A few months ago I was nominated for Governor of the great state of New York, to run against Stewart L. Woodford and John T. Hoffman. I really felt dirty to run against them for all their shameful crimes that were reported on newspapers. However, as a candidate, I had no choice.

The next morning, as I was looking listlessly over the papers at breakfast, I came across this paragraph:

PERJURY- Mr. Mark Twain, a candidate for Governor, was convicted of perjury by thirty-four people, in Wakawak, in 1863. He intended to rob a poor woman of her land, her only stay and support after her husband died. For Mr. Twain himself, as well as the public, he needs to clear this matter up. Will he do it?

What a lie! I never had heard of Wakawak!

During the rest of the time, I got a title "the Infamous Perjurer Twain" on this paper.

Next came "Gazette", with this:

WANTED TO KNOW -When Mr. Twain was in Montana, his workmates lost small valuables from time to time, until at last, these things having all been found on Mr. Twain's person or in his suitcase. Will he explain this to his fellow-citizens?

I got a new title, "Twain, the Montana Thief". But I never was in Montana in my life.

Then another newspaper article:

DELIRIUM TREMENSTWAIN-Mark Twain, who was to make a speech at the mass meeting of the Independents last night, didn't come to time! He argued that he had been knocked down by a runaway team and his leg broken in two places. But a certain man who was very drunk was seen to reel into Mr. Twain's hotel last night. It is his duty to prove that this person was not Mark Twain himself WHO WAS THAT MAN?

I did not drink!

In the following weeks, I got more titles like "Delirium Tremens", "Body-Snatcher", "Filthy Corruptionist ", etc. Then one morning:

Mr. Mark Twain still maintains SILENCE. He dare not speak. Dare he open his mouth to explain?

Before I could reply, more dirty charges poured up on me. One day they even taught nine little children of all shades of colour to rush on to the platform at a public meeting and call me Pa (father)!

I gave up. I sent them a letter to state that I gave up, and in bitterness of spirit I signed it, "Truly yours, Once a decent man but now MARKTWAIN, IP. , M. T., D. T. , B. S. and FC. "

1.In the story, __________ people were running for Governor.

A.Three B.Four C.Five D.Six

2.Which of the following is TRUE about Mr. Twain according to his story?

A.He got punished for stealing in Montana.

B.He kept silent to the charges against him.

C.He was often too drunk to attend meetings.

D.He accepted the titles from the newspapers.

3.Who could be the person making Mr. Twain dirty?

A.The persons who wanted to beat him.

B.The poor who wanted their land back.

C.The women who had children with him.

D.The reporters who helped him make news.

4.Why did Mr. Twain finally decide to give up running for Governor? (请用约40词回答)


Some scientists conducted a study years ago. They gave 186 kids aged 4 regular carrots for lunch on some days, and the ________ vegetables renamed X-ray Vision Carrots on other days. Interestingly, the children ate nearly twice as many on the latter days.

The study suggests the influence of these names might continue. Children continued to eat about 50 percent more carrots even on the days when they were ___________ labeled as anything fun.

The research, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, was presented at the annual meeting of the School Nutrition Association in Washington, D.C.

“Cool names can make for cool foods,” said the lead author Brian Wansink of Cornell University. “Whether it be ‘power peas’ or ‘dinosaur broccoli trees’, giving a food a fun ________________ makes kids think it will be more fun to eat. And it seems to keep working — even the next day,” Wansink said.

Similar results have been found with _________. A restaurant study showed that when the Seafood Filet was changed to Romantic Hawaii, sales increased 28 percent and taste rating increased by 12 percent. “Same food, but different expectations, and a different experience,” said Wansink, author of “Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think.”

The study was conducted in pre-schools, but the researchers believe the same naming tricks can work with children ______________.

“I’ve been using this with my kids,” said researcher Collin Payne, “Whatever sparks(激发) their imagination seems to spark their appetite.”

1.A.same B.different C.delicious D.colorful

2.A.still B.no C.no longer D.specially

3.A.color B.smell C.flavor D.name

4.A.adults B.school kids C.teenagers D.customers

5.A.in primary schools B.in middle schools C.after school D.at home

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