Be Straw Free in America. “Every day, Americans throw away 500 million plastic straws.” He said, “This seemed like a huge _______.” Cress started asking restaurants to stop providing straws. Many agreed and soon more restaurants _______.

_______there are some people who still need to use straws:some don’t want soft drinks to damage(破坏) their teeth, others may have special illness. “We do not ask people to stop using straws.” said Cress, “We encourage people to choose other reusable materials that are _______ harmful to the environment, wildlife and humans. A disabled man wrote to tell me he carried reusable straws with _______—they are made of steel.”

The campaigns of plastic straws soon came to the UK. Last year, large pub chain(连锁酒吧) Wetherspoons decided to use paper straws instead of plastic _______. _______ a survey, this will save 70 million plastic straws a year. After that, many smaller pub chains ________ the country followed. “I think it's much more important to encourage people to make the choice not to use them.” said Cress, “Forcing people to do things is not always the best way to make a change.”

1.A.cleaned clean D.clean

2.A.9-years-old B.9-year-old C.9 years old D.9 year old

3.A.change B.hope C.waste D.surprise

4.A.took part B.joined in C.took part in D.attended

5.A.So B.Because C.But D.Although

6.A.too B.much C.more D.less

7.A.he B.him C.himself D.his B.ones C.the one D.the ones

9.A.As for B.According to C.Such as D.Instead of

10.A.across B.between C.near D.behind

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