
Mr. Smith was an old miser (守财奴). He had a lot of   16  , but he never bought anything     17 . He and his wife lived in an old house outside the town. He often went to the shop  18  in order to save some money. In the   19 , as soon as it was dark in the room, he   20 . He had no TV but bought a cheap radio and often 21 the advertisements.
The old man had no   22 , his wife was often ill. He wouldn’t send her to the hospital. He thought he would   23  much to the doctors if they looked her over. He bought a few medical books and bought some  24  for her.
One night, Mrs. Smith felt unwell. She had got a bad headache. She asked her husband to      25 a doctor, but he didn’t agree. He brought out some pills and made her  26  them. But it was no use.
The old woman began to   27  at home. Mr. Smith locked the door and went in another room and     28  there. The next morning, when he woke up, he came into her   29 to see if she was all right. But he found the poor woman had died. He hurried to the telephone, but   30  his mind at once. He ran out and shouted to the servant (佣人), “Don’t cook breakfast for Mrs. Smith this morning, Linda!”
A.booksB.shoes C.clothesD.money
A.on footB.by carC.by taxiD.by motorbike
A.went to danceB.went to the cinema
C.read newspaperD.went to bed
A.listened toB.watchedC.mendedD.looked at
A.look forB.take care of
C.catch up withD.send for
A.takeB.drinkC.to takeD.to drink

这是考查综合能力的题目,做这种题时,首先浏览一下全文,然后试着去填,一定要瞻前顾后,把握好语言环境,切忌盲目,最后,再通读全文检查。16.可根据Mr. Smith  was an old miser (守财奴).做出正确判断。17.根据语言环境“但是他从不买贵重的东西”。18.根据in order to save some money.做出正确选择。19.此题学生容易出错,afternoon指得是12点至傍晚6点,符合语言环境。night反倒不符合语言环境。20. D. went to bed符合语言环境。21.根据 He had no TV but bought a cheap radio选择listened to才能搭配。22.根据下文可做出正确判断。23.这句的含义是“如果医生为他检查的话,他就会付很多钱。”24.根据 He bought a few medical books and他买的是同一类,可做出正确判断。25. D. send for的含义是“派人去请”符合文意。26.根据句型 make sb do sth 可做出正确判断。27. C. cry 符合语言环境。28.可根据 The next morning, when he woke up选择 A. slept。29. B. bedroom符合语言环境。30.选 C. changed “改变主意”符合语言环境。

A well-dressed (衣着很好)man goes into a restaurant one day. He sits down at a table near the window.
A waiter comes up to him and says, “Can I help you, sir?”
The man says, “Yes, please. Can I see the menu (菜单)?”
“Certainly,” answers the waiter. The man wants a good meal and he wants a lot of nice dishes. After a moment, the waiter brings them to him. The man is having his meal happily. At this time, a boy comes in and sits down besides the man. He asks the waiter to give him an ice cream. The man says, “I will be back in 5 minutes.” Then he goes out. After the boy eats his ice cream, the boy stands up and goes to the door. “Excuse me, your father did not give the money for the meal and your ice cream,” The waiter stops him and says.
“Father? You are wrong. He is not my father. I do not know him. I met him in the street. He said he would give me an ice cream if I came here at twelve o’clock.”
小题1:The man comes to the restaurant ___________.
A.to meet the boyB.to buy a newspaper
C.to eat an ice creamD.to have a good meal
小题2:The man has ________ in the restaurant.
小题3:________ asked the boy to come to the restaurant.
A.The waiterB.The boy’s fatherC.The manD.Nobody
小题4:The waiter stops the boy because _______.
A.the man didn’t pay (付钱) for the meal and the ice cream
B.the boy didn’t have the meal
C.the boy’s father came back soon
D.the boy wanted to run away
小题5:Which of the following is true?
A.The boy is the man’s son.
B.The boy knows the man very well.
C.The waiter pays the meal and the ice cream.
D.The man is a cheat (骗子).
Alfred Nobel, the great Swedish inventor and industrialist, was born in Stockholm on October 21,1833,but moved to Russia with his parents in 1842, where his father ,Immanuel, made a strong position for himself in the engineering industry. Immanuel Nobel invented landmine and made a lot of money from the government during the Crimean War, but went bankrupt soon after. Then , the family returned to Sweden in 1859, where Alfred began his own study of explosives in his father’s lab. He had never been to school or university but had taught himself, and by the time he was twenty, he became a skillful chemist and excellent linguist, speaking Swedish, Russian, German, French and English. He built up over 80 companies in 20 different countries. He was always searching for a meaning to life. He spent much time and money working on how to end the wars, and keep the peace between nations, until his death in Italy in 1896. His famous last will, in which he left money to provide prizes for outstanding work in physics, chemistry, physiology, medicine, literature and peace, is a memorial to his interests and ideas. And so, the man is remembered and respected long after his death.
小题1:Alfred Nobel, ,the great Swedish inventor, was born in Stockholm on ____________ 21,1833.
小题2:During the Crimean War, Immanuel Nobel invented _____________.
小题3:Nobel had never been to ____________ or university.
小题4:Nobel built up over ______________ companies in 20 different countries.
小题5: When Nobel was died, he was ____________ years old.
Tom lived a long way from the city. One day he went to the city to buy something in the shop, and after he bought them, he went into a restaurant(餐厅) and sat down at a table. When he looked round, he saw some old people put eye glasses(眼镜)on before reading their books, so after lunch he went to a shop to buy some glasses, too. He walked along the road, and soon found a shop. The man in the shop made him try on(试戴) a lot of glasses, but Tom always said, “No, I can’t read with these.”
The man became more and more puzzled(困惑). At last he said, “Excuse me, but can you read at all?”
“No, I can’t,” Tom said, “If I can read, do you think I come here to buy glasses?”
1. Tom met some old people____________.       .
A. far away from the city                      B. in the shop
C. in the restaurant                           D. in the park
2. When did Tom go to the shop to buy some glasses? ____________.
A. After lunch     B. Before lunch    C. In the morning   D. In the evening
3. Tom went to a restaurant to____________.        .
A. buy eye glasses  B. have lunch  C. buy some books D. sell eye glasses
4. Before reading their books the old people in the restaurant____________.    .
A. drank tea           B. took their glasses off
C. bought glasses       D. put their glasses on
5. In fact, Tom ____________.
A. liked eye glasses                   B. liked reading
C. couldn’t read at all               D. knew the man in the shop
An old man was going home late one night with his horse and cart after a day’s hard work. When he was not far from his house, the light on the cart went out. He tried but could not mend (修理) it. He was near his home, and so he went along the road without a light. When a policeman saw this, he stopped the old carter.
“Where is your light?” asked the policeman. “No man may take a cart along the road at night without a light. You know that. You have broken the law (法律).”“I had a light, but it has just gone out,” said the old man.
“I don’t believe that story,” said the policeman. He took out a book and got ready to write. What’s your name and where do you live?” he asked.
“Please don’t take my name,” said the old man. “My home is just there. You can see it from here. I had a light nearly the whole way. I haven’t come far without a light.”
“You came all the way without a light. What’s your name?”
The carter quickly took the policeman’s hand and put it down on top of the light. The light was still hot and burnt the policeman’s hand. The policeman jumped and he was very angry. “Now, what do you think?” said the carter. “Did I come all the way without a light?”
1. In the passage the word “cart” is ____.
A. something like a car
B. something like a light
C. something pulled by a horse
D. something with a light
2. The old man drove home ____.
A. on the back of his horse
B. late one night
C. very late every night
D. with a policeman
3. Where did the policeman stop the old man?
A. Near the old man’s home.
B. At the traffic lights.
C. Under a road light.
D. Far from the old man’s home.
4. The cart was stopped by the policeman because ____.
A. the old man didn’t have a light
B. the policeman didn’t believe the old man’s words
C. the old man didn’t want to tell his name
D. the light on the old man’s cart was not on
5. What made the policeman believe the old man’s words?
A. He made the policeman touch the light.
B. He jumped and shouted angrily.
C. He made the policeman angry.
D. The light burnt the policeman’s hands.

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